《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 88


"Fucks sake, she's taking forever. Let's go." Kian groans, walking over and standing next to me while I face the staircase waiting for Layla to come down.

I roll my eyes in response. "Just shut up."

He scoffs, sneering. "Why does she even need to come? You have work, the least you need now is a distraction." He continues, and I shoot him with a glare.

What the hell is his problem?

"She's not going for me, she's going for Luca since he'll be working till late again, now go and sit the fuck back down or leave, I didn't ask for you to wait up." I run my fingers against my forehead as an ache begins to form.

He scoffs. "Yeah I sure bet that's the reason." He gives me a look, as he leans his back against the wall, looking towards the stairs with a scowl.

Just when I think he'll stop talking, his gob opens again.

"I think she's going to totally ruin this business at this point. How many flops have you had since you met her?" He glances at me with a raised brow. "You had to kill off one of our guys because of her."

I sigh aggravatedly, how stupid is he?

"He was feeding information to Vinnie all this time, what part of that don't you fucking understand?" I reply with a glare and he just chuckles.

"Oh information about some girl you like, barely a reason--" he cuts himself off when I shove him against the wall.

"I gave him too many chances, and you know it." I snap. "In fact I should have killed him from the moment I found him trying to force himself on a girl he was almost twice the size of. Sick fucks like him deserve to die." I spat.

His eyes were wide with shock and fear, as I continue to keep a firm grip on his neck.

"Guys, I'm almost ready. I just need to brush my hair but I can't find my brush." I hear Layla's voice descending from the stairs and I shove Kian to the side who grunts in response, glaring at me as he rubs his neck.

She appears into our view, her grey eyes landing on me as she raises a brow.

"Uh.. did I interrupt something?" I flicker my glaze to Kian who was running his hands on his neck in pain, before glancing back at Killian who had anger etched to his features as he ran fingers through his hair.

With no response, I awkwardly walk past as I head to the living room.

There I find my hairbrush on the sofa, grabbing it I head out and go up the stairs, ignoring the way Kian and Killian continued to argue with each other.

I sigh, shaking my head.

I don't know why they're just standing in the hallway when they could wait by watching some TV or something.

I enter my room, raking my brush through my tangled hair, whilst gathering stuff to take with me to Killian's house.

my eyes then suddenly land on the window.

I could see two cars on the curb one being Killian's which was the black vehicle and another presuming Kian's. But suddenly my eyes land on a tall figure standing too close to Killian's car.

I narrow my eyes, walking closer to the window, noticing his eyes were glued towards our house the whole time and I gulp, as I hold my breath.

As I stand in front of the window, I bring my face closer to get a look at his face.


Who is that guy and why the hell is he staring at my house?

His eyes then suddenly snap over to mine and I jump a little, taking steps back.

His lips lift into a lopsided grin, as he begins to wave at me and I raise a brow, before realising it was probably just a neighbour or a tourist and I laugh at my stupidity as I wave back politely.

Must have been that horror movie Matt forced me to watch last week.

I lean up to open the window so I can ask why he's standing there, when I hear loud voices downstairs, I grunt glancing towards the door.

Those two can't last ten minutes together without arguing.

I begin to brush my hair again as I glance back out to see the guy still standing there and now staring at Killian's car, I continue to watch him standing there as I finish up brushing my hair, before finally moving away and grabbing a hair tie and I quickly tie my hair in a low ponytail.

I grab my stuff to take with me, along with quickly grabbing some gummy bear packets and stuffing them in my bag, they expire tomorrow so might as well.

I then exit my room and head for the stairs before the two assasinators begin to actually kill each other, as their voices begin to grow more coherant the closer I got.

"Says the guy who knocked her sister up and then ran off like the coward he is." Killian's voice spat out harshly.

I freeze momentarily. Heidi?

"What?" I hear Kian laugh, and I narrow my eyes, a frown tugging on my lips as I listen on.

"You didn't possibly think I'd stay with that annoying bitch. I only wanted her for one thing I always have." His smug voice enters my ears and my eyes widen in shock as a gasp emits from me.

