《SS Arshi:The bet》part 3


He moved closer to her and said "I'll try not to do that"

She slid into her sleek two door coupe and waved good bye to arnav only to realize that her car was not starting. She tried again and again!

Man! I don't believe this. She must hold the Guinness world record for everything that was happening to her going wrong in the last 24 hours.

She was starring at the wheel when a knock sounded at the window.arnav was there for her rescue.As she opened the door, she saw him smiling at her. But the smile had disappeared as quickly has it had appeared. His face was all concern.

"Let me give you a lift"arnav offered.

"No! I'll call the rental car company and ask for one" She replied back

"This is not a safe place to wait till your car arrives. I will drop you at your place and you ask the rental car company to drop it there arnav suggested

That sounded logical to her. Except that he would be at her apartment. Not good. Not Good at all or may be very good.

Arnav pulled up his SUV in front of her apartment and she was about to get out "I'll walk you to the door" and tried to get down with her.

"No. Not necessary. I can find my way" she gave a nervous laugh. He just raised his eyebrows at her.

"Scared" he asked with a teasing smile.

"Scared of you! No" Scared of myself maybe. Mr. Gorgeous was like the forbidden fruit that was tempting but poisonous at the end.

Khushi about the interview," he said and stopped her from getting out of the car.

She turned "Yes... What about it?"

"Do you want to have it now?" Arnav did not want to ease the tension between them. He wanted her breathless and hot for him as he was for her. He was already starting to like her quirks and small adorable traits. The gentleman in him warned that he was heading for trouble.

He was already thinking of commitment and relationship. This was no good. He just wanted to enjoy hot, sweaty love and then forget about the whole thing. He definitely wanted to win the bet with that arrogant yuva too.

His career was on the line and women were a distraction. At this point in his career he can do without the distraction of any serious relationships. He wanted some action and that's as far as he was going to go now.

Shaking his head he said, "You could invite me in"

"No, I don't want to invite you to my apartment. So.. no interview today" she said with a smile.


"Oh! Well….its your loss" She just smiled.

"Anyways, Thanks for the ride. Arnav. Good Night!"

"Don't go" so saying he pulled her back into his car. He reached for her and his arms went around her.

When he tried to pull her close she resisted. She looked up at him and their eyes locked. In her eyes he saw attraction, lust and anger. "I need to go"

"Don't go..khushi" he whispered against her ear.

"I have to…." Her body trembled with passion and the need to escape.

His eyes traveled from her face to her full luscious lips and he wanted to taste them urgently." I really don't want you to go from here"

He wanted to take, to devour. He waited for a sign from her. As she melted against him and she tugged him closer to her, arnav could sense the sweet surrender.

Suddenly, they were kissing wildly, passionately, roughly. Her arms twined around his neck. He deepened the kiss and khushi melted.

He explored her ears, she shivered. He moved slowly towards her neck and khushi sighed. This one woman was doing crazy things to him. She made him wild with need. She matched his stroke for a stroke and kiss for a kiss. He sensed that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

She was driving him out of his mind. He wanted this woman. Right here. Right now.

With a quick flip of her seat, she was reclined and he was kissing her all over. His hands roamed her body and down her legs. She moaned and moved closer to him. Her hands roamed on his face, his back, on his shoulders. Both of them were engrossed in each other when a car's headlight fell on them.

They both broke apart startled at the sudden intrusion.

"Oh! No" she mumbled. She had to get out.

"Don't worry the guy din't see us" He laughed thinking about the situation. "I have never been caught making out in a car even in school so don't worry!"

"That's so reassuring" she said sarcastically. She pulled her dress down which had ridden up during their passionate encounter.

"Let me go!" Khushi sighed



"No" he said enjoying her facial expressions.

"Admit that you want me! Then I'll let you go"

"I will admit to no such thing. Now let me go." he din't want to let her go without spending the night with her in her apartment.

"O.k.! let me walk you to the door. A gentleman always walks the girl to the door" he said

"Gentleman! Now,Where is he?"


