《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 29


That friend turned into my boyfriend.

It's been four months since me and Jack started dating. And I couldn't have been happier.

I haven't seen or heard from Killian since the day at the restaurant, six months ago, and hopefully it stays that way.

I still live with Donald. I have a job, I'm a cashier at that restaurant. You know... where that guy almost raped me at. Oh and by the way, he's in jail for two years. Serves him right.

You won't believe who Cara's dating. KALEB. KALEB I TELL YA! You can imagine how surprised I was when I found out, but overall I'm happy for them.

Donald's still the single duck he always said he'd be, till after his studies.

Okay. There's the summary.

So anyway, I'm currently at work, my shift ends at six.

I take the last of the customers and check the time. Jack should be picking me up in two minutes.

I begin to pack my stuff up, and then exit the market, I wait in my usual spot and soon Jack's car pulls over.

I open the passenger door and get in. "Hi."

"Hey beautiful." Jack smirks and I blush."Don't call me that." I scowl, putting my seatbelt on. He chuckles leaning forward and placing a kiss on my cheek, before he starts the engine and drives.


I snap out of my daze when I feel warmth on my thigh. I look at Jack's hand, then at him.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He cocks a brow.


"We arrived five minutes ago." His hand caresses my thigh, causing tingles to spread.

"Oh, um..." I begin to fiddle with my hands.

"Relax." He chuckles. His other hand cupping my jaw as he turn my face to him, his eyes searching my own.

"What's wrong?"

I shake my head. "Nothing." I give him a small smile.

"You sure?" He asks and I nod.

After some silence I look up at him again.

"You coming in?"

"No." He shakes his head. "I was planning on going to the gym."

"Oh." I slump back on my seat, pushing my hair back. "I can come?" I look at him.

"You want to?" He cocks a brow, turning to me.

"Sure." I nod and he smiles, as he starts up his engine again.


"This is a men's gym?" I exclaim, staring up at the big building.

"Only gym that has private rooms." He chuckles, wrapping his arm around me.

"Right." I blow out a breath.


"Think you can go in now? We've been out here for five minutes."

I roll my eyes. "Yes, let's go."

He steers me towards the building. I open the door for him, bowing down. "Men first."

Just when he's about to go inside, I nudge past him. My smile drops when I see every eye on me. I stand there for a moment and they continue to stare at me.

My lips curl. "WHAT YOU-" I get pulled backwards.

Jack chuckles into my ear. "Calm down."

I huff, pulling away. The men continue to stare at me and I growl. "WHAAT!? HAVEN'T SEEN A GIRL-" Jack pulls my waist and begins to steer me away.

"I don't think you should be talking like that, most of them are from gangs." He whispers in my ear.

I grunt. "What they gonna do? Get their bums out and start twerking?"

Jack bites his lips, trying to contain his laughter and then walks me into an empty lockers room.

"Are you on your period or something?" He chuckles and I take a deep breath, shrugging.

"It does hurt a bit."

He snorts and I snap my head up. He sucks his bottom lip, holding in his laughter and nods. "Right."

He turns and walks towards one of the lockers with the initials: J.S, written in a black marker. He takes out a key from his pocket, still grinning and inserts it in the locker, opening it.

He pulls out a a black gym bag and shuts the locker.

"Jack." A very deep voice calls from behind us, and I jump in fright.

We both turn and see a very bulky guy, covered in tattoos and piercings.

"Ronchi! How are you?" Jack smiles back, and I sigh.

Thought he was a serial killer for a second.

"I'm good mate, where you been? Haven't seen you here for a while." He replies. He's a little shorter than Jack but much bulkier.

"Ah. Well. I've been a little occupied."

"Huh." He nods, then his eyes go down to me and I quickly avert my gaze, gulping.

He looks scary as heck.

"Whose this little squirt?, Didn't notice her here."

Excuse me? Little squirt?

Jack chuckles, looking down at me. "This is my girlfriend, Layla."

"Layla. Huh. She's a cute little squirt ain't she?" He chuckles but it sounds more like a lion's roar.

When he looks back at Jack, I glare at him, scowling.


Jack chuckles. "Alright I'll see you later."

