《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》11


The loud ringing of my ringtone woke me up from my peaceful slumber causing me groan in annoyance. My hands started to search around for the phone which was right beside my body.

"hello?" i cleared my throat waiting for the person to answer me, "hi y/n! this is Jungwon?"

My body shot up to a sleeping position and started to wake up little and little from the shock, "Jungwon what exactly do you need at 7:00 in the morning" I asked him staring at the alarm clock by my bed.

"well i just wanted to ask you if you wanted to hangout today? I know you have school but after school would be alright" He spoke to me which made me smile, "sure, let's hangout after school"

"alright then!", the phone call slowly ended as I hung up feeling shock and excited at the same time, right after I jumped out of bed screaming and running around cheering from joy.

This was the best thing to happen to me after a miserable week, after spending most of my alone time crying and feeling miserable over a guy. Another one came along to make me feel better.

"y/n? can you please shut up the whole house can hear you" My head shot towards the door where I saw my brother who was half asleep wearing a sweater from the competition he joined a while ago with the logo "i land"

My brother is a social butterfly, he has a bunch of friends from different schools, not sure how he doesn't it but his lovable personality does the job.

"do you know a Jungwon by any chance?" I raised my eyebrows towards him, "oh, yang jungwon?" he questioned

"oh yes, he's a cool guy, we were really close but i haven't talked to him in a while" Daniel said scratching his head as he sat on my bed.


My brother's quite a cool guy, he's extroverted and has lots of friends, doesn't really matter where they're from or which school they go to, my brother is probably their friend.

I trust what he says about people, if he thinks someone is cool, then they are cool. Daniel has a wide range of friends which means he probably knows what he's talking about.

"alright thanks daniel, now get out of my room unless you would like to clean my room" I clap my hands together causing him to make jump out and run.

Before he could do anything else though, he stopped right in front of my door, he seemed quite tense as if he was gonna ask something i wasn't going to like.

"y/n? why don't you walk to school with Jake?" the boy nervously chuckle while he waits for my response, "i wake up late nowadays, he gets to school early"

Daniel started to nod his head slowly signaling he understands the whole situation, i brought my hands out to push him out of my room, "i was just asking cause Jake was at the door this morning asking about you"

My eyes widened and slowly started to my brain started to malfunction, "what exactly did he say to you Daniel?", Daniel's face tensed up from the tone i was speaking in showing he was scared.

"well, he just told him that if you ever wanted to walk with him to school, he will wait however long" he explained causing my breath to hitch.

I had no idea how to react, should I be touched that he said that or should I be mad that he acted like nothing has happened between us.

The room was silent as everybody's eyes were all focused onto the teachers talking in front of the class explaining biology and how humans were created while I sat there thinking about Jake.


There was no reason for me to think about Jake but I couldn't help it. Why did he come this morning? Why does he act like the likes me when in reality he doesn't? what if he actually likes me?

I brushed all these thoughts away remembering that tonight I was going to hangout with Jungwon. I felt something different with Jungwon. Like he was different and he was the right one.

"alright, you're free to do your classwork now"

A sigh left my mouth as I opened my text book and taking a black pen out of my turquoise pencil case, i felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to turn my head back.

"y/n, why has Yuna and Jake been so close lately?" Karina pouted staring at me as I felt my heart ache hear the two of their names being said in one sentence.

"i'm not sure myself" I chuckle quickly glancing at the two and noticing how Jake was laughing so happily with Yuna beside him doing the exact same thing.

The pain of watching Jake seem so happy, my heart ached so badly I felt nauseous, it hurt so bad like my heart was being stabbed by someone. Jake seemed so happy that it was just so painful, how could he act like he cared though?

Stopping by this morning to ask how I was doing and even asked if I wanted to walk to school with him. Acting like he liked me the first few days of the dare, It kind of just doesn't make sense the way he acted.

"Everyone, I forgot to say this but you're all going to be assigned a partner"


"Jake and Y/N"

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