《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 28


"Shut up Donald." I glare at him.

"She was blushing and everything." He blabs on to Kaleb and Cara.

Cara shrieks, jumping off the coach, and Kaleb chuckles.

"My girl finally has a crush! Who is it Layla. Who is it?!" She squeals, charging towards me.

I take steps back, lifting my hands up. "I do not have a crush." I state firmly, glaring at Kaleb and Donald then back at Cara.

She leans over to my ear. "Have you secretly met up with Killian?" She whispers.

I roll my eyes. "You wish." I walk away.

"Bummer." She sulks. "Who is it?"

"Donalds butt."

His cheeks flame red and he huffs. "She was staring out the window and-"

"Donald!" I charge at him. He gulps, taking steps back and lifts his hands up. "Okay okay!" He surrenders and I stop, still glaring.

"I don't like anyone." I state once more, before exiting the room.

"She so does." Donald mutters, after I've left the room.

"I'm going to find out who."

I growl, before thumping up the stairs.


"I'm going out." I state, pulling my boots on. It's 4pm and I'm desperate for some rainbow drops. Cara, Kaleb and Donald are all watching a movie on Netflix.

"Where?" Donald asks, half-heartedly, zoned onto the movie.

"Shops." I pull the door open and get out, not waiting for a response.

I shut the door, and decide to walk instead of taking Donald's car. The nearest market is just a five minute walk.

I arrive and just when I'm about to walk inside the market, three bulky blokes suddenly step in front of me.

I blow out a breath of annoyance, glaring up at them. The middle one-the most bulkiest- has a devilish grin on his lips and I roll my eyes.

"Could you move please." My voice comes out harsh.

He takes a step forward, chuckling and exchanging looks with the buffalos next to him, who smirk back, licking their lips.

They look back at me and the guy finally speaks. "Do you know who I am?" His deep slurry words make me cringe.

I widen my eyes, and snap my fingers. "OHHHHH."

He smirks, satisfied.

"You're that buffalo that charged at me from the zoo, right?!" I exclaim and his nostrils flair.

"Oh, shit. I'm wearing red socks. No wonder you're so grumpy!" I lean down, pulling my jeans down a little.

"There. Now bye-bye." I wave, walking around him.

But then my arm harshly gets pulled back to the buffalo and I let out a grunt.

"Bitch! Get off!" I yell, he tighten his hold and begins to drag me away from the market.

"You'll pay for that, you cheeky little brat." He growls, the other guy grabs my other arm, while the others are behind us.

"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF ME!" I scream, a hard punch lands on my jaw, whipping my head back. Fuck!


I blink the tears away and glare at him. He smirks, chuckling darkly. "We're going to have so much fun with you." He mutters and I sneer in disgust, immediately getting the message.

"You can fucking try, bitch, but I'm warning you, you ain't getting nothing but a broken dick." I spit.

His smirk widens. "We'll see, then."

I growl, thrashing again. "GET. OFF. ME!" I scream again, his hand flies up to my mouth.

"Careful, you don't want me to take you here-" his words make bile rise up my throat.

"FUCK, I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GONNA-" I muffle through his hand, but I end up puking.

He removes his hand off me in disgust, shoving me onto the ground. He flaps his hand and wipes it against his already dirty jeans. "You bitch!" He growls, taking steps towards me, I gulp, shuffling backwards but then a bat swings over his head and he falls to the ground, unconscious.

"Thank God." I laugh half-heartedly, I look up.


He drops the bat and sneers at the two and they quickly run away. (Forgot he's apart of the after school cricket club)

I crawl over to the guy. "Please be dead please be dead, please be dead." I whisper and check his pulse, when I feel it beat, I growl.

Jack leans down, chuckling. "You okay?" He looks at me and I nod. He brings his hand up and wipes the tears from my cheeks.

"What happened?"

"He was telling me that-" I cut myself off, swallowing the bile that raises up.

"He was gonna rape me." I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut as I fight the urge to puke again.

I feel warmth on my back, as he runs his hand up and down my back, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

I sigh in content, opening my eyes. I meet his now dark gaze, burning with anger. His jaw clenched.

He gets off the floor, and holds his hand down. I accept it and he lifts me up, gently.

"Oh shit." He stares at my jaw and I gulp.

"He did that to you?" His voice comes out harsher.

"I-It doesn't hurt." I quickly say, taking a step back. He look me in the eyes, cocking a brow.

"Bullshit." He takes a step forward and brushes his fingers against my bruise, delicately, but even the slightest touch ignites the pain and I wince.

He sighs, removing his hand and taking a step back. "We should call the police."

"Um. No. It's okay." I lick my dry lips and take a step back.

"Why not?"

"Uh, it's just going to be a waste of time and-"

He rolls his eyes, flipping his phone out.