That disgusting piece of shit!

"I, unlike you, am loyal to this job. Time for you to do the same, and stop breaking the rules that you came up with from the first place." he continues.

"Besides I told her to get an abortion. And she always listens to me, she's like a puppet." He chuckles and I feel my heart stop.

The anger and disgust rises in me, as I descend the stairs again.

I haven't heard from my sister for over a year since I left that place. She hasn't been answering my calls or my texts...

While I'm surrounded by these thoughts, Killian responds but I couldn't quite catch what he said watching as the both of them come into view the more steps I took.

Whatever Killian said though, must have hit a nerve because Kian's face had a look of rage.

"You can't do that!" He yells loudly, while Killian stood against the wall with his arms crossed as he released a chuckle.

"Oh I can." He smirks, "Watch me."

His head then turns, and he immediately catches my eyes, raising a brow as he sees me eavesdropping.

I quickly descend the last few steps.

"Took your time." he pulls his car keys out, while Kian shoots me a glare before storming off and out the door.

I cross my arms, glaring after him in disgust. He really has changed back to himself.

I can't believe I thought he was nice when all that time it was just a facade trying to impress my sister for only one thing.

And now that he's done with her, he's also done with the act and is back to his old selfish self.


I snap out of my daze when I feel a warm pair of lips press against my temple, I blush as he drops the crisp packet into my hands and begins to walk towards the door. "C'mon love."

I blink away the thoughts from earlier, and follow him while he casually swings his keys around his finger.

As we get out, I close the door shut, locking it. Before heading towards Killian's car, my eyes swarming around the cars to find the guy but he was no where to be seen.

Killian raises a brow as I look back up at him. "What are you looking for?"

"There was a guy before, he was standing over there." I point near his car. "He was looking at the house for ages.."

His eyes narrow at this, as he glances around. "Well what did he look like?" He wraps his arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him as if the guy would pop out any second.

I frown at his actions. "Um... normal? I-I don't remember, but I think he was just a neighbour or something." I say trying to lighten the mood.

he just grunts in response, as he steers me towards the rest of the journey.

I step into the passenger seat and he closes the door shut, before making his way to the other side.

When he gets in, his gaze wonders outside, a frown on his face.

Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

I sigh, pulling out my phone.

I switch it on and see missed calls from Matt and so many texts from last night asking me where I had disappeared to.

Where are youuu?


Are you okay?

I can't find you anywhere! 😭😭

Please tell me you're not dead

I scoff with a smile. He was the one who left me to find some 'hot chics'

I scroll back down to his latest texts and smirk when all I see is him moaning about his hangover.

I quickly send back a reply, and then I turn to look at Killian and find him still gazing outside and I sigh.

"Do you want me to drive?"

That seems to snap him out of it as he glances back at me, amusement beginning to cross his features. "Love to see you try."

I gasp in response. What's that supposed to mean?

"Excuse me? I'll have you know I'm a great driver." I say smugly, and he raises his brows, his lips tugging up into a smirk as I continue.

"I drove back mid year 11 when I was 16, Donald's mum taught him and I and it was so fun learning! I was quite scared at first but it wasn't even that hard and after that I drove a few times on my own but--"

"Sounds like you've got great experience." he cuts me off with a chuckle and I huff in response. "Spare the story for another day, otherwise we'll be here all day." he then starts the engine and I groan.

"C'mon, please." I place my hand over his on the stick thing and he stops, his blue eyes looking down at my hand then at me.

"I won't crash your car, I literally practiced last week and I've still got it." I smile proudly. "Matt was with me and--"

He cuts me off with a sigh. "Fine show me what you've got then." he leans himself back and I grin.

"Okay, let's swap places." I lift myself up, bringing my feet over to his side, as I pull my body with them, brushing against his thighs in the process and I feel him tense up.

I grab the wheel looking behind me as I wait for him to move, but instead I feel his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me back as he seats me between his parted legs.

