《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》25


Y/N sat on her bed with her back against the headboard while she sobbed into her pillow while she felt herself slowly run out of tears.

She knew all the words that came out of Minju's mouth was true but it hurt, she was glad that someone told her how she really is and knocked some sense into her but it still struck her hard.

What hurt her the most was the fact that Karina didn't bother to look back when the two left her there. Minju turned around and left with Karina doing the exact same thing she did.

The words started to ring in her head as all she could hear was the words Minju yelled at her.

"You bring everything apon yourself."

"When in reality not everyone does."

"You're the problem."

Everything seemed to get louder and louder as she kept crying into her pillow until suddenly everything just went quite for her.

Nothing was heard except for the light tapping on her window from the rain and the cars passing by.

"I'm a shitty person." she sighed while grabbing her phone that laid down on her bed-side table. The girl checked her instagram and snapchat and felt her heart sink as she watched Jake's story.

Each one of them at the arcade taking pictures at the photo booth, she couldn't explain it but her heart ached at the sight. It hurt her even more now that she knew that she was being left out.

She pressed through the stories and saw how they were having loads of fun and slowly felt the tears come back.

"Y/N!" she heard her younger brother call her name, "What do you want?" she groaned while throwing her phone aside.

Daniel burst into her room and she watched as his face slowly dropped. "What?" she snapped at him while he only stayed silent.


"Are you okay?" he asked silently, "What do you think?" she said while falling down to her side and let out a long sigh. "Sorry, i'm being rude."

"What's wrong?" Y/N looked up from her fingers and looked at her brother with teary eyes, she contemplated wether or not she should tell her brother but he was the one person she trusted the most.

"Basically" she suddenly broke down into tears and stopped talking, Daniel sat next to her on the bed and wrapped his hands around her.

She hugged him back tightly and sobbed into his shoulders, "I'm such a bitch," she says silently while she continued to let tears stream.

"I know you are."

Y/N woke up to the sound of her alarm that rang loudly and vibrated the whole table. Y/N slowly flickered her eyes open and felt sick to her stomach.

She dreaded the thought of going to school because she didn't know if any of them would talk to her but she had to go nonetheless.

she walked into the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror, "you're a mess." she said bluntly while grabbing the toothbrush.

She stared at herself in the mirror and saw how her eyes were swollen from crying and she suddenly had eye bags under her eyes.

After spitting the toothpaste out and rinsing her mouth with water she took a warm shower to hopefully help with her swollen eyes.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Her mother asked her as she sat down on the couch now all dressed up in her school uniform. "No thanks, i'm gonna walk so I can stop at Quick & Easy to buy a drink or something,"

"Okay dear." She walked up to the girl and gave her a quick forehead kiss while she walked out of the house and into her car to drive her two other siblings.


Y/N walked into the school and looked around for some of her friends but she saw no one. "Hey Y/N."

She turned around and saw Jake standing beside her while unpacking his bag and shoving it all into his locker. "Hey Jake." she said quietly while smiling at him.

"Ya know, i'm still wondering why you left so early yesterday." He said calmly while pulling out his laptop, "Minju didn't tell you?"

Jake nodded his head, "Well yeah, but that's just between you and her it's not gonna change anything between you and the others. Just cause she thinks a certain way doesn't mean we think the same way as her."

Y/N felt a smile form onto her lips as her cheeks slowly turned a light shade of red. "Thanks Jake," Jake also started to smile, "Of course, bet you've been crying?"

She looked up to him with her eyes wide open, "What? No?" she said bluntly while chuckling, "Don't lie to me like that Y/N, i've known you for years and when your eyes puff up like that. It means you've been crying."

Y/N felt herself blush a second time while looking away, "Okay true, but that's only because I got yelled at. But I have to thank her for that cause now i've realized that i'm actually really annoying and I guess she's made me realize to change."

"Well that's good then," She nodded her head at his words and grabbed her stuff from her locker, "Come on let's go to class." Jake said while wrapping his right arm around her shoulders and walking off.

Hey guys! thank you so much for reading!! Do you guys have any suggestions as to what should happen in the future chapters? If you do please tell me! But if you don't it's also okay :)

Thank you guys! I love each one of you!

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