《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 89
"Where'd you run off to?" I jump from the voice behind me, quickly turning and hiding my hand behind my back.
"Oh." I laugh nervously as my eyes land upon Killian's bulk figure entering the kitchen. His hand running through his messy hair as his eyes lock onto mine.
"Oh h-hey! I was just looking for you." I lie, plastering a nervous smile.
He raises a brow, his eyes darting to my arm then back up at my face as he analyses me.
"Right..." he begins to make his way towards me. "And what's that behind your back?"
I begin to panic.
"Uh..." I blink a few times trying to come up with something.
"It's nothing." I shrug, trying to act casual as he steps in front of me. His blue eyes calculating as he stares at me.
I gulp as I avert my gaze to the door nervously, before looking up at him. His eyes now on my arm.
"It doesn't look like nothing to me." His hand lands on my hip, as he tries to slide it behind my back to reach my hand.
"No!" I push his hand away and suspicion crosses his eyes.
"I-I mean, it's a secret." I stutter, my gaze wondering to the door again.
"A secret, huh?" He crosses his arms with an unimpressed look. "Don't tell me you've got your hands on some drugs again."
My eyes snap back to his as they widen in surprise. Did he just say drugs!? How can he even think that!
"Do I look like some kind of crackhead to you?" I reply back with a glare.
"You want me to answer that?" He raises a brow and I roll my eyes.
Suddenly I hear a faint sound from outside the kitchen and I jump, as I look towards the door again.
Killian scoffs and I look back up at him with a frown. "What?"
"You make it so obvious." He replies.
"Make what obvious?" I ask in confusion, but don't wait for a reply as I find the perfect excuse.
"Okay, look, I have an itch on my back that I'm trying to scratch." I move my hidden hand up and down for emphasis. "But I don't see why you need to know that though."
He eyes the action and scoffs. "Do I look like an idiot? Whatever you've got behind there, you're handing it over now." He says, his voice more stern and impatient.
I immediately tighten my grip as I shake my head. "No! And you can't make me." I snap, glaring at him.
His watchful eyes begin to fill with amusement as his lips slowly tug up into a smirk.
"Are you challenging me?" He takes a step closer.
"No, I'm just-- need to do something." I say. "But I might show you later if you let me go now." I add persuasively, as I try to move past him, but he's quick to block me.
"What are you so desperate to hide?" He tilts his head and I groan in frustration.
"Nothing that's to do with you. Anyway, I thought you had a lot of work to do?" I say, taking a step forward only to be pushed back by his large frame. Fucks sake!
"Nice try." He smirks down at me. "Anything concerning you, concerns me. Now hand them over, I don't want a repeat of what happened in that aeroplane." He then adds.
Oh my God, he still thinks I have drugs on me! I pinch the bridge of my nose, huffing out in annoyance.
"I don't have the white stuff." I snap. "I swear I don't. I didn't even like it."
"Then why are you acting like you're about to piss your pants?"
I look up at his tall masculine stature that towered over mine. I lift my finger and press it against his chest.
"Because one, you're in my space. And two, you are questioning me as if you are some kind of police officer." I reply. Maybe he should have become one.
He scoffs. "I wouldn't have to if you would just stop acting so suspicious and show me what's in your hand."
I groan internally, as my palm begins to sweat from the rectangular object.
Killian takes another step forward, entering my personal space once again.
"You either show me what's in your hand or I will pry it off you." He now threatens.
"No." I quickly try to shove past him but his hard form pushes me back as he then places his hands on either side of me against the counter, caging me in.
"I don't think so." He smirks when I gulp at the close proximity. His familiar cologne begins to cloud my mind as his blue eyes stare into mine.
"Show me." He snaps me out of the daze and I blink.
"You know what? Because you're behaving like this.. I'm not gonna show you. I was going to show it to you later, but now I'm not."
He chuckles.
"Oh cute. You thought I was asking." He smirks and I narrow my eyes.
"You can't do shit--" all too suddenly he has his hand around my arm and he yanks, causing me to let out a loud gasp as the item slips through my fingers and lands onto the tiled floor with a crack.
