《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》9


Time was going by so fast that i had no idea what exactly to wear over to shirt, the classic old blue blazer or a hoodie that i just bought.

My eyes searched my closet for the hoodie and it landed on a grey hoodie which I thought was mine until I picked it up.

"god damn it"

It was Jake's hoodie that he gave to me a few days ago, it was quite obvious because of the specific smell of cologne intoxicated my nostrils.

I threw the piece of clothing back into the closet and sigh loudly, My throat started to hurt a bit because of the tears I held back, i couldn't help but feel emotional and sad about it.

"y/n, get to school, you're gonna be late"

My sister yelled from the hall causing me to grab the classic blazer and put it around me, It was painful to see his hoodie in my closet it really really really was.

I rushed downstairs to the kitchen and took a granola bar from the kitchen counter. My parents were still out of town which means we had the responsibility to cook breakfast for each other.

My siblings? Daniella and Daniel? they don't care a single bit about cooking breakfast since they would just buy something at the convenience store on their way to school.

Stepping foot on the school grounds, I felt myself feel unmotivated, my emotions started leaving my body as I felt eyes on me.

Looking up I saw Jake who was leaning against his locker staring at me, he had a certain expression on his face that looked rather sad but I felt angry at him causing me to glare at the boy.

Arriving at my locker, i let out the biggest sigh I could possibly let out making me feel relieved. I looked over to my class times-table which was stuck on my locker and felt my heart get shot.


English Class was first period which meant I was in the same class as Jake. Nobody else except Jake, No Karina, Minju, Sunghoon, and Jay which meant i would be alone with Jake.

I closed my locker and the first thing I saw was Jake and Yuna talking together Yuna's locker like a classic highschool couple in movies.

I looked away from the two and casually made my way to the class on the second floor. Everybody was talking to their friends, laughing and having fun while I sat on my own staring at the leaves falling from the dead branch.

Our seating plan was bad as well, Jake was behind me, right behind me which meant he could see everything I was doing.

I opened my pencil case and saw a small piece of paper.


- jungwon :)

I blushed fiercely and wondered how in the world this got here.

I stared at the sheet of paper for a second until realization hit me, Jake's talking to yuna. that means i'm talking im Jungwon.

I stared at y/n's back and noticed how she wasn't being herself, y/n's a loud person, she yells out loudly and laughs at everything.

I couldn't help but notice her staring at a piece of paper for an unusual amount of time.

I moved my head a bit, and felt my heart skip a beat. It was a phone number from somebody, trying to take a closer look, i tried to see who it was from my eyesight was too bad.

I know I shouldn't feel somewhat jealous about that, but the fact that someone else was seeing her kind of hurt me.

I know, I know i sound toxic, but i have a reason, a really really good reason.

Walking over to the picnic table during lunch, i watched as everyone laughed and talked happily all together as I sat beside Minju.


"hey y/n, why weren't you here yesterday?" Jay asked me shoving his food into his mouth and easing his brows.

"i was sick, and my body was aching really bad" I lied to them and making all of them feel sorry for me, "let me cheer you up" Karina started, "how exactly is your relationship going with Jake?"

My eyes shot towards Jake who was speechless and had no idea what to say. It hurt as well as he liked somebody else.

It's my fault tho, I never told them about this, I knew that if i told them, they would feel bad for me, which i didn't want, and also. they would treat Jake like crap.

"it's going well actually, we're going to go on our date tonight" I smiled at everyone

Jake quickly turned him head towards me and smiled to himself.

"yeah, that's true, we're going on a picnic" he nodded his head to them and I nodded along to make it seem like everything was okay.

My heart was beating rapidly, i could hear my heartbeat through my ears and it made me feel uneasy.

"aren't we such great cupids, you guys are such cute lovebirds" Jay said obviously teasing us, I felt someone's hands on me and turned towards the direction.

It was Sunghoon, He smiled at me a little and rubbed my fingers. Sunghoon was the only one who knew about this, and i guess he's the only one i'm planning to tell.

"hey, i'm going to my locker, i have to grab some things" I said to everyone sitting around me.

I stood out from the table and felt relieved, being around Jake just made me feel uneasy. Well i've never felt like this before, it's just, he really did hurt my feelings.

I remembered the phone number that Jungwon gave me and I casually entered it into my contacts.

Jungwon <3

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