《Arshi FF Friendship to love》part 3
Khushi while was going thru physical pain..she was even going thru torture pain..she knew her best buddy wudn't b happy..as per she is carrying her behavior with him..she cudn't sleep she wna pour out all her frustration of her she is hating her self for hw she has turned herself nw frm khush to khushi'she cannot spell d unknown pain..she was going thru..bt evn she cn't accept d true fact
Wel bt she need to control her emotions as she has committed sumone dat she wil nt b interrupting in dier life'
On d other hand arnav was very disturbed as per he knew his khush..bt d gal he is meeting from d morning seems to totally new to him..he was hurted on khushi ignorance bt he stil gave a thought dat wt's wrong going on??was his relationship wit la making difference to khush den later he thought hw cud dat happen as she dn't have such feeling for him..she loves him truly as friend den which prlb is hicting her such behaviour? All dese questions made him restless..
He said la who was accompanying her'dat he wna spend sumtym alone as he was very disturbed..on dis la's anger n hateration towards khushi grew..
Next morning,
Arnav impaintenly waited for khushi..bt even after d lunch tym she din arrived..he tried to call on her cel bt she wasn't receiving it..dat made arnav more restless n worried towards her..
Arnav to himself-is she alright?wt must hav happened to her?..questions of worry sewing in his mind he is getting tensed hour by hour..soon he realizes dat he hav nikki's no.
Arnav calls her up..
Arnav-hello nikki
Nikki-oh hi arnav
Arnav-cud I talk to khush
Nikki-no arnav she is sleeping
Arnav-is she alright?
Nikki-ya she is..
Arnav-okay fine wen she wakes up plz say her to call
Nikki-okay buddy
Arnav disconnects d call..nikki looks at khushi who has been crying since last night..with her swollen eyes
Nikki-y d hel u r duin wit him so?,he is ur best buddy he cares abt u so much,r u left out with heart right now khush???dn't u hav a regreration on ur behavior..khush plz say me wat's d thing itching u?
Khushi(piled a stone in her heart)-I wanted specky to go away from me..i mean I m done with him he such a bore I mean he need to concentrate on her gf..nt on me til wen shud I hold him?..juz to get rid of him I hitched him up wit la..dat's it nikki interrupts her
Nikki-is it really u who speaking dis?
Khushi-obivously..dn't u c my mouth uttering dis words?
Nikki-no,its nt who u r speaking its sum1 elz who is speaking thru u'I knw u khush..a gal who juz spreads happiness to every1..is nw hurting d most dearest one'leave me big unsolved mystery behind
Khushi- beb der is nothing such mustery's behind..,nw I hav to do a big job to blow him away from my life
Khushi den goes in d washroom..on d tap of water n starts crying aloud'
Khushi to herself-after dis m dam sure u wil start hating me..n u wil surely throw me out of ur life..m sorry specky I hav no alternative left I want my specky to b happy..n dis cud juz happen wen nerd like me leaves ur life..ur life wil b happier more n u wil spend more with ur gal in my absence'.
It's a farewell party n khushi has plot d heart breaking plan of her life
She is stil avoiding arnav,arnav willing to talk to her bt she aint paying heed purposely in d party which is already..a pile of sorrow in her heart n nw'she gna play such a thing dat arnav wil let he out of her life
She calls up a random guy'
D random guy arrives in d party..khushi tries to get closer to him..as per arnav cudnt believe his eyes..dat wt has happen yo his khush..
He tries to stop her to get closer to d random guy bt she does nt listen him'purposely she shows him dat she is having a drink..n arnav stil in shock with dis behaviour of her
Khushi takes d guy to d croner she knew arnav is following her
Khushi-baby I was waiting for u frm wen..u r arriving nw?
Guy-I was catched up in a work..
Khushi-yeaterday v had lotta gala tym..right
Guy-yah'bt y did u said ur roommate say ur friend a lie
Khushi-oh ua talking abt specky?,i dn't wan him to disturb us m actually bugged wit him..since I neva trusted him..as per he having a gf even..keeps holds on me n dat irritates me,hw many plans I plotted for to get rid of him bt no..he does nt go..,I neva even said him dat u n me r in relationship..u knw as per I dn't believe..he was juz n timepass for me..i wanted to distract him frm studies'bt uselss'he carried d friendship n neva gt distracted evn'ufff dis guy
Arnav after listening dis was totally shattered..he cudn't believe d single word khushi uttered for him'he totally broke down
Arnav to himself-no khushi kumara gupta nt so easily..u hav to confront my questions
Arnav came forward he punched out d guy in anger..n dragged khushi out of d party
Khushi-specky leave me wt r u duin,wer r u taking me?
Arnav-nw say me wt's d prlb I knw'u r doing dis purposely..i dn't knw for wt..bt knew it's a purpose behaviour
Khushi(laughs)-purpose behavior specky'm seriously I m bored of u.. I mean u wer a gud friend bt den too'I guess v shud end up here..as per m also in a relationship..n u too u shud nw stop following me(she turns back tears flowing from her eyes)
Hw much shud I carry u nw..ua nt a kid right'n main purpose of me cuming in ur life was to distract ur studies..
N ma aim was nt fulfilled'd gal khush u met wa virtual image..ma real image is in front of u..n khushi gupta'who even holds a bf..drinks n all stuff..a bad bad gal
Arnav-fine u think m a boredom n u wna get rid of me?juz answer n question'y did u saved me dat day auctioning ur life?
Khushi was confused she din knew wt to speak up'
Bt den khushi said
Khushi-I juz tired to save d couple nt u..lavanya was der wit u.. so I shouted..