We both freeze on the spot. My eyes widening as panic fills me up.
"A phone really?" He then muses, shaking his head. "Well at least it's not drugs."
No it's not a phone." I say in annoyance. "And I am so definitely not showing it to you now." I bend down to retrieve it, but before I can even look at it Killian swoops down and snatches it up.
"Killian!" I shout as I try to take it off him but he pushes me back.
"You can quit the lying streak you have going on." He chuckles in amusement as he flips the phone over, inspecting the damaged screen.
"Who's phone is this?" He questions, and my eyes snap towards the door.
"Shush!" I hiss, grabbing his hand and trying to pull the phone away.
"Is it Kian's?" He cocks a brow, his hand grabbing mine, stopping me from taking the phone.
I sigh, giving up as I slowly nod my head.
"Yes. I was only gonna look at something and put it back." I admit. "Please can I do that?"
"Well it depends what you want to look at, love." He says. "I don't want you looking at something you're going to regret."
"Okay... I promise I won't look at anything bad." I assure him, and he smiles in amusement.
"I will just look at the texts with Heidi, that's all. Please?" I add. "It will be quick, I don't want him finding out otherwise he's going to kill me." I chuckle nervously.
I know it might have been a stupid idea taking Kian's phone but I just really wanted to find out why Heidi hasn't been answering my texts. Just to check whether she has changed her number or something.
But I couldn't even get through his stupid password even though I tried at many attempts until it got disabled for a few minutes. I was just about to do another attempt until Killian walked in.
"He's not going to touch you, love." Killian interrupts my thoughts as he turns the phone on. "You can take it." He brings it forward but when I try to take it from him, his grip tightens.
"If you tell me what happened up there." He says seriously.
"Nothing happened." I respond a little too quickly and I clear my throat.
I can tell he doesn't believe me as he gives me that look again. "Love..."
"Nothing happened! I'm serious. I just... took his phone when he wasn't looking." I say, tucking my hair back and he rolls his eyes.
"Yeah I got that part figured."
"Are you not gonna tell me what happened?" He asks after a few moments.
"No." I reply, crossing my arms. "I don't have to tell you anything."
"Okay." He finally leans away from me and I finally relax.
"Kian get the fuck down here, right now." I jump from the volume of his voice.
"Okay fine!" I quickly snap. "It's not that serious you don't need to call him down." I hiss.
He looks at me as he waits for me to continue.
"Um...Can we go to your room?" I then ask. "I will tell you there." I say, trying to buy some time to make up a believable story.
"So you can lie to me again?" I could tell from his eyes he was beginning to get irritated.
I sigh in response. "I wouldn't have to if you weren't such an angry pants."
He rolls his eyes and then loud footsteps are heard coming from the stairs.
"Can you just leave it now? Please give it back." I snatch the phone from his hands.
"Wait you know the password?" I ask in surprise as I glance at the screen just when the door opens.
My eyes widen as I hide the phone behind my back again. I look up at Kian who had a look of fury.
"Whatever she's told you it's lies. She was the one who came into my room and attacked me after eavesdropping on a personal call." He immediately snaps and I glare at him.
I look up at Killian to see irritation building up in his eyes. "Killian can we just go upstairs I want--"
"See! She knows what she did so she's trying to run away." Kian snaps and my lips curl up. What's his problem?
I open my mouth to say something when Killian speaks. "I already know what happened, I didn't ask you down here for an explanation." He states and my eyes widen.
Wait, how does he know?
Kian scoffs. "Can't you see she's lying? She came here to stick her ugly nose where it doesn't belong. You know how she's like." He spits out harshly.
I snort. "My nose? Yours is still crooked from that time I practically left you bald and bloody. Oh the good times." I then smirk and his lips curl up into a sneer before his eyes set on my arm and he grinds his teeth.
"Look at her." He snarls. "This bitch is obviously hiding something behind her back and it's most likely my phone that coincidently went missing the past hour."
I quickly shove the phone into the waistband of my shorts feeling disgusted as I do so. I then let my hand fall against my side.
"I'm not hiding anything, I was obviously scratching my back, dumbass." I cross my arms, as I hold back the smirk.
