《Arshi FF Friendship to love》part 2
Khushi was in 12th n arnav was persuing his degree in d same college..day by day dier friendship grew'bt wt remain common is dier fight'bt dey bth loved fighting with each other..
Soon,dier grp of friend commented dem as a couple..as dey cn't stay without each other'
On khushi commented..
Khushi-I want my specky to marry a gal nt a gay he is straight
Random friend-so?u r nt a gal?
Khushi-nah''''.i said u I regret being da n laughs out loudly..
Arnav(kiddng) hugging her frm back saying-bt I wil marry my khushi only ua right she is my gf..he even laugh..
Khushi-oh arnav stop joking'
Arnav (winks)-I was nt jokin..he laughs'.den he keeps his hand on her shoulder n they leave
Group of frnz comment-do both dn't knw hw much dey love each other..i feeling sumthng big is to happen for dier realization..
Soon,a hot with following guys enter d college'.
Dese both buddies r loving jokingly passing by'. Soon as lavanya passes by arnav runs his eyes towards her'.her mouth left open..after seeing her'.n r khushi noticed dis..
Khushi-wna marry dis girl? I meani wil make a setting of u with her wt say?
Arnav-out of trances..naaah I m already set with u..y wud I need her'khushi taps him on his shoulder stupid specky
Bt stil mesmerizing lavanya's beauty'
Arnav to himself-oh! Man she was sooo hot!!!!!!!!!!
D next day of college..
Arnav enters n greets khushi by hugging her..
Khushi-ua late specky..i was waiting for u I wna give n imp news..
Arnav-last night I juz slept a little late..
Khushi-ohhh I unstd..y wer u late in ur sleep?
Khushi-specky m ur best buddy I knw u very well..i knw u must b mesmerizing d new gal d whole night
Arnav(smirks)-u r brat
Khushi(laughs)- so do u specky'.wel imp news is..d gal whom u wer mesmerizing last night her name is lavanya..,n she Is my classmate
Arnav-really dats great'
Khushi-so'.shud v proceed with her
Arnav-I said u m nt interested'(bt arnav was attracted to lavanya)
Khushi n lavanya in no tym became frnz..
Khushi nw introduced arnav to lavanya
Khushi-hey la hez ma best buddy of d college..v all most spent tym together..
Arnav wasn't facing lavanya as he was busy on d call
Soon khushi turns arnav..
N lavanya falls fr him in d first sight
Lavanya to herself- oh mannn he is so handsome
Days passes lavanya's n attraction grewed bt dat neva let difference in khushi n arnav's friendship..dey wers til much luving friends..
One day lavanya decides to spell up her feeling to khushi..
Lavanya-hey khus(khushi's nick name)
Khushi-hie bebs
Lavanya-I wna share with u sumthng
Khushi-wt?,say na I u knw I wil help u out
Lavanya-yah dats y I came to u
Khushi-say me wt's ur prlb'?
Lavanya-actually I guess I m fallen for specky..
Khushi surprised with her mouth open 'really??????
Khushi hugs her happily-you knw m sooo happy dat u love him ..
Lavanya-nt khushi I dnt knw does he love me d same
Khushi-u dn't woory abt dat I knew he loves u'd way he stares at u'speaks out all d things..n as it is ua very beautiful he is already attracted to u'
Khushi- yah..dnt worry I wil talk to him..
Khushi goes hugs arnav n says 'guess wt today I have a gud news for u..
Arnav-really???u finally marrying me (he said kiddingly)
Khushi bombs him on his shoulder kiddingly-stop it specky..
Arnav-ooouuk say wt's d gud news
Khushi-wel ur crush loves u..
Khushi-yes..lavanya has fallen for u..
Arnav-khush' nt again
Khushi-specky seriously she loves u.. if u dn't believe me?mwwt me up in lunch at canteen..
Arnav : okay love
Khushi takes lavanya to the canteen lavanya is blushing n nervous n even arnav is nervous'
So here r d love birds says khushi''
Ma specky hugging him n beautiful la'.
So leave u bth here..
Arnav says khush stay with us'
Khushi-sorry mr.specky I dn't wna b a hurdle of ur love
Bye bye bye..
Arnav pulls chair for lavanya
Arnav(bit uncomfortable)-is dat right wt I heard frm khushi
Lavanya-nods positively
Arnav-u luv me
Lavanya-yes n wt abt u?
Arnav-I never knew wt's love bt yes I feel a great attraction towards u'
Converstation goes n finally dey get into a relationship
Now prlb is dat arnav started spending more tym..with lavanya to know her more..he left khushi behind.
Khushi did felted hurted..wen he started behaving dis way(unknown arnav was hurting khushi) she knew dat nw he is carrying a gf..so need to spend more tym
Khushi who was carefree..nw started getting hurted day by day..as much as arnav grew closer to lavanya..khushi felt n unknown pain
One day la was with his fren'
La's fren ask her does ur bf really love u?
La-yup he do bt y r u asking me
Frnd-no juz like dat'as per I c his bond is more stronger with khushi rather dan u..
La-dey r best frnz
Frnd-I dnt think so'
La-wt u mean?
