《WHAT IF...? ( Completed)》Part 17


Part 17

Khushi was still sleeping as she slept late. Buaji shouted from outside...

"Arrey...Payaliya, wake Sankadevi up."

Payal hit on Khushi's thigh.

"Khushi.... wake up.... It's 7'o clock."

"Jeeji five minutes....."

She pleaded in a sleepy voice.

"Khushi, today is our Mehandi ceremony.... You are still sleeping...?"

Khushi sat on the bed with a jolt.


She looked here and there with messed up hair.

"Go and take bath..."

Payal hit her shoulder. Khushi rushed to the washroom, taking a towel while blabbering...

"Why did you let me sleep, Devi Maiya...? Amma and Buaji are working alone... without helping them I was sleeping... Buaji is going to scold me with numerous names...."

She closed the washroom door and Payal chuckled.

As Khushi predicted, she was scolded by Buaji.

"Arrey Sankadevi, in usual days, waking up earlier, you roam room to room unwantedly... but today, you were sleeping like as if you born to sleep...."

Khushi pouted at her. Arnav's DON'T THINK 0F ME didn't let her sleep last night. As she felt last, she couldn't wake up earlier.

She dialed Arnav's number immediately to fight with him. Arnav just came out of the washroom and took the mobile. He attended the call smilingly. Before he said anything,

"It's because of you...."

Arnav pulled the phone from his ear jerking.

"What because of me?"

"I was unable to sleep last night...."

"Why Khushi?" He asked smilingly as he guessed what could have happened.

"Didn't you say DON'T' THINK OF ME?"

"Haan.... I did..."

"That's why I didn't sleep."

"I didn't get it"

He said controlling his smile. What he expected would happen.

"I was thinking about what you said. Why did you say like that?"


"I said DON'T THINK OF ME. You did completely opposite to what I said. Then why do you scold me? You may scold only if you had followed my words. but you didn't... there is no logic of scolding me. Khushi"

"Isn't it....?" she bit her nail.

"It is..."

"Haan... Why do I scold you?"

"IT's you, who should answer the question."

Khushi pouted.

"Ok... tell me what did you think of me?"

"I was thinking about why you don't want me to think of you"

Arnav laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"you are such a funny bundle, Khushi... I knew you will do so..."

"Did you intentionally do that?"


"But why?"

"To know whether my guessing is right."

"This is too much... Go... I won't talk to you."

"Won't you?"


"Let's see."

He disconnected the call. Khushi dropped her jaw, looking at the phone.


Mehandi was done. Brides wrote their Groom's name on their palms. Sangeet performed on the same evening. Khushi danced with her friends until Buaji started shouting to wind up the Sangeet ceremony. She got changed and fell on the bed totally exhausted.

Payal received a call and it was from Arnav.

"Have you done with Mehandi and Sangeet?" Arnav questioned.

"Jee Arnavji...we just finished," Payal replied.

"You guys will get your wedding sarees tomorrow."

"Ok Arnavji."

"NK will come with the haldi which is going to be applied to you."

"Ok Arnavji."

"Ok.. good night."



"Don't you want to talk to Khushi?"

"She must be tired after danced in the Sangeet ceremony."

"She is tired but she could talk."

Payal was about to call Khushi,


"That's ok... let her rest."

He disconnected the call. At the same time, Khushi came out and saw Payal talking on the phone. She teased Payal, thinking that it was Akash who talked to Payal.

"I know it must be Jeejaji..."

Cutting her,

"No, it was your jeethji..."

"Whaaat!" she frowned.

"My would-be husband's elder brother."

"Elder brother...? (her mind sparkled.) Whaaat!!!! You mean Arnavji....?"

Payal nodded yes.

"Why didn't you give me the phone?"

"I was supposed to...but he said NO..."


"yeah... is everything all right between you two?"

"Actually I said, I won't talk to him in the morning..."


Now Payal understood that why Arnav purposely called through the landline.

"How could he really be not talking to me?" Khushi pouted.

"I think he is really upset with you." Payal intentionally teased her.

Khushi called Arnav. he smiled at his phone, seeing her number.

"Hello, Arnavji..."


"Why didn't you talk to me?"

"Me? When?"

"You called Jeeji and disconnected the call without talking to me."

"You only said that you won't talk to me...."

"I said I won't talk to you...that means it's me who should not talk to you. Why didn't YOU talk to me?"

"Khushi... don't you think this is too much?"

"I say don't talk to me often... doesn't mean you should be unspoken."

"Ohh...what rule is this?"

"Khushi's rule..."

"Your rules won't work after our marriage."


"After our marriage, you won't be without talking to me."


"Do you think I will let you stay silent?" he asked with a hidden meaning.

"Won't you?" She became excited.

"What do you think?"

"Let's see that later. Now, let me sleep. Good night."

She disconnected the call, without waiting for his reply. Arnav tapped his forehead by the phone nodding no.

Wedding Day

Arnav refused to wear a turban as he felt very uncomfortable. In fact, he wanted to be in his three-piece suit as usual. It was Anjali who insisted him to wear a traditional outfit. Without any choice he wore it.

Arnav and Akash were waiting for their respective bride. Arnav's breath ditched him when he saw Khushi who was breathtakingly beautiful. Arnav forgot to blink for a while. Khushi reached the stage and took place, next to Arnav.

Gupta sisters became Raizada bahus in the next few minutes and the panditji declared it officially. The NEW Raizada women entered into the RM with all respect by completing needed rituals.

Khushi and Payal were about to get inside RM, Nani stopped them.

"You guys should not walk in..."

Khushi and Payal looked at each other.

"Your husband should pick you in his arms."

Khushi and Payal's cheeks turned into RED.

Arnav picked Khushi and Akash picked Payal. They went to their respective room with their respective wives.

Arnav put Khushi on his bed and looked at Khushi who looked nervous.

"Will you say I won't talk to you now?" Khushi looked at Arnav who was smirking, lying beside her.

Khushi bit her lip.

"I won't mind if you say so... because it's not necessary to talk here."

He said looking at the flower decoration of his bed. Khushi tried to get up. Do you think Arnav would have allowed her to do it?

Hereafter, it's up to your imagination...

To be continued...

NOTE: Next part will be the last part of WHAT IF...?

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