He suddenly storms towards me and my eyes widen. I shuffle to my right, still against the counter to hide behind Killian. But the phone slides through my shorts and hits the floor. Again. Making another cracking sound.
Killian immediately stops Kian from nearing me and shoves him back and I quickly bend down to retrieve the phone.
"Oh uh- dropped my phone." I snatch the phone up and put it behind my back as my eyes meet Kian's angry ones and I smirk a little.
"Do I look like a fucking idiot to you?" He shouts loudly, making me jump.
"Don't speak to her like that." Killian says calmly as he takes an intimidating step towards him.
"But she attacked me--"
"I saw and heard everything that happened up there so stop talking." Killian cuts him off, irritation laced in his voice.
"Then why are you defending the bitch!" Kian screams like a child.
I roll my eyes, as I release a sigh. I should stop this before it gets out of hand.
"Let's just go upstairs, this toddler won't shut up otherwise." I say as I take Killian's hand and try to tug him to the door but he doesn't budge as he glares daggers at Kian.
"Look, trying to drag you away like you're a puppet." He spits. "Ever wonder why her own grandmother left her?" He then says and I freeze at his words, my gaze hardening into a glare.
"She didn't leave me." I defend and he chuckles with a nasty glint in his eyes.
"Keep thinking that. Your whole family left you. No surprise there." He then looks back at Killian.
"Can't you see? She's a money whore. Nobody wants her so she came to you. She's a reject and--" he doesn't get to finish his sentence as he is thrown onto the ground by the force of Killian's fist slamming into his face.
I wince at the sight, but seeing him on the ground whimpering in pain is oddly satisfying.
"If you ever speak about her like that or even think about touching her again I will kill you and have you thrown in the same river your father's in. Do you understand?" He seethes while my eyes widen in shock.
The river? Why is Kian's dad in the river?
Kian's unwavering expression still had the same murderous gleam in his eyes as he looks at me.
"Killian...." I start the same time Kian does.
"Whatever. But when things go down because of that." He points at me. "Don't say I didn't warn you."
I scoff at his words.
"What do you mean when things go down? I am not going to do anything to him." I snort.
"Wasn't talking to you, you lost case. I wish Killian did accept Keith's offer on you. Maybe he could have sorted you out. Waste of fucking space and money." Killian's foot slams down onto Kian's stomach and he immedatiedly gasps as he howls in pain.
"Fuck!" He screams as Killian pushes further while I watch with a frown.
Gareth wanted to buy me? I shudder at the thought.
Now I'm glad he's dead.
Killian then bends down and grabs Kian by the neck with a murderous gleam in his eyes.
"Do you think I'm joking?" He questions, as he tightens his hold on him causing Kian's eyes to widen as he begins to release choking sounds.
I look away and cringe.
I suddenly felt a sense of deja vu from back in the hallway in my old school. Except this time, it wasn't planned and I wasn't going to help.
When I look back, Kian looks like he's on the verge of passing out and Killian seems to be enjoying it, as a dark smirk is now plastered across his face.
Okay maybe I should step in...
"Killian, I think that's enough." I say. "He can say what he likes, it doesn't bother me." I then add but he doesn't listen as he continues to strangle him.
When he doesn't stop choking him I quickly approach them and tug on Killian's arm. "Stop it Killian. You are going to kill him." I say in panic and he grunts, finally dropping him onto the floor.
Kian lands with a thud as he gasps for air, his hand clutching his neck.
I tear my eyes away from him, feeling grossed out by the sight.
"Get out and actually do what I pay you for. I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day." He demands, Kian quickly nods his head and scurries out of the door.
I watch as Killian rolls his sleeves up and casually makes his way to the sink to wash his hands.
"Um.. Killian?" I break the awkward silence. My thoughts going back to Kian's father.
"Yes love?" He responds as he dries his hand with a paper towel.
"Why is Kian's dad in the river?" I question. "What did he do?"
Killian glances at me before turning around and opening the fridge.
"He's just swimming." He then says as he pulls out a water bottle.
I roll my eyes. "That is not funny." I bend down and pick up Kian's wrecked phone.