"See ya, mate."


Jack wraps his arm around my shoulder and steers me away.

"Nice, isn't he?" He tells me and I scoff. "He called me a little squirt!" I scowl.

He hums. "I think it sounds cute."

"You know what else would be cute?" I smile. "Watching you try to climb up your beanstalk with one leg."

He chuckles, rolling his eyes. "We've been here for twenty minutes, let's go." He grabs my hand and leads me out. I feel eyes on me again, but I keep my gaze on the ground, sulking again.

We pass a hallway and stop at the end. Jack takes out a key, inserting it in and we both enter.

I step away from Jack and scan the place. The room is massive, with all sorts of exercising stuff, like..the weights and...the punching thing and..other stuff I don't know the name of. I begin to walk around, and scan the objects.

"Fuck, you're gonna kill me if you keep looking like that." I hear Jack's deep rumble.

I turn around and grunt when I bang into a hard chest.

He laughs, leaning down. He puts his arms around me, and I narrow my eyes at him, as I drink in his features.

He looks like someone I've seen before, I've always thought this but I just can't put my finger on it.

"Do you have any siblings?" I blurt.

He cocks a brow, startled by my question, but merely nods. "I have a brother."

"Really? Tell me about him." I stare at him curiously.

"There's not much to tell I guess but.. well, he's two years older than me and isn't a good person anymore, far from it." He tells me, shrugging.

Jack's 17 so his brothers 19. Quick maths.

"Oh." I frown. "What does he do?"

"That." He leans closer. "I can't tell you but I can say you don't ever want to meet him."

My lips twitch as I'm about to speak again, but he presses his finger against them, shaking his head. "Let's not speak of him."

After a moment, I nod. "Okay."

He smiles, pecking my lips, before pulling away from me.

"What do you want to do first?" He changes the topic.

"Um.." I begin to look around again.

My eyes land on something and I point at it. "What's that escalator thing?"

He looks at it and laughs. "It's a treadmill."

I wrinkle my nose up.

"Sounds boring. What are you going to do?"

"Push-ups I guess. Since we spent most of our time mucking about, we gotta get you home soon."

"Why? I'm not a little kid."

He smiles. "Never said you were. It's just that Mrs Hickman might think you're abducted or something."

"Oh.." immediately my mind wanders over to Killian. Eugh. Idiot.

"Babe?" Jack's voice snaps me out of my daze.

"Yeah?" I turn to him.

"When you decide what you want to do, call me." He walks over to the blue mats.

"Okay." I begin to look around again, but when nothing interests me I huff. So boring.

I look at Jack, who's on the floor doing push-ups.


Slowly I walk over to him from behind. I stare at him for a while before jumping on his back. He lets out a grunt falling on his tummy.

"I want to play horsies." I hold back a laugh, smacking his back.

He cranes his head to look at me, cocking a brow.

"Come on." I whack his back again. "Giddy-up!"

He rolls his eyes. "How about you be the horse."

I furrow my eyebrows. "No-" he flips over to his back, knocking me off.

I land on my elbow next to him and wince. "Hey! That hurt!"

"Sorry babe." He bites his lip, holding back a laugh. "Want me to kiss it better?" He puckers his lips.

"That's gross." I curl my lips, I lift myself up to my feet and start to walk around again.

I feel my skin prickle, as though someone's watching me and I frown, turning to Jack. He's still on his back, raking a hand through his black hair.

He sees me staring and cocks a brow. "You alright?"

I nod my head and turn away, walking around once again.

My skin continues to prickle and I let out a shaky breath. Someone's definitely watching me. I stare at one spot on the ground, but peek from the corner of my eye at the door.

I see a dark figure and my heart picks up it's pace. I don't turn my neck but as casually as possible, walk towards Jack again.

"Jack-Jack, I think there's someone-" I keep my voice low, but then the sound of the doorknob rattling, cuts me off and makes my heart stop. He looks over to the door and his jaw clenches.

I hear the door shut and footsteps coming in.

The footsteps stop and the eery silence greets us.

"Jack." The voice breaks the silence and my eyes flash open in shock, my heart now thundering in my chest.

Is that....

"Killian." Jack grits back.


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