《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》26


The silence in the the class was cold, the clock ticking rang through the room with the occasional whispers coming from other students chatting and gossiping.

Y/N stared at the screen of her laptop while typing a few letters every few minutes trying her hardest to keep motivated to complete the essay she has been forced to do.

She was accompanied by a classmate she wasn't too familiar with but knew only because they passed each other at the hallways.

Y/N felt an uneasy feeling in her stomach that she wanted to get rid of so bad but she knew it wouldn't go away.

The feeling she felt was horrible, she hated knowing that her best friends were mad and annoyed at her and they have felt differently towards her for a while.

She knew right after being yelled at that she was wrong and all she wanted to do was make things better between all of her best friends and most importantly Minju.

They weren't mad at het though, they were just getting sick of her actions. They way she brought everything to herself.

Minju only wanted her to be self aware and know that she should realize it so she could make better decisions, Y/N knew everything was true but, she felt as if it was too harsh.

Getting yelled at in public in front of people who were shopping just felt like it was public humiliation to her. Everyone heard the words that came out of Minju's mouth and that hurt her.

But she knew that everything was the truth and that she needed to change herself. She pondered through the rest of the class dreading the next class that she had with Karina.

She kept overthinking the whole situation and now felt as if she was going to throw up, apparently that showed because her seat mate noticed.


"Hey are you alright?" he asked in a silent whisper, she cleared her throat and tried to say anything but only nodded in response.

"Yeah, i'm alright, thanks" she said with a faint smile, "Are you sure? you look pale."

The girl smiled widely feeling happy that someone checked up on her. "Yeah, i'm sure. Felix right?" she asked while the boy nodded, "Yeah, Y/N right?" he smirked slowly while looking back at his laptop.

The little interaction warmed up her heart as she finally felt joy that day but it only lasted a few seconds until that horrible feeling returned.

She impatiently waited until the class was over,

while listening to music. Minutes passed at the finally the loud bell rang as everyone stood up, throwing their stuff into their backpacks and rushing outside.

Y/N followed along with everyone and rushed towards the exit of the door and made her way out towards the lunch area. She stood a good few meters away from Jake, Minju, Karina, Jay and Sunghoon.

Everyone slowly settled down, sitting and hanging around the picnic table under the bright sunlight while they all enjoyed the nice autumn day.

Y/N didn't feel like sitting around with her friends, she wouldn't be able to stand the tension and the feeling of awkwardness, so she decided to go to the milk-bar across the road.

A few students sat in there sipping on drinks while they were chatting amongst themselves. She entered the bar and was instantly greeted by the workers.

"Can I please get one Vanilla Milkshake?", the worker nodded, "That would be $1.50 thanks," She payed for her drink and sat down at the end of the bar.

While she sat down enjoying the music she was enjoyed her own presence while thinking to herself.


One thing the girl knew well off the top of her head is that she wanted to apologize to her friends about the way she's been acting and tell Jake that she isn't dating Sunghoon and it was all a mechanism to make him jealous.

The problem was she didn't know how exactly she would do that, it frustrated her so much thinking about her actions and her frustration turned into tears.

That was something she hated about herself, how frustration and anger turns into tears. The feeling in her throat that took over her as she tried not to cry.

The tears covering her eyes blurring her vision. She was scared of Jake's reaction and she now only wishes that she never even came up with the whole fake dating thing.

Finally, she had come to terms that she is going to apologize to Karina and Minju personally, Jay and Sunghoon personally and tell Jake about the dare personally.

It made her nervous thinking about the whole thing and it made her want to throw up mostly when she thought about apologizing to Minju.

It was final, she knew that she had to do it one day and everything was the results of her actions.

Hey guys, i'm very sorry for not posting in about 3 months, I had writers block and had no motivation to write at all so I took a well and needed break. Hope you all understand! Thanks guys

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