I let out a shaky breath, scratching my neck nervously.

"It won't, besides. We have proof." He points at the body, then at my bruise.


"B-But they- I don't-" I stare at his cell, as he begins to dial, loss for words. "I-I- my..."

He chuckles, before putting the phone against his ear. As if sensing my panicked state, he smiles at me, reassuringly.

I sigh, I hope they don't call Mrs Hickman, since she's now my carer, her number will be on the system.

"The police please, Yeah...." He carries on talking and I turn around, staring down at the ugly dude.

"You okay?" Jack steps aside me, I nod immediately.

"They're not going to call Donald's mum are they?" I look up at him, after a moment. He shakes his head. "I don't think so."

I nod, looking back at the dude.

"They should be here in two minutes."

I gulp, nodding again. "Okay, well I just need to get–"

"Get it tomorrow."

"No, I need it now. I need to get some foundation to cover up this." I point to my bruise. "I don't want Donald and them lot to see."

"Right.." he narrows his eyes, probably wondering why I don't want to tell them.

"Okay, I'm..." I trail off when a police car stops against the curb. I sigh. Jack shrugs, walking over to the cops.

Two male officers exit the car and I watch as they begin to talk to Jack.

I look down at the buffalo and see him stir slightly. Oh shit.

His eyes slowly flutter open and I take a step back.

"Uh..Jack!" I yell.

Jack looks at me and then at the buffalo. He begins to speak fast and him and the officers rush over to us.

I look back at the buffalo and he lets out a grunt, his eyes fly over to me and he glares, before slowly lifting himself up.

I take a step back and then I feel presence behind me. The officers scurry on either side of the buffalo.

The buffalo looks at them both in confusion, but then he turns his gaze back to me, glaring.

"You bitch!" He growls.

I gulp, then feel Jack's warm hand, caressing my back.

We both watch as the buffalo tries to fight off the officers, but they are just as bulkier as he is and manage to secure the handcuffs on him, and push him over to the car.

After they've locked him in, they come over to us.

"Explain what exactly happened Ma'am." The guy with blonde hair asks me, flipping out a notepad.

I explain what happened, and point at my jaw. He nods and continues to scribble on his notepad. I tell him the rest of the story and they both nod again. "We'll have this recorded and notify you his punishment, what's your name?"

At first I hesitate to tell him, but just do it anyway. "Layla Brooks."

"Layla Brooks." He repeats, writing it down.

"Well Miss Brooks. We will let your parents know and-"

"Um. My parents are on a holiday and-"

"Do you have any carers?" He cocks a brow.

"Yes, but I'd like to keep this event private.. if you don't mind. Just call my number and let me know."

The cop stares at me for a moment, before nodding. "Can I get your number."

I nod and tell him it and he jots it down. Soon they head back to their car and I watch as they drive away, the buffalo glaring daggers at me as they move.

I blow out a sigh of relief before turning to Jack. He smiles down at me and I return it.

"Did you walk here?" He asks and I nod.

"Okay I'll help you shop then drop you off home, just incase his guys come after you."

I smile, nodding, and we both enter the shops. I buy my rainbow drops and the cheapest foundation. I pay and then we both leave. He heads towards his car and I follow.

I get into the passenger seat and let out a breath, immediately taking the wrapper off the foundation tube thingy.

Jack gets in and faces me.

"One minute, let me just put this on." I tell him, furrowing my eyebrows in concentration as I peel the wrapper off.

When it's fully off, I press the top bit and put some on my hand.

I swipe my left index finger against it, blindly rubbing it on my jaw.

After I'm done applying, I look up, catching Jack's eyes. "Is it okay?"

He looks at my work and shakes his head. "You need to blend it." He leans forward. "Here. I'll do it." He cups my face and gently swipes at my foundation with his other hand.

I stare at my hands and after a while I flicker gaze over to him, his lips are pouted in concentration and his eyebrows furrowed.

That's hot.

Okay shut up.

His eyes snap to mine and I look away blushing. He chuckles, pulling away. "Perfect." He starts his engine and drives off.

I give him the directions and soon we arrive. I unbuckle my seatbelt and turn to him.

"Um. Thanks, for you know." I clear my throat, awkwardly.

He smiles, showcasing his single dimple on his left cheek. "My pleasure."

I smile back and he leans forward, placing a soft kiss against my cheek.

"You seriously look so cute when you blush." He pulls away, smirking and my smile turns into a scowl.

He laughs again and I shake my head my lips twitching up into a smile.

"I'll see you around." I tell him and open the door.

"See ya." He responds.

I exit and just when I'm about to close it, he calls for me.

"Um.. yeah?"

"We're friends now right?"

After a moment of contemplation, I nod. "Yeah.. Friends."

He smiles, his blue eyes, glowing. "Sweet. See you later, friend."


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