《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》12


"what? Jake and I?" I whispered and looked over to my teacher who stared at me me a quite confused expression on her face.

"do you have a problem with that ms. l/n?" my teacher says staring at me causing the whole class to go extremely silent, "no, i'm sorry"

I took a quick glance at the direction of Jake's seat only to notice him staring at me with a rather sad expression on his face.

"this task requires you to talk to each other and even meet up at some point so please keep that in mind"

The words that came out of her mouth made my heart crumble together, I didn't want anything to do with Jake but what exactly was I going to do about it.

"alright then students, i'll let you talk with it partners" my teachers claps as she gathers her belonging so she could exit the classroom.

I turned around to Sunghoon's direction and saw that he was already with his partner, I then turned towards the others and noticed that each one of them were now already occupied.

Taking a deep breath I quickly signaled for Jake to come over to me by waving at him. My eyes watched as the the understandably cute yet pretty boy walked over to me.

I couldn't help but to turn my head away from the boy, looking out if the window I felt him pulling a chair out and sitting beside me.

The both of us stayed silent for a while until I looked over to him, "hi" he says giving me a big smile,

"h-hello" I stutter and looked over to my laptop.

"so, i guess i'll be doing this part of project and you can do this part" I point at the sheet of paper that was laying on the table.


Jake nodded his head, "well I guess i'll be coming over to your house tonight?", both my brows raised up and I looked over to him. "wait? what?"

"i'm actually busy tonight, meeting this guy, tomorrow?" I awkwardly said noticing his face start to fill with disappointment. "oh that's alright, who are you meeting up with?"

My eyes widened a bit. Why was he so curious about who I was meeting. "just this kid from a different school, probably don't know him" I chuckle and gathered he courage to look at him.

Jake looked unreal, his visuals were beautiful, his eyes, lips, smile, nose, hair, jaw. Everything about him was beautiful, not to talk about the fact that his personality was out of this world.

"how's everything with going with Yuna?" i say but then suddenly slapping my mouth out of shock from what i've said, I wasn't the only one shocked too, Jake had this expression on his face that looked like he just saw a ghost.

"oh- uhm- alright" the boy paused "i guess" he says awkwardly which i then responded with a smile. Even if I hated him, then only thing I wanted to do was talk to him.

I had no idea why but I guess it was because I missed talking to him and hanging out him.

"it's funny how nobody noticed that we haven't been doing the dare" I chuckled, "yeah, thought it was quite obvious until the made the both of us kiss" he responded with a smile on his face.

"yeah, that was quite funny actually", I looked over to him laughing a bit, "how have you been y/n?" the boy asks me, "well, i've been alright, few tears here and there" I raised my brows and then laughing again.


"and you?", "well i've been alright, few tears here and there"

I searched through my closet searching for clothes to wear as I am about to meet Jungwon in less than 30 minutes.

Without thinking, I quickly grabbed some jeans along with a top and quickly put it on so I could get going. Right after I finished doing that I rushed over to my vanity table and applied light make-up on my face.

Making my way downstairs I rushed towards the kitchen to get my self a bottle of water, I opened the fridge and noticed a photo stuck on with magnets.

A photo of Jake and I at the beach at his 14th birthday party swimming in the water and having loads of fun.

It brought back loads of memories that warmed my heart and made me so happy but everything has changed now.

After grabbing my bottle of water I ran out of my house and made my way to the Metro to go to a small cafe.

Arriving at the small, aesthetic cafe, I entered inside and looked around to see if I could see where Jungwon was sitting.

I searched the place and saw that he was sitting beside the huge window with a cheese cake and a red-velvet cake in front and across him.

A wide smile appeared on my face as I walked over to him, "hey Jungwon!" i happily said pulling the chair out and sitting across from him.

"hey y/n!" he smiles at me and puts his phone down as he lookes towards me, "i actually ordered a cake, but didn't order you a drink" he nervously says rubbing the back of his neck.

"oh! thank you Jungwon!" I thanked smiling at him, the waitress walked over to me and passed me the menu so I could order a drink.

"hey! y/n, i have a soccer game against your school in a few days, that means i'm going to play against Jake"

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