《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》10


The library was silent as everybody focused on their own studies and books, the only sort of noise that was heard was from the ticking of the huge white clock on the wall.

The math equation sitting on my paper made me tired and confused but the silence helped me get through the confusion of mathematics.

The loud talking broke the silence and my focus causing my head to turn towards the huge, clear library door watching as Jake and Yuna started to walk in the door talking

They walked over to one of the couches and started to talk really loudly, i noticed something tho, I noticed how Jake wasn't the same.

Like he genuinely seemed to be bored, he seemed so uninterested but I brushed it off.

I looked back to my book, i was clearly struggling, i mean anyone could see that, I probably looked like I was about to cry because my paper looked dead at this point.

I couldn't completely focus tho, why? because all I could hear was loud talking and laughing, I roll my eyes and snapped at them.

"why don't you guys shut up, if you would those eyes of yours you would be able to read the sigh at the door"

I point at the sign on the squared pillar right that also had a sign which said "stay quite in the library", they didn't budge though, the two kept talking as if they were at a park.

"can't you guys use your ears and shut up, if you really don't wanna shut up, leave"

I yell out loud which cause the whole library to turn my way bringing out the embarrassment in me and causing me to look down. Yuna and Jake looked my way and I watched from the corner of my eyes as Yuna left along with Jake.

"Yuna, wait up i'm gonna go talk to y/n" My eye shot up towards the door as I saw Jake's figure walking towards my table that was beside a window.

The boy sat across me as i heard him clear his throat, The sight of him enraged me, if I had to be honest, i wanted to cry when i looked at him making me want to leave.


My books, pencil case and laptop was now stacked up together as I stood up leaving Jake sitting there on my own. My wrist was held back by someone,

"y/n don't leave just like that"

My head turned around and raised my brow, "what? is it important?", Jake sigh as his facial expression softened, "you can't keep lying to me and lying to other people"

My brows turn into a straight line, he was right, I know he was, but what he did to me hurt me a lot, it really really did. I did consider softening to him but i'm stubborn and I won't do that.

"guess what, that's exactly what i'm gonna do jake" I said to him with an annoyed tone making my way towards the door, "why are you even mad at me, it's not like we're even dating each-other" Jake argued and held my wrist again for the second time.

"that's the problem Jake, you don't see that problem" I roll eyes and pushed his hand away causing him to wince in pain.

"until you can see what's the problem then maybe i'll consider talking to you" I groaned at him and walked out of the library.

My thoughts were going crazy, I felt like eye tear up as I stared at the white wall covered with student's finished art projects.

My phone vibrated causing me to stick my hands in my pockets and grabbed my phone out there for

me to look at who has texted me

hey, we're getting ice cream do you want anything? we are sitting at the picnic table


A smile crept on my face thinking about the delicious icy cold ice-cream i was about to devour in my mouth. My body quickly made its way to the table they sat at.

Sitting down in between Sunghoon and Jay I happily cheered, "where is the ice-cream, i'm hungry" My smile turned wide as I looked around the table

"you're sharing your ice cream with Jake" Jay smiled and nudged my shoulders causing me to roll my eyes, "what? what do you mean? Jake's not even here?" I chuckle trying to hide the fact that i was annoyed, I watched as Jay furrowed his brows and his fingers pointed towards Jake who made his way towards us.


"I actually have some more homework to catch up on, i've gotta go" My legs started to stand until I heard Sunghoon clear his throat, i eyed him and aw him mouthing "stay"

"the ice cream is here" Karina shouted out to us making us turn towards her as she skipped her way towards us with her long dyed blue hair.

"here you go one cup of ice cream for the the two of you" I smile as i watched her place it in front of me while Jake sits beside me making Jay move.

I refused to eat though, i passed the cup towards Jake so he would eat it, after being heartbroken by the one person you loved, you probably wouldn't want anything to do with them.

Sharing a cup of ice cream was something i wouldn't want to be doing at the current moment.

"y/n, why aren't you eating?" Minju asked me suddenly, "oh, i'm not hungry" I lied so they wouldn't suspect a thing.

"come on, Karina and I didn't walk to the ice cream shop for nothing" I bit my bottom lip and thought to myself wether or not I should share it with his.

I took a deep breath a took the spoon out of Jake's fingers so I could take a quick bite and I wouldn't disappoint the two girls. The ice cream was delicious, it tasted like heaven.

The rich flavour of chocolate and the littl pieces of chocolate bars stuck in the ice cream made me feel so happy, "thanks guys" i smile widely and shoved the spoon in my mouth for another bite.

"hey let's play truth or dare?" Jay suddenly yelled out causing me to flinch a little and glare at the boy, last time I played truth or dare, it was a great game but what are they gonna do now that Jake and I are dating.

"don't you think that's a little childish" I shook my shoulders with my brows furrowed together as I quickly shove the red ice cream cup towards Jake.

"party pooper" My head shot towards Minju who had just rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue at me, that caused me to get annoyed though, i mean come on, i'm y/n, i'm not boring.

"fine then, someone dare me to do something" I proudly said to them stick the spoon full of ice cream in my mouth as I looked around the table waiting for someone to give me a stupid dare

"okay then, i dare you to kiss Jake"

I started to choke on the ice cream i have just swallowed and felt rage in me, "what! why!" I yell out loud enough to here the echo's in sky causing Sunghoon to cover my mouth.

"what's going to go wrong? you're dating right" Jay chuckled which the other agreed too making me feel extra annoyed, "it's just a peck right?"

I turned my body towards Jake and he held my chin, I gathered up all my courage and pressed my lips against his.

I heard cheers coming from the others, it felt good to kiss jake, but at the same time bad. It felt bad that we weren't kissing eachother because we want too.

It feels good because I was kissing the guy I liked but it felt bad that he didn't like me.

I pulled away and blushed furiously, "i've gotta go, i have a class"

My room was dark except for the light that was peaking through the small gap from my curtains, Ever since I kissed Jake, the thought of it hasn't left my brain once.

I kissed Jake.

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