"Killian..." I blush as he rests his chin against my shoulder, feeling his lips brush against my ear, as I hear him inhale.

"What?" he mumbles, as he pulls me closer until my back presses against his front, I feel heat spread through my body as his lips trail down my neck placing soft kisses, my eyes fluttering shut as I lean more into him.

His hands then release me and all of a sudden the seat jerks forward and I yelp, clutching on to his leg.


he just chuckles in response. "I'm just doing your little legs a favour. Try placing them on the brakes now." he instructs.

I do as he says and smile in response, but then my eyes land on his legs that were cramped in the small space and I shuffle a little forward to give him some space.

"How about your legs?" I raise a brow, as he wraps his arms around my waist like we're on a motorcycle.

"I think I'll survive the five minute drive, love." He replies, amused. "Unless you're an extremely slow driver."

I snort in response. "As if." I start the engine.

Five minutes in to the drive, I begin to shuffle uncomfortably as I feel Killian's stare on me.

"I think people can see us." I whisper, glancing at the cars.

"Nah, tinted windows. Don't worry about it." He copies me, by whispering back and I roll my eyes. I then feel his hand slide off my waist and suddenly the car speeds up and I let out a yelp.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I tighten my hands around the wheel as I try to kick his foot away.

"Doing you a favour." He chuckles. "At your rate we'll be reaching there by tomorrow. If we're lucky" He says and I nudge him.

"Haha hilarious." I roll my eyes and he chuckles.

"I'm not saying you're a bad driver." His hands wrap around my waist again, making me almost look away from the road. "Just a slow one."

I grunt in response. "For your information the only reason why I'm driving slow is cuz you keep touching and distracting me." I state, my gaze flickering over to the GPS on my phone that I had set up before.

He chuckles in response, as he leans back finally giving me some space.

A while later we finally arrive and I release a sigh after parking the car.

"Next time please sit in the passenger seat." I state, opening the door and exiting, him following after me.

"Yes boss." He shuts the door, locking it, with an amused grin on his face, as he walks to the house.

I put my bag on my shoulder and then finally take a look at his new house and my eyes widen.

There were roses surrounding it, a long path leading to the large house.

"Wow, this house is amazing!" I exclaim as I follow him to the door.

He just smiles in reaponse, fishing out the key as he unlocks the door.

"It's not permanent, we have to move regularly." He replies.

"Oh." I frown. "Who else lives in here?"

"Just the two pricks Kian and Mike." He sighs in distaste as I follow him into the house.

Ugh... Not Mike too that stinking buffalo!

I groan at the thought, leaning down to take my shoes off while Killian doesn't bother and just strolls straight into a room.

I slip them off, look around the house. Neat!

I then shout for Luca, and glance up at the long staircase when he shouts back that he's up there.

I release a long sigh. Oh boy. This Is going to be tiring.

I then make myself up and when I finally reach up I release a heavy sigh.

That's my daily exercise done.

I find the first room and see the lights on and I head towards it, entering. There I find Luca sat at a desk, a laptop open and when he sees me grins.

"Hey Luca." I greet him with a warm smile as I walk towards him.

"Hey tesoro." He gives me a short hug as I take a seat next to him.

My eyes scan on the paper work on the desk, while he begins to type away on his laptop. "How are you feeling now?" He says after a while.

I freeze momentarily. As I snap my head towards him. He knows about last night?

"Um.. What do you mean?"

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow, "I heard you went to see your grandma last night." He says and I tense up, he knows about that too?

"Oh, uh... yeah it-it was good." I stammer, trying not to think about the embarrassing event that took place.

He gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I'm asking about you, tesoro." He gives me a sad smile.

"I'm fine. Luise was just being a bitch but it's okay, I told her she has no right to mess with me anymore." I say with a sigh. "And grandma... I don't want to think about the letters or her right now... It still hurts." I rub my hands against my face thinking of a way to change the subject before he can reply. "Uh hey, why didn't you come home last night?" I quickly ask, diverting the attention as I place my bag onto the desk.

