《Shades of Red |Karl Heisenberg x child reader|》Episode 6 || The Plan
(Y/N)'s POV
We walked for a while, but I didn't really pay attention to where we were.
Along the way Ethan started groaning, and the metal that was incasing him fell off.
It wasn't long after that that we made it to the meeting. Mother Miranda stood in the center. Donna and Angie off to the side. Moreau sat solemnly on one of the benches looking miserable. Finally Lady Dimitrescu sat, without her daughters, on the other bench.
Without a word Heisenberg dragged Ethan to the middle of the floor, everyone watching him.
He sondered over to the bench to sit and I followed. As soon as he sat down Moreau stood and walked off, as if scared of him.
I didn't want to sit down next to him so I stood behind, halfway into the shadows.
Most of the meeting went in one of my ears and out the other. The only thing that kept my attention was Ethan, slowly shifting in his shackles. Every so often he would groan something. Angie and Moreau keep watching him, slowly creeping closer to Ethan's face.
"Out of the way, ugly.-" Angie said while pushing Moreau -"I wanna see-oh! He's awa-aake!
"Both of you shut the fuck up!" Heisenberg scolded.
I watched Ethan slowly move around. Something about his movements looked so different. It made me unsettled.
Lady Dimitrescu and Heisenberg stood arguing in the middle of the room.
I could barely hear Ethan when he mumbled under his breath. "Hey, don't I get a say in this?"
A silence fell over the room from Mother Miranda's order. This was the first time I had seen her wings...
A few lycans started appearing around us. They're growls and groans filled the quiet.
"Lycans and gentleman, we thank you for waiting. And now let the games begin!"
Heisenberg bent down to Ethan's face to say something, but I couldn't hear it over the roar of the lycans. From what it looked like, there were about one hundred lycans just in this room. All ready for the show.
"Get ready."
Heisenberg swung his hammer at Ethan, hitting right in between his legs. He slowly shuffled back and stood up.
Lycans circled Ethan as Heisenberg started counting down.
I didn't know how he was ever going to survive with the shackles still on him.
"Three. Two. One..."
Ethan jumped down a hole in the floor and disappeared from my sight.
In the back of my head, something whispered. Then an image flashed before my eyes. I couldn't make out anything at first, but as I tried focusing on the image, I realized what it was.
I saw Ethan running through the tunnels. My vision kept switching through different angles though, as if I were looking between cameras.
After a few seconds I saw Ethan drop down in a large cavern. He tried to run towards the exit but Uriás jumped in front of him.
I screamed no in my head as Uriás swung his hammer. It smacked Ethan across the head, but didn't knock him out. Once again I pleaded for a miracle.
Then Etham started to slide. Before Uriás could get another hit, he slide right between his legs and out of sight.
My vision went back to normal and I saw Heisenberg, he was talking through a microphone on his shirt.
"You're still alive? Impressive..." He pressed a button on the remote control he was holding.
The pictures came back and I saw what he had done. Spikes had started to fall down on Ethan as he tried to make his way out of the room.
He managed to kick some boards down to escape but the spikes were still falling as he ran.
I tried to watch him for as long as I could but the images faded out.
"Haha! My word, you truly are as strong as they say!"
Until I looked around the room, I didn't notice that all the lords were watching a boxy TV.
"Oh, you didn't think I'd let you get away, did you? Gotta keep Donna and Moreau entertained!"
A large spinning spike tore through the room about to tear into Ethan.
"So, now it's time for the beautiful, blood-soaked grand finale! Hahaha!"
Ethan tried to back into a corner as the spikes pressed into him. From here I could here the grinding of metal on metal. I could see the sparks on the TV.
"Nothing like fresh American ground beef!"
The spikes stopped spinning and the camera shut off.
Heisenberg was laughing. Lady Dimitrescu still had a grimace on her face from losing to him though.
"Well wasn't that entertaining!" Heisenberg spread his hands out as if waiting for applause.
Angie started laughing manicaly.
"Well, now that Ethan Winters is taken care of, we can proceed with the ceremony as planned. You are dismissed."
Everyone got up as Mother Miranda dismissed us.
I had so many thoughts and questions racing in my head, but I kept my mouth shut. Quietly I followed Heisenberg out and back to the factory. He didn't seem pissed anymore but I could tell he was lost in thought.
|Time Skip|
When we got back to the factory the first thing I did was go to the kitchen. I couldn't decide what I wanted to eat, so I heated up most of it.
By the time I was done reheating things, I was tired and the small table was covered in an assortment of dishes.