Arnav-bt den to u saved r life
Khushi-dat was juz n act to prove u dat m a gud friend(she wipes her tears n faces him strongly)
Arnav(cud nt count d degree of pain he is going thru)-dat was juz n act?(tears started flowing from his eyes)
Khushi-yes mr.raizada..n nw if u hav known everything so shud I leave my bf is waiting fo me..
She was leaving bt arnav grabbed her
Arnav-u wanted to get rid me right fine'I stil dnt believe dat u hav dne all dis to me?bt I wil plaster dat in my heart dat u wer a crook in my life,a biggest mistake dat wud neva eva forget'u taught me a lesson n I thank u for dat u taught me nt to trust ppl..n from knw khushi I dn't wna c ur face'as per d degree m hating u..neva eva show ur dirty face in ma life..n one more thing u said m holding u evn dough m havin a gf..i promise u khushi gupta'd gal who loved me..n I ignored her juz because of ur virtual behavior..nw I wil surely marry her..n settle down juz with to prove u'dat I neva get back on my commitments..i hate u get lost from my life he pushes her hard n leave..
La comes up to arnav
La-arnav where wer u?y u came out so sudden from d party..(after looking khushi)wt hpnd btwn u 2?
Arnav-nthng baby she made me realize dat hw much I love u..n how much ur imp in ma life..n ignored u juz bcz of some foolish ppl,I promise u today dat I wil b committed with u da whole life
After dat arnav looks at khushi n smooches lavanya in frnt of her..n den holds lavanya's waist n leaves
for first tym after d act she thought as if she has stopped breathing..n d first tym khushi confronted her feelings yes she loved him'
Wt cud b d terrible day of her life of confrontation..every gal wished d best day of confrontation..bt for khushi dis is d terrible day of life..
Khushi shatterd so much..she cried out n loud..wt had she dne in her life'..nikki hav seen dis all act'
Nikki comes forward to khushi
Nikki-I knew u loved him
Khushi-wt kind of love if I cn't persue it
Nikki-I knew u did dis for datt dumb ass la,she is such a f***ing b****
I wil say d whole story to arnav'
Khushi stops her-no nikki if u luv me u wil nt do dis'if u hav a bit loyality towards me u wil never spell him d truth promise me plz..
Khushi-no buts plz promise me..
Nikki hestitates to promise bt for d first tym khushi has asked her sumthing..so she promises him
Khushi goes to d hostel starts packing her bag..
Nikki-wt r u duin?
Khushi-everything is ova nw..evn I need to move forward my realization u neva let me to stand in front of him..
Nikki-u cn't leave us n go..
Khushi-earth'is round v wil surely meet some day
Nikki starts crying no khush plz dn't go..
Khushi-u wnt to c ur frend suffer??no na den plz let me go..
Nikki-neva wana khushi to suffer so she allows her to go..
Khushi hav a big album of her college tym..she picks it up
Khushi-dis is my best phase of life n I cn't eva forget it'I wil neva let dis go away frm me..
She carries her stuff kisses nikki on her forehead n leaves leaving nikki crying
In morning of d college
La with arnav..
She sees nikki
La-hey nikki wer is ur brat n disloyal fren?
Nikki-u bi*** juz shut up'
La-mind ur language..gt it
Arnav was leaving ..
Nikki-dnt worry u sl*** she has gne from ur life'she has left dis hostel last night nw u n ur bf b happy n live
Arnav turns backs..in a shock
He frowls on nikki-wen d hell she left??y din she informed me?
Nikki-she has left last night'he was abt to say d truth bt stopped in between as she remembered khushi's promise..
Nikki-I m sorry I need to go..
Arnav-plz dn't go plz say me wer is she..i din knew she wud b hurted with ma words so much dat she wud leave me n go..nikki plz'I cn't imagine my life widout her
Nikki-I dn't knw anything..bye my parents r waiting..
Arnav runs to d hostel room..
Arnav depressly sits on d floor n starts crying...hw cud u leave me n go?..has my words hurted u so much..plz I beg u cum back'.plz forgive for my words plz khushi plz khushi'..
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The Hand That Guides
The rust colored lands of Osnein are rich with artifacts and old-world technologies highly valued by the various empires and kingdoms inhabiting this distant world. Though many individuals make a living off what they can scavenge from ruins above ground, the true wealth lies beneath them in a iron labrynth known to all as 'The Network'. Whether it is in the pursuit of knowledge, artifacts of power or immeasurable wealth they all risk their lives in an effort to create a better future for themselves. However, entrances to The Network are far and few and rarely explored as metallic entities known as the Jötnar, guard its very depths. In order to defend themselves against such threats, humanity employs the use of Seidr, also known as sorcery. It is the foundation in which gives power to the incantations invoked from the realms beyond the veil... and through the blessing of 'Ljoss' bestowed upon humanity by the Goddess Oracle, the time may yet come for humanity to claim The Network for themselves... Yet wandering this vast region, with no place to call home, exists a curious individual by the name of Grit. Incapable of Seidr, he possesses a lineage mostly forgotten that he seeks to better understand. The fate that awaits him is likely one he never imagined for himself as he journeys to unravel the secrets of this world. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: This story may contain gore and use of profanity. This world also uses a hard magic system. Covert art placeholder by StTheo. Additional Tags: Blood Manipulation, Mecha _____________________________________________________________________________________________ If you enjoy my work, please consider leaving a rating, its free. If you wish to support me further, please consider supporting me through patreon as well. Your support will help me dedicate more time to writing and encourage me to continue. Thank you for your consideration.
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