He doesn't reply for a while, as he tries to meet my eyes. "Of course I came last night. Where else would I go?" He then responds.

I look at him to see him raising his brows. "Umm, you know.. maybe here?" I state. "You weren't there in the morning either I didn't see you." I frown.

"I left the party a little early to check up on you but you were fast asleep when I arrived. And Killian asked me to come early this morning to complete a few things, while he stayed with you." He says but I stop listening mid way as my eyes widen at the sudden realisation. I was in the same bed as Killian! He saw me in the same--

I quickly shake the thought away.

"Oh." I laugh awkwardly my cheeks heating up, and I quickly grab some random papers pretending to be interested in them while his lips lift up into a smirk.

"You've gone red tesoro."

"So? It's hot in this room how can you even work in here like this..." I reply fast and then put the papers down, scratching my neck. "I need some water. I'll see you later." I stand up and quickly leave the room while he chuckles, shaking his head.

Once I leave with the door shut I groan.

Leave it up to me to over think things and embarrass myself. I sigh, shaking my head and begin to head for the stairs when I suddenly hear a distant voice from a room across from the one I came from.

It sounded like Kian.

"Hey baby..." I look at his door and see it slightly open. I purse my lips, as I slowly walk over to it.

I hear him chuckle through the door. "Yeah, I know." His voice becomes clearer as I stop in front of his room.

"Hey are you free tonight?" He asks as I take a peak through his door to see him grinning.

Is he talking to Heidi? I step a little closer.

The person on the other side says something and his smile falters.

"Don't worry about it babe, she won't be a problem anymore. You know her type only good for one thing." He says and I freeze. "Oh and I may have said a few things to keep that bitch to mind her own business and shut her trap. She won't say a damn thing. She's way too easy." He chuckles. "She craves my attention she'll do anything I say."

The more I hear him talk about my sister, the more my heart begins to race as my fists clench tightly. Rage running through my veins.

How could he do this? What was he doing to my sister?

I bite my lip hard from shouting out, I slam the door open and he abruptly stops talking as his head snaps over to my direction.

"Who do you think you are?" I snap as I stalk inside and he quickly hangs up the call as he glares at me in surprise and anger.

"What are you doing in here? Get out." He snaps and I just release an empty laugh as I stay my ground. "No."

When I don't move his face begins to grow red. "I SAID GET OUT!" He roars and I jump slightly and I glare at him.

"NO!" I snap back, as the anger in me reaches to it's peak and I finally let the words fly out.

"I can't believe you could be such a cunt, Kian!" I snap, "How can you do this to her? She did everything for you and you talk about her so disgustingly. Who the fuck do you think you are!?" My voice rises with each word as his eyes dart behind me and he growls as he goes forward and slams the door shut, before stalking towards me.

"Now listen here you little bitch

--" he steps in front of me, his breath stinking like cigarettes and expired lemon and I gag.

"No. No no no no. Stop!" I shove him back. "I won't listen to a god damn thing your disgusting mouth has to say." I snap and I glance at the door.

"Why'd you close the door huh? Afraid of others hearing how disgusting you truly are? I'll make sure everyone knows." I grit.

"Make sure everyone knows that you're a user. An abuser." I take a step forward.

"Why are you doing this? Does it make you feel good degrading a woman like that, what it makes you feel in control?" I take more steps forward and he just growls, not saying anything and I continue.

"What exactly have you been telling her? What toxic things have you been putting into my sister's head? I saw what you put her through before. She was a mess! And now I hear you've been threatening her? What else have you done? What give you the fucking right to do this!" I scream out, his eyes grew angrier and angrier and he suddenly comes at me and grabs me by my shirt.

"Shut the fuck up!" He yells I'm my face. "I can beat you to a fucking pulp right now if you weren't Killian's little slut and you know it." He spat out. "So don't even fucking start and try to get into my business you--" before he can finish, my hand slams against his face making it jolt to the side and he freezes in shock as I push him away from me, sneering.

How dare he threaten me and address me like that.

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