Great, it's locked again. I walk towards Killian as he drinks from the bottle.
"Hey." I tap his arm and he turns to me, annoyance still etched to his features.
"Did you push Kian's dad in the water or did--" he places his finger to my lips, shushing me.
I push it off. "Seriously. I won't tell anyone I swear. I don't know what Kian's problem is, I'm not going to do anything to make 'things go down'." I say. "You can tell me. I won't tell anyone, I swear."
His lips quirk up slightly, his thumb running along my knuckles and I feel goosebumps rise up on my skin.
"Have you eaten yet?" He then completely changes the subject and I frown.
"Yes." I say. "But what--"
"What did you eat?" He cuts me off.
"I ate crisps." He rolls his eyes at my response.
"There's pasta in the fridge for you, make sure to have some before coming upstairs." He takes the phone from me and swiftly unlocks it before handing it back to me.
"When I'm hungry I will. But what--"
"Love, no more questions." He cuts me off, sternly. "When you're done eating, I'll be upstairs."
"Fine." My gaze drops to the screen and I roll my eyes with a scoff. Of course Kian's background picture would be of him holding a gun.
I was now sat on a stool against the counter, after wetting a paper towel and wiping the skin on my waist that had been touched by Kian's dirty phone.
Never know what kind of contagious disease that might be on it.
After wiping at the phone a bit too, I click on to Heidi's contact.
Turns out that Heidi has indeed changed her number, confirming my suspicions and I frown. But why didn't she tell me?
When I get to their messages, I'm shocked to see that all conversations between them are friendly. It seemed like they had made up after all.
But if that was the case, then why would he speak the way he did behind her back?
As I go back to the most recent texts I see a series of desperate texts from Heidi that Kian has blanked.
My fingers hover over the keyboard and I bite my lip nervously.
Should I text her?
After a few moments of staring at the screen I finally type a simple 'Hi'
I'm so surprised when she begins to type as soon as the message is sent.
I'm so sorry Kian for
whatever I did. I love you so much
please don't leave me..
I tense up from the desperation that's clear from the text.
Before I can type an incoming video call appears and my eyes widen.
I just stare at the screen wide eyed until the ringing stops.
But a second later she calls again.
I glance at the kitchen door and rush towards it. Closing it shut. I then take a deep breath and answer it.
My eyes immediately land on Heidi's face and I hold in a gasp.
She looks...
"Kian. I--" her eyes widen. "Layla?" She croaks, her voice fills with surprise.
"Um... hi." I reply awkwardly, my eyes scanning her features.
Her hair is a frizzy mess, and she has deep, dark circles under her eyes. She looks like she aged ten years older since the last time I saw her.
"Heidi. You..." I trail off, not knowing what to say.
"Look like shit? I know." She chuckles, bringing a fag to her mouth and puffing out smoke and my eyes widen further. She never smokes.
I remember how she always used to complain whenever we were passing a smoker on the street and now she is one!?
I wanted to ask a million questions and more but that would seem weird considering it's the first time I'm speaking to her since I left the house.
"So why do you have Kian's phone?" She asks after a some silence.
"Are you and him together?" I ask instead of answering.
"Well yeah, sort of." She replies back lines appearing on her forehead. "It's complicated."
"Heidi, I have to tell you something." I say, cautiously and she raises a brow. Waiting for me to continue.
"I heard Kian talking to someone, some girl on the phone and he said some terrible things about you. He called you... slut. And he always talks shit about you when you aren't there--"
She rolls her eyes.
"I know Layla." She cuts me off.
"He said he can control you and you listen to anything he says. He is using you and called you--"
"Layla. I said I know!" She says louder and my brows furrow.
"What?" My brows furrow in confusion. Did she even listen to anything I said?
"I said I know." She replies, taking another puff from her cigarette.
I open my mouth to say something but close it.
I don't know what to say. It seems like she doesn't even care.
There is another awkward silence between us.
"We went on a date last night. He told me he loves me." She smiles distantly.
"Heidi, I just told you how he's like and you said you know. Now you're telling me he loves you. How does that make sense?" I snap.
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