I sat down and choose different items to eat. Before I had even taken my first bite though, Heisenberg strolled into the room. He was smelling the air and looking at all the food.
"Did you make all this? Can I have some...?"
A small sighed escaped my lips involuntarily. I didn't make any of it for him, and wasnt planning on him eating dinner with me.
"Sure, sit down."
A large grin spread across his face as he sat down, which made a smile tug at my lips. I looked down at my food, to keep him from seeing.
He grabbed small portions of just about everything. Except for the meat, which just about covered his plate.
"Thank you..." He muttered "I'm sorry for... well I'm sorry for earlier."
He looked up into my eyes, and I saw something I wasn't ready for. Actual sadness. He looked guilty.
I looked down at my plate again not knowing how to respond.
"What ceremony was Miranda talking about...?" I changed the subject, still not looking at him.
"Oh well..." His voice broke.
I quickly looked up at him, his head was down. Slowly he pushed the food around with his fork. This made me feel worse.
"Miranda wants to like bring back her child or something. She needs Ethans kid to uh get hers back."
My lips curled in disgust. It made me sorry for Ethan.
"Whyd you kill him? You said he was vital to your plan. What exactly is your plan?"
He laid his silverware down and let out a sigh.
"You really wanna know?"
I could see his brow tighten as he stood. I quickly followed, not worrying about the food left out.
We walked down the halls until we got to the elevator. It was empty. No trace of the Duke ever being there.
Quietly I stood in the corner, the elevator looked so large now. The normal sounds of the factory seemed far away and all I could hear was the uncomfortable silence.
When we finally stopped walking we were at the top of the factory in the barn area.
He leaned on the desk with his head hung.
"I didn't kill Ethan. Right after I turned off the camera, he climed out from behind it."
He stood and moved a curtain. On the wall were posters. Pictures of the lords, Mother Miranda, and some other people.
"As for the plan... its not as easy to explain. We're gonna get Ethans kid back. Then take Miranda down."
The Sturm could be heard below us which made Heisenberg stop talking.
"Listen, the same thing that happened to you, happened to me and Alcina and the other two. There's also been so many others that have died because of Miranda. We need to stop her and the only way we can is using that kid. She's powerful..."
I stared at him, as I processed all of this. He wanted to use a literal baby to kill an old immortal lady, with superpowers.
"So, Ethan got his kid taken and you wanna take the kid to kill Miranda right?"
"Yes! Exactly!" A determined grin spread across his face.
My head shook as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Fine. I'll help, though it's a terrible plan." I looked up at him, "But Ethan gets a say in it, and he gets his kid back after."
His grin faltered a bit but came right back. He put his hand out, which I took. No going back now.
He left quickly as if to get ready. I was left sitting there trying to decide if it was worth it.
I was sitting by the work bench, tinkering with one of the mechanical hearts, that I found in the arena room. Heisenberg laid passed out on the autopsy table.
Everything was quiet, except for the slow buzz of the factory and the slow music playing from the radio.
The door flew open behind me, slamming into the wall.
I turned around quickly to see Miranda, wings out, rushing over to Heisenberg. He was now sitting up hammer in his hand.
"Mother Miranda I- To what do I owe the pleasure-"
He was stopped by Miranda's claws around his neck.
"You let Ethan Winters go! After I let you have Your way with him!"
I slowly got off the stool and back into the shadowed corner. I was terrified and didn't know what I could do to help. Loads of metal shards floated around the room, but none of them touched Miranda.
"I swear Mother Miranda. I didn't mean for-for him to escape. I could never go-go against your wishes, I swear."
He was choking on his words as, Miranda's grasp got tighter. Until she let go.
"If I find out you did this. You'll have more then those Cadou scars on your body."
Miranda let quietly leaving us in the quiet again. Heisenberg sat on the floor now, gasping. Slowly I came out of the shadows.
"I- I'm sorry. I should have done somethi-" He put his hand up to stop me.
"It's not your fault. She's just a fucking monster."
He mumbled the last part as he stood. I walked slowly next to him, incase he needed anything.
My thoughts fought against each other. One side hated my guts for not helping Heisenberg and the other, hated Heisenberg for getting himself into this mess.
Note from Author
Here's another episode I hope you like it. Also there's gonna be another long break between episodes because I go back to school tomorrow, but I'll try to make it as short as possible. I need you guys to tell me if you want Ethan to do a pacifist route and not kill any of the lords, or for the story to be the same as the game and have Ethan just take Heisenbergs deal. Anyways let me hear your thoughts and thanks for reading.<3
Sincerely your Author :)
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