Frnd-juz ask a question to arnav'for who comes first?u or khushi? U wil better cum to knw wt I mean
La one day asked arnav dat who is more close to him?
Khushi or me?
In no tym arnav said its always khush for me in d first place n after dat ua der'
La felted hurted recalled her frnz word..she thought if dis khushi remains such arnav wn't b loving her completely..she need to talk abt dis to khushi
She calls khushi n says her to meet
Khushi-hey la y did u called me here?
La-I wanted sumthng frm u..promise me u wil give me
Khushi-all is urs..say wt u want?
La-d thing m gna ask u is very difficult for u to give..wil u b able to give?
khushiI(confused)-wt u gna ask me?
La-I want u to end wit arnav broke up d friendship
Khushi-r u gne crazy la?i cannot do dis?
La-y?u dnt wan ur frn to b happy?
Khushi-I wan him to b happy bt dat does nt mean I need to sacrifice my friendship
La-u irks me khushi'..from d day one m juz hearing abt u frm arnav's mouth'I need space..i feel like torture..n for dat space wil b received wen u break ur friendship wit him'plz I beg u I really love him n cn't stay widout him'..plz
Khushi was totally shattered with lavanya's wish n she agrees her demand'n says her I wil nt b able to break friendship with him bt yes..i wil try to stay as far as possible frm him'.
Lavanya agrees'n leaves
Khushi is shattered totally sit dwn in d park n starts crying loud'.she decides den she wil communicate with him as less as possible juz for la n him'actually juz for him so dat he remains happy wit la
It was arnav's birthday..
Khushi was over with her balance so she took her roommate nikita's cel n called
Khushi called arnav right 12!
Arnav was reading a book he'picked up..
khushi-happy birthday to u,happy birthday to u''
Arnav 'thanx khush..i knew my khush wil b d one to call me first'
Soon khushi realizes d promise given to la n she disconnects d cal'she feels depressed
Nikita seeing khushi depressed-today y my khush does nt seems happy?
Khushi try to pretend she is happy-no I m happy y wil I nt b?
Nikita-I been seeing u frm two years..u neva was depressed so badly?wt hpn dnt u wna share with me?
Khushi-nthng nikki m alright
Arnav bit confused y did d call was disconnected
Soon der is call nw its lavanya
La-happy birthday baby
Arnav bit depressed as he wa xpecting khushi to wish him first-thanx
La-y does ur mood seems off?
Arnav-nthng such beb..i wil meet u in col tom
He disconnects d call
Arnav dialed d no. frm previous call
Nikita received d call
Arnav-whoz it?
Nikita-its nikki
Arnav-u called me nw?
Nikita was abt to say bt khushi urges to say her lie
Nikita lies him-yes juz u wish u buddy'
Arnav-okay.thanx.(bit depressed as he was xpecting dat she was khushi)
He disconnects d call
Nikita to khushi-y did u said me to speak lie?
Khushi-I wanted la to wish him first..nt khush'a tear drop frm her eye she went to sleep..
Nikita knew d pain frm which she was going thru
In morning at d college
Khushi din hugged arnav as usually she used to..
Arnav-hi khush
Khushi- hi specky,happy birthday..God bless u wit all d happiness
Arnav-I thought u forgot ma b'de as per u din called me last night
Khushi-wer u really waiting for ma call
Khushi-sorry I cannot call you as I slept early last night..
Arnav was about to continue..
Khushi-I need to go specky as der is n imp lec running out nw I wil talk to later
Arnav din get it y was khushi is ignorning him..his mood was off
La came n kissed him on his cheeks-happy b'de love
Arnav juz smirked 'thanx
La-u look to b depressed on ur b'de
Arnav-no..nthng such
It was lunch tym..
La n arnav were roaming out of d coll..n arnav's mood stil off..
Der is a truck which gna dash arnav in few secs..
Wen khushi came out in search of arnav she sees dat he gna b hitted by a truck..
Khushi in no tym said him-specky watch out'..
Arnav pushed out la'n khushi ran n saved him frm d accident
Khushi got hurted with d nook of truck'.in no tym arnav took her in his arms n rushed to d hospital..lavanya after seeing dis was boiling in jealous
Khushi got stitches on her back..
Doctor said arnav she is fine nw'she got fews stitches on her back'
Arnav 'thanx doc can I talk to her
Arnav came inside
Arnav to khushi-r u idiot y did u came in between,wt if anything happened to u?
Khushi (smiles)- nthng wud hav happened dnt worry(she den sees lavanya depressed watching from outside)..wel specky I need to go to hostel
Arnav-bt khush ua nt even recovered'.
Khushi- do nt worry of me'today is ur b'de u need to go out n spend tym with ur gal..
Arnav-I wn't b leaving u in dis condition n going
Khushi-shhh''u promise me..u wil spend tym with her today plz''''wn't u listen me?
Arnav-was nt willing to leave her bt den too he said okay..
He drops her at d hostel in her room khushi bids him bye..
Nikita-its arnav's b'de'.. ua nt gng out with him..
Khushi smiles'-dis tym let him spend with la
Nikita- do u think he wil b happy?
Khushi-yah y nt?khushi filled with tears'..cuts d converstation n says her m feeling low I need to go to sleep
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