《2 Weeks | Shim Jake | Enhypen》5


The ringing of my alarm on my bed side table woke me up from my peaceful now ruined slumber, my long arms reached out to the side to turn the loud thing off.

I sat up front my laying position and stretched my arms wide and flipped back down onto my bed, six o'clock in the morning was way too early for my liking but what could I do about it?

I got myself out of bed throwing the blanket onto the ground and dragging myself across the ground to get into the bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirror staring at my reflection until I finally started to brush my teeth, i grabbed my pink toothbrush from the cup and pasted toothpaste onto it and the shoving it in my my mouth.

I spat out the remaining water I used to wash my mouth and put the toothbrush back in the cup with 2 other toothbrushes and toothpaste which were my siblings.

I took my clothing off and threw it into the laundry basket full of clothes, Before entering the shower, I turned the shower on making the water warm.

After waiting for several seconds, I got myself in the shower and let the warm water fall on my body. The water was relaxing and calming. I washed my body with the remaining soap and rinsed off.

Getting out of the shower, I cried myself off with my towel and quickly put my uniform on starting with my white collared shirt, my plaid skirt, putting the tie around my my neck and then lastly my blazer.

I opened a drawer in front of the mirror and grabbed a hair tie, I gathered all my hair together and tied it up into a ponytail so it wouldn't bother me during school.

I quickly got out of the bathroom and made my way towards my bedroom which was right beside the bathroom, I noticed the scent of pancakes intoxicating my nostrils.


I rushed in my room and gathered all my belongings for the day ahead, my laptop, notebooks and pencil case, slowly i started to stuff the into my bag and pulled it onto my back.

Downstairs, my mother and brother were cooking breakfast for us, my father left early for work quiet a lot which would only leave the four of us.

My parents went on business trips a lot as well leaving my siblings and I having the house all to ourselves. They did this a lot as well, they sometimes would leave for 3 weeks, a week, a if they're really busy two months.

I sat beside my brother who was sitting on the seat in front of the kitchen counter, "good morning sunshine" my mother cupped my cheeks and gave me a kiss in the cheek.

I grabbed the spoon out of Daniel's fingers and started to chew on the pancake left of the spoon, "good morning to you pancake stealer" turning my head towards my brother i gave him a wide smile "good morning"

We sat in the bedroom for a while until the bedroom started to ring loudly, "go get the door Daniel", my brother sighs and made his way towards the door.

"Y/N, Jake is here to go to school"

I frown my eyebrows together and turned my head towards the clock on the wall, "7:00? he's early", my hands quickly grabbed the fork again and shoved another several bites into my mouth.

"i'm gonna get going now guys" i stood up from the chair and kissed my mum on the forehead before leaving the house.

"why are you here so early jake?" I asked him, "well, since i'm your boyfriend now, i'm the one who should walk you to school right?" I blushed a bit and awkwardly chuckled.

We walked for a while in the snow until Jake suddenly asked me something? "why are you so silent?", I had no idea how to answer the question because the answer was I was shy? and I couldn't tell him that.


"Cmon, don't be so silent, this is just like being friends, but we HAVE feelings for eachother" Jake suddenly said to me while rubbing my back, I only laughed at that and started to talk to Jake.

"when will we have a sleepover?" I asked Jake, he turned his body towards me, "well i don't know? we don't have to only have a sleepover once right? we can have stay over each others houses whenever we want"

I laugh and nodded my head again for the second time, "sure, stay over on Wednesday". I opened my bag and tried to find my hoodie and released it wasn't there.

"damn it, my hoodie must've fallen out when i was downstairs" I scoffed and threw the bag behind me again.

"here use mine, it's okay," Jake then suddenly opened his bag and grabbed his grey hoodie and put it over my head "there now you will be warmer" he said and gave me one of sweet smiles.

I brought my arms though the holes and slightly sigh from the sudden warmth, "thanks"

We entered the school gates up until the locker area, "bye" i waved and we parted ways as I walked over into my locker. My locker was nicely decorated with lots of different photos of us.

I opened it and watched as a bunch of paper fall out, my fingers quickly grabbed one and saw a bunch of phone numbers, rolling my eyes, i scrunched it up and them up and threw the away.

From the corner of my eyes, I watched as a figure approached me from behind, "boo!" I faked a scream, I turned my back and saw Jay with a proud smile and because of that smile, i knew he was up to something.

"what do you want?" Jay brought his arms out pretending to be defending himself, "i was just gonna tell you today is your first day"

I brought my fist out to him and acted as if I was gonna punch him when he laughed and brought his arms out as well, "calm yourself, it's kinda obvious when you're wearing his hoodie?"

My head shot towards the hoodie and awkwardly chuckled "yeah right", "make sure nobody notices otherwise your fan girls and fan boys will cry" he pat my head and laughed again.

I glared at him and started to take the hoodie off until Jake approached us, "you're taking it off? aren't you cold" he questions me while pulling the hoodie down, "well the school policy?" I rubbed the neck and waited for him to reply.

"cmon, nobody will notice right?"

The class was silent, the only thing that was heard was the clock ticking and the teacher who was speaking to the class.

My current seatmate was Karina, and knowing her, she talked way too much, she talked about possibly everything and all i wanted to do was listen to the teacher so I could pass.

"that's jake's hoodie right?"

"oh my god"

"you guys are so cute together"

"thanks, but shut up" I glared at her and looked away looking at my teacher, "y/n" she shook my arm and i hummed, "Who's that with Jake?"

I glanced over to Jake thinking it was nothing until my head shot right back to him, he was sitting really closely with this girl who i couldn't distinguish.

It irritate me how closely they say together and how the girl was leaning and holding him.

I mean isn't this what we're supposed to feel like when we are dating someone?

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