As she walked towards her apartment she glanced back to see arnav leaning against the hood of the car watching her. As she inserted her keys to unlock the door of her apartment she glanced once more to see if he had left.

She hesitated in front of the door. She wanted him but something was stopping her from inviting him. Was she doing the right thing? She liked him but did she love him???

Arnav was looking at her, waiting for a sign of acknowledgement that she wanted to spend the night with him. He wanted a willing partner in bed so he waited. He could sense her inner battle but he also knew that she was fighting a losing battle.

She wanted him as much as he wanted her. He acknowledged that they struck sparks within each other and it was a matter of time before it would combust and burst into flames.

Khushi wanted… no needed him…

She slowly turned and looked at him from her door. He was still starring at her. She could not decipher his thoughts but she could sense the dangerous attraction between them. As she stood leaning on her apartment door, arnav saw that her eyes were calling him; he took that as an invitation and slowly walked towards her.

As he neared the apartment her heart started beating faster, her eyes that were starring at him were turning molten with desire, he slowly walked closer to her and stood in front of her.

Arnav's eyes slowly caressed her from head to toe. He lifted his hands and pushed away a wayward curl. Her breathing hitched with the closeness of arnav. Arnav pushed the door open as he bent down and lifted her, khushi slowly wound her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulders. He kissed as he slowly bent towards her and captured her luscious lips. She could taste passion and possessiveness it that one kiss. He kept walking inside her apartment until he unerringly found the bedroom.

He slowly put her down without letting go of her. Both of them were oblivious to anything else other than the need to be together. His hands slowly removed the clips that were holding her hair back. As it tumbled down his hand took the place of the clip and he pulled her closer for a more intimate kiss.

Arnav slowly moved her towards the bed and gently placed her on it. With his knees bend he slowly moved towards her. "You are even more beautiful than I remember" he murmured, his hands slowly sliding to her hips. A delicious shudder coursed through her slight frame.

The tension was building; his eyes were so close to her that she could see the iris of his eyes. Khushi trembled as he slowly bent and recaptured her lips. Unable to hold back, she kissed him with the innocence and passion that coursed through her body.

He slowly undressed her and kissed her all over. His hands were kneading her body. Her heart almost stopped when he slowly bit her neck. Her hands were holding him to her and for a moment when he got up to remove his clothes she felt bare without him. and then he joined her. He kissed her roughly and then slowly.She was shivering and slithering with delight as passion over took common sense and everything else.

With the pleasure that he was giving her khushi felt like she was being branded as his own. She clutched his shoulders as he intoxicated her. She was too tired to move. Arnav was lying close to her, his hands were on her stomach hugging her tightly, and his face was on her shoulders as he slowly traced the veins on her hands.

"Hmmm...khushi...That was good"

She blushed hearing that from him. He kissed her once before getting up and walking towards the bathroom.

Khushi was gloriously tired after the marathon they had.

She clutched the sheet as she watched arnav close the door of the bathroom. After a few minutes she heard the shower running… "khushi…." He called.

"Yes" She replied back.

"Can you get me a towel? There is no towel in the bathroom"

Khushi got up with the sheet draped around her. She stumbled; cursing herself she walked towards the closet and grabbed a towel for him.

As she handed the towel to him he pulled her into the bathroom.

"Arrnavvvvvvvvv" she screamed.

"Sshhhhh" he said laying a finger on her mouth.

"But….." before she could say anything further he removed the sheet around her and carried her to the shower.

They were totally exhausted by the time they both stepped out of it. He took the towel khushi had bought in earlier and tied it loosely around his hips.

He looked at khushi She was gorgeous and she was a lioness in and out of bed. That thought bought a chuckle out of him. He went to her closet and got another towel for her. She stepped out of the shower as arnav carefully draped the towel around and slowly carried her to the bed.

"Why are you looking at me like that" khushi asked slowly

"Like What?" Arnav asked arrogantly

"Like a cat, who has found his cream and eaten it too"

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