《A forbidden love》11


~Drake Hartman to the side~

~Matt's POV~

All I want to do is go home and see Jess. Since she has practically moved in, I know she is probably on my bed watching Netflix.

Unfortunately, I am sat in this stupid detention with a very slutty girl from fourth period. She's sats there trying to pull her shirt down to show cleavage. I know that all the girls think I am hot. Whenever I walk past they stare or whisper. I can hear their little conversations about how they would "So bang me."

It is awful. I just want to be with Jess.

When the clock finally hits four o'clock, I near enough shove the girl out my class room.

Speeding to the office and sign out before jumping into my black camaro.

When I pull into the drive, I know something is wrong. There is an odd scent. What if it is another werewolf? Angrily and scared, I jump up and run inside. "Jess? Jess?! Where are you?" I yell, opening the door.

"I'm up here, Matt. " Calls Jess and I hear her stand up and then I see her stand at the top of the stairs. I sigh out of relief.

"Get your ass down here. " I say with a smile and open my arms to her. She runs down the stairs and jumps into my arms. I hold her tight against my chest.

"What's wrong?" She asks. Obviously concerned.

"I pulled into the drive and I picked up the scent of another werewolf. I just freaked out with you being here on your own. I don't know what I would have done of you had have been hurt. "

"Don't worry, babe, I'm okay. I'll stay behind at school with you tomorrow. If you want? " She offers.


I grin at the fact she called me babe. "Yeah, please. Especially since there's another wolf around here somewhere. "

"They didn't come in here though. I'm okay. " She puts a hand on the back of my neck and pulls my head down to her own.

I kiss her passionately, demanding entrance. I lift her legs around my waist and push her against the wall. I break away and kiss from the corner of her mouth to along her jaw then her neck. Then I move to her ear and whisper,

"I know I've only known you a short time Jess but I think I love you. " I whisper in her ear.

"I think I love you too. " She whispers back and I press my lips back to hers passionately.

"Oh isn't this nice?" A menacing voice breaks into our little bubble. Placing Jess on the floor behind me, I turn around. I recognise the scent. It was the one I picked up earlier.

"So we meet again, Reeves. "

Then it hits, I recognise who this wolf is. It is the Alpha Hartman. Aka Drake Hartman. The leader of the strongest pack that has ever walked the land. The reason my parents are dead and my pack no longer exists.

I moved to this town because I know of the other wolves that live here. However, I had no idea that his pack lurks in the shadows of this town.

"What do you want? " I growl and I can feel myself shaking in pure anger.

"Dad?" A small voice whispers from beside me and I feel my rage become twice as bad.

"I want my daughter back!" He roars and Jess automatically reaches out and grabs hold of my shirt tightly. Drake Hartman is her father?


"Never! I'll never let her go back to you!" I snarl.

"You're a werewolf? " Jess squeaks out.

"That's right, darling. That's one of the reasons why you have bonded with you're mate here so fast." He says gesturing to me.

"Get out of here!" I roar making Jess flinch behind me.

"Fine. But I will get her back."

"Over my dead body!" I shout as he saunters from my house.

Just as the door shuts, I hear him mutter "That can be arranged. "

When his powerful footsteps are out of ear shot, I turn around and look at Jess. "You know him?" She asks, her voice full of fear.

"I think we better sit down, Princess. "

When she sits down on the opposite end of the sofa to me, Jess gives me a look and I know I had better explain. Quickly.

"Your father is a werewolf. He is the Alpha Hartman. The leader of the strongest wolf pack that has ever walked the earth. " I begin to tell her before she cuts in.

"But his name is Martin Smith. " She says confused.

"He told you he was called Martin Smith. His real name is Drake Hartman. And let's just say we have a slight history." I know that she will want to know the rest so I carry on.

"My parents were the Alphas of the rival pack. I was beta male. Next in line to take over the pack when they were too old to continue their reign. One day, I was out training the Delta's when his pack attacked my own. My parents were not strong enough to fight back as they were getting old. Before I could return, he had killed them and the rest of the pack had ran, apart from my sister and my two best friends. So, we ran away together ." My voice trails off.

Before I know it, Jess has curled herself up on my chest. "I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so so sorry. "

"Hey, don't worry about it, Princess. It was eight years ago. " I soothe. My hand strokes down her hair.

"You were only 15 when you had to deal with that. " She argues.

"I'm fine. It's you I'm worried about at the moment. " I argue back, but I place my lips on her forehead.

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