《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》27


Karina, Minju, Jay, Jake and Sunghoon were all gathered around a table, under the huge tree that covered them from the sun.

Y/N was hesitant to approach the group of teenagers, the feeling her in stomach that makes her want to throw up.

But she knew that if she backs away now then nothing is gonna change and there's gonna be tension forever.

Slowly, she made her way to the group and noticed Jay and Sunghoon smiling at her, "Hey Y/N!" Jay says happily as th rest of the group turned their head towards the girl.

"Hey" she said with a smile feeling slightly reassured that Jay wasn't mad at her, "Can I please talk to Minju and Karina. Alone?"

The three boys nodded their heads, "Sure?" Jay said as the three stood up and made their way to another table.

"Can I talk to you guys?" the girl asks as she waits for the two to respond, she looked over to Minju who was staring silently at her and then to Karina who nodded with a smile, "sure"

Y/N sat down beside Karina on the picnic table with Minju sitting in front of her. "So I wanted to talk to you guys and basically clear things up and apologize." as the two girls nodded their heads.

"So." she cleared her throat, "I just wanted to apologize for creating so much shit and drama between all of us. I've been thinking about it and just looking back at the whole thing and I just really wanted to apologize. I now realize that my actions are the reason why things happen the wrong way and stuff. and i'm grateful that you (Minju) called me out for it, even if i definitely think that you could of handled it better. I understand that i've been very frustrating to you guys and i've caused you guys to grow sick and annoyed of me and I just really wanna express how sorry I am. I've definitely been a very selfish person and I haven't considered anyone else's feelings besides mine and never through about how my actions could affect anyone else. The whole fake dating thing was a very stupid idea and it should've never happened because all I did was play with a Sunghoon's feelings which was something he did not deserve and obviously didn't think about Karina during the situation, especially her feelings towards Sunghoon. I dragged you guys along with me and just tossed the two of you around like you guys don't have any feelings. When I need you then i'll actually talk to you but if i don't then I won't and I genuinely feel bad because I do love you guys dearly. The two of you have been with me through every single thing so I am so so sorry for doing that to you guys. I actually hope that we can all go back to normal and I promise you I will make a change in myself and make sure that I treat all of you guys, including Jay, Jake and Sunghoon way better because I love all you guys so much."


The girl finished talking, sighing as she was completely out of breath. She looked up towards Karina and Minju waiting for a response.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her tightly, breathing in she instantly knew it was Karina after smelling her signature vanilla smell.

Y/N instantly hugged her back and felt instantly felt two weight lifted off her shoulders, Minju lept out of the table and rushed over towards the two and instantly hugged her as well.

"Oh Y/N, We love you so much and thank you so much for that." Minju said pulling away.

"I also wanna apologize for yelling at you like that, I definitely handled the situation at the mall the wrong way. Yelling at you in front of other people and humiliating you is definitely the wrong thing and I wanted to say I'm sorry for that."

Y/N felt a huge smile creep up on her face while she listened to Minju, without a second thought she instantly pulled Minju into a warm hug, "I forgive you."

Karina couldn't contain herself and started to smile widely, "i'm so glad that we're all friends again, it was actually so awkward and weird without you here." she said happily.

"Yeah. I hated being left out and watching you guys have fun on snapchat." Y/N says while sitting back down.

"Oh. we actually feel so bad for leaving you out like that. It won't happen again." Karina smiled again while she signaled for the other 3 to come back.

After the others came back, Y/N was squished in between Jake and Karina while Jay and Sunghoon sat across from them with Minju.

"I also wanted to say sorry to them three of you guys for causing so much drama and putting you through all that. I didn't think about your feelings at all" Before she could finish her long speech, she was cutoff by Jay, "Oh- No need for the speech, we forgive you."


Y/N happily smiled as the rest started talking amongst themselves, she turned her head towards Jake, "Hey. I just wanted to tell you that Sunghoon and I aren't together and it was all just a lie to make you jealous."

"I figured," Jake said smiling, "So I asked Jay and Sunghoon and they told me it was just a lie." he chuckled, "I'm sorry about that."

"No, don't be. Why do you wanna make me jealous anyways Y/N?" he slowly smirked at her, Y/N felt her cheeks heat up as a smile that was uncontrollable to hide showed up on her face. "Do you like me or something?"

"Oh shut up Jake." she playfully says while pushing his face away.

Hey guys! This is very late but merry christmas and a happy new years to all of you guys! I hope each and everyone of you have a great Christmas. I hope 2022 brings each and everyone one of us happiness and joy. Thank you and love you guys!

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