《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》4


I turned my head towards each one of them with an expression i can't even explain my self, it was kind of a mix of scared and happy.

"cmon, isn't that dare a bit too far?" I asked the four of them confused which caused them to turn their heads towards Sunghoon.

"well, y/n" Sunghoon started to talk.

"a dare is a dare" He shook his head and smirked as well.

My head went a bit crazy thinking of everything that was going on, I didn't even dare to look at Jake though, I was rather terrified to look at his expressions.

"wait wait wait wait wait" I furrowed my brows together, "can you please explain how in the world we're going to do this"

Karina sighed and started to talk "well, it's obvious, you guys are going to be a couple for 2 weeks? wether you like it or not"

"You will need to do do couples this you know?"

- Minju

"you guys have dated right? that's what you do, and by the end of the day you are going to fall for each other"

- Sunghoon

"during the two weeks of you guys dating, you will go on a date, have a sleepover and obviously end up falling for each other"

- Jay

Throughout the whole time they were explaining the dare, Jake was being awfully silent, and i seriously had no idea wether he was even okay with the whole dare, but i didn't have the guts to look at him at the moment.

"Minju and I are leaving now, we're gonna get going now, we've gotta study, stuff like that" Jay suddenly said as both him and Minju stood up from the bench, "what? it's a saturday?" Jay shrugged his shoulders, "we're off now" The two waved at us and started to walk away.


"what a great day to be a cupid" Jay said under his breath and gave my head a pat.

The four of us was left now, the air wasn't awkward at all but it was kind of weird, i was still too afraid to even look Jake but i knew i would have to at some point.

"I'm also going too, I have to cook dinner tonight"


My body turned straight towards Karina who was already gathering her belongings, "why are you leaving so early" I held her wrist preventing her from leaving.

"chores y/n" the girl removed my hand from her, "my parents will kill me if i don't get home" I pouted and gave her puppy eyes so she wouldn't leave but it obviously failed, the 3 of us waved at the girl and the left.

I looked towards Sunghoon who was still sitting in his position, I certainly did not want him to leave because if he did? i would be a huge mess right i don't of Jake.

I quickly put my hand on Sunghoon's and squeezed it signaling for him to look at me, "don't leave please" I mounted to him which he raised his brows to say yes.

"jake, how are you feeling about this?" Sunghoon then said making my eyes grow wider than the sun, "i'm okay with this, i mean, a dare is a dare right?"

I awkwardly nodded with a chuckle, "yeah, you're right", finally after gathering all my courage I looked over to Jake who had a wide, big smile on his face.

The three of us were on our way back to our house, The sun was slowly setting and the streets started to get busier. I stood beside Sunghoon while Jake was to his left.

"so how are you guys going to do this?" I scratched my head and waited for Jake to respond, "well I guess we'll follow the steps for 2 weeks right?"


I nodded my head "yeah, we'll do that" I smile to the two, "so? is the step your favourite Jake?" Sunghoon wiggled his brows making me nudge his hips.

"well i guess we will follow the steps" Jake said while nodding at me, "if we fall for eachother we do, but if we don't then that's about it.

That kind of made me embarrassed, it's not 'us' it's Jake. he is the only one who needed to follow the third step because i've already done the first step about a year ago.

I like him, and god knows who he likes.

"but for now y/n, is my girlfriend"

"Cmon Sunghoon? do you aerialist believe that someone like Jake would like me?" I pouted and jumped towards his direction on the bed making the whole bed shake rapidly.

"stop complaining, you don't know if by the end of these two weeks he will end up liking you" I nod my head and cuddled up his left arm

"but it's true sunghoon, think about it, Jake's one of the most popular guys at school, every girl drools for his attention" Sunghoon sighed and played with my hair, "what's your point?"

"he's seen 838484 pretty girls, why makes you think he would like me Sunghoon?" I puffed my arms out and fell to my side, "have you seen his exes? they're all gorgeous? i'm an accidentally mashed potato" I pout making Sunghoon push my face away.

"y/n/n, it's going to go fine I promise you, how long have you guys known eachother? 9 years? he knows you clearly well, you're a pretty girl. he will like you"

"aww, you're so sweet" I cooed making Sunghoon roll his eyes and cringe, "i'll throw up" sunghoon made the face of someone puking making me chuckle.

I'm not mad at the dare, i'm actually really happy, Though at this current moment I am rather still in shock. I didn't know why, but the inside of me feels like he would end up falling for me.

but, i'm scared of my current biggest fear. and what if that?

By the end of the 2 weeks. Jake and I will continue to be friends, and we would just continue to be friends and nothing comes out of the two weeks.

merry christmas everyone! i hope everyone has a

wonderful day and get spoiled with a bunch of gifts! For my gifts, i got both versions of enhypen's album and their lighstick, i also ordered their seasons greetings!!

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