《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》3


"and that is how you find y" Jake pointed to the maths equation in my maths book, I nod my head pretending to understand what he was saying.

The truth is, i'm horrible at maths, I was never the smartest person to start with. Now that we're in high school, its just sad that's I have such a horrible relationship with maths "guessing by your expressions, you don't understand?"

I looked up from the book then to Jake, "I understand don't worry" I reassured him trying my hardest to get pretend I understood.

Yet again that was obviously a lie, it wasn't a surprise to the friend group that I was bad at maths, They understood that because they had their own struggles with school.

He laughed and repeated his words again, explaining the way to find the specific letter. I stared at the sheet of paper for a while until I finally understood how to do the equation. "you just divide it then you would get the answer" I smiled and wrote the answer on the sheet of paper.

Jake and I are close, we really are. its just my feelings for him would make me feel tense and awkward when i'm around him, i'm not sure if he's noticed it, but from what I can tell, I don't think he has noticed it.

"so? what are you doing after school?"Jake leaned back on the chair and stared at me, my head turned towards him and I shook my head, "nothing, probably going to go home, be lazy and watch Netflix all night"

Jake laughed and smiled while I talk, "and you? what are you doing?", Jake scribbled some things on his book and shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, probably nothing" I nodded my head at him and turned my attention towards the book.


"lets hangout tonight, I mean we have nothing to do right?"

"sure why not?"

When I first started to crush on Jake, when we hung out, it was a huge deal. I mean, i'm hanging out with my crush, it's huge, but as time went on, it started to be normal.

The bell rang and everyone rushed out of class. Running, pushing, kicking. I can't say much about the crowd though, I was apart of it, I wanted to get out of this building as fast as possible.

I opened my locker and and grabbed my blazer that was left lying around, I put it on quickly before any teacher could see me since it was apart of our uniform which the blazer had to be worn 24/7

I shoved my books, laptop and pencil case in my bag and placed my AirPods in my ear.

Right after finishing that I walked over to Karina who's locker was near. "hey, since tomorrow is Saturday, we're all going to hangout, you're coming right?" Karina asked me, I nodded my head and said a yes.

We walked over to the front door where Sunghoon, Jake, Jay and Minju were standing. Lets get going now, Jay, Karina and Minju walked the other way, while Jake, Sunghoon and I walked the other direction.

We walked and talked until we got to Metro, Sunghoon walked away and it was only Jake and I who were left.

As we arrived at the metro, Jake and I sat at one of the benches placed near by so we could wait for the train. We peacefully sat there together while we both scrolled through our phones.

"hey, can I please have your number", someone said to Jake, as i heard those words my attention was on the girl who spoke softly to Jake.


"uh, I dont say"

"he has a girlfriend sorry, its a no" I cut Jake off before he could say anything else and looked over to the girl. She was a pretty popular girl, she was pretty but she was mean. She had the reputation of only liking those who followed what she said.

The girl rolled her eyes at me and left us there, My body turned towards Jake who was sitting next to me confused, "oh, she's a bitch"

He chuckled and nodded his head, "i know, i just don't know how to decline them," I smiled at his sentence because that really showed how nice of a person he was.

The train then slowly arrived making the wind blow onto our faces, as it stopped the both of us entered along with other who were waiting for the train.

"let's go to my house"

I walked out of the bathroom I shared with my siblings and into my room where I had all most clothes in. I had no idea what to wear today, i wanted to look cute? but at the same time i'm too lazy to try and look cute.

Opening my large closet, I searched for clothes to wear until I came across a sweater and a tennis shirt.

I looked out of the window and noticed my window all frosted up which was a sign I should wear something warm but i decided to wear this.

Today we're going to hangout around the city, visit the malls, go to the park, eat out. Everything

After getting ready, I made my way downstairs to see my sister and brother eating some snacks on the kitchen counter. I skipped towards my brother Daniel and opened my mouth to an O shape to signal for him to stuff it up with food.

I chewed on the snack for a while and opened my mouth again until the doorbell, my siblings turned towards me and eyed the door, "go open it"

I stood up from the stool and rushed over past the living room and right in front of the door. I looked through the peep hole to check who it was and noticed it was Jake.

I gathered my belonging and rushed out of the door.

"bye guys, i'm off"

After quiet a long day of walking around the shopping mall, eating lots of different food and drinking lots of different drinks, we settled down at a park sitting around on a picnic blanket.

I sat beside Sunghoon sharing a bowl of fries while Minju and Jake shared a bowl of popcorn. It was rather a cold day, but a picnic sounded like a great idea.

"let's play truth or dare?" Karina said out of the blue with a rather really happy expression, i said nothing still shoving some fries in my mouth while the others nodded their heads.

"who's going first?" i asked and shoved another fry into my mouth, "you? you and jake, you're going first," Jay nodded, "you guys are doing it together" Minju said pointing her fingers over to me and Jake.

"I dare you guys to date each other for two weeks"

"but you have to do three things"

Jay spoke prouder than ever

"1. Go on a date"

- Minju

"2. Have a sleepover"

- Karina

"3. Fall for eachother

- Sunghoon, Jay, Karina, Minju

hello, thanks for reading my story, i really appreciate it and i hope you like the story! merry christmas everyome! i hope everyone has a wonderful x-mas and you get lots of gifts!!

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