《A forbidden love》12


~Zeke to the side~

~ Jess's POV ~

Beep beep beep Ugh! I roll over and smack the alarm. Slowly, I start to drift off to sleep again. That's until I feel a large body on top of mine.

"Up you get, Princess. School today. " Chuckles Matt. All he has to do is be next to me and my stomach starts doing somersaults.

"Don't make me tickle you!" He threatens playfully. He places one hand on my side.

"You have 10 seconds to get up."

"I'm up, I'm up!" I grumble as I pull myself up. He kisses my nose before turning around to open the wardrobe. I sit on the edge of the bed and watch him stand in just his boxers as he picks out a black tie and pants with a white shirt.

I'm convinced that no guy has a more perfect body than Matt. I grab a floral dress and underwear from my side of the wardrobe and go to the bath room to shower.

When I come downstairs after appling some light make up and doing my hair, I find Matt in the kitchen. By the looks of things, he is making pancakes. One of my favourites. "Smells good, babe." I say and I come and sit down at the table.

Matt turns round, his shirt is undone and his tie hangs around the back of his neck. "Do you want one?" I have to drag my eyes away from his six pack and meet his gaze. "Oh, um, yeah please." I say with a sheepish grin.

Matt places my pancakes in front of me then sits in the chair opposite.

"You're not teaching me today, Mr Reeves." I tease. He looks up and smirks.

"I guess I'll just have to tutor you at lunch then. " He says in a very seductive tone and adds a wink for effect.

"Do your shirt up." I laugh. "I can't think straight with you flashing me that gorgeous body. " I get up and turn away but the next thing I know is his lips are on mine and he is pressing me against his chest.

Eventually, I have to pull away for air. "Do it up." I command in a stern, but playful voice and he starts to do so. I pull his tie round his neck then tie it in a not to tight knot.


"Go to school! I'll see you at lunch." I chuckle as I pass him his blazer and practically push him out of the door.

As he drives away, Mia pulls on to the drive and I grab my bag and leather jacket and climb in to the car.

"Hey, Mia. " I say as I pull my seat belt across my body.

"Have you moved in with Mr Reeves or something now?" She says while pulling out of the drive.

"I have so much I need to tell you, but yes, I have moved in with him. It makes sense. When we're not together we can become irritable and if it's for very long, we can feel sick." I explain.

"Okay, what else do you have to tell me?" She asks.

By the time we have got to school, I have explained everything that happened last night when my father turned up. Mia did look genuinely concerned until I told her that Matt had protected me. For five minutes she went on about how cute it was.

"Piss off, Mia." I say grinning. We climb out of the car at school. I think Mia realises I am dragging my eyes away from the direction or Mr Reeves' room.

"Go and see him. He's probably sat there whining like a love sick puppy. " We both laughed at what she just said.

"I saw him twenty minutes ago." I protest.

"But you want to go and see him again. Don't deny it. Off you go." She makes a shooing gesture with her hands then turns to go and see Landon, her boyfriend and captain of the rugby team.

Landon is about six foot tall and has blonde hair with green eyes. I've always thought he was hot but never thought of him in that way. He's to much of a good friend.

I push the door open then look up to see Matt sat there trying desperately to get rid of a girl in my English class. His blue eyes meet mine and he shoots me an apologetic smile.

A flash of jealousy shoots through me and I think fast. "I'm here for my detention, Sir."

"Oh yes. Can you ask me about the homework in class, I have to do this detention. " He says playing along with a very relieved sigh. The slutty girl shoots me a look that could kill and I have to stop myself from laughing.


When the door shuts I lock it and Matt opens his arms to me. Running, I jump in to his arms and wrap my legs around his waist. "Hey, Princess. " He mumbles against my ear then moves to kiss me.

Placing me gently on the table, he stands between my legs and puts one hand on the back of my neck. The next thing we know is I have undone the first few buttons on his shirt and he is kissing down my neck.

"What lessons do you have today?" He asks as he fixes his shirt.

"Science, History and Art, I'm heading home after lunch. " I say but I re think when I see the worried look on his face. "Or I can hang around the library and get some homework done?" I ask thoughtfully.

Matt shakes his head "Go home if you want, but lock the doors. If you ring me I'll be there is ten minutes. "

"We live twenty minutes from the school. You can't be here in ten." I say confused.

"Wolf speed princess. " He says winking making a red blush spread over my cheeks. "Go home. "


Mia had no lessons for the rest of the day so she dropped me off at the house. I say goodbye quickly and run inside just in case my dad sees I am home alone.

My father is an alpha werewolf. Nope. Still can't get my head around that one.

I let myself in and drop my bag on the floor. I run to the fridge and begin the find something to eat. That's an advantage point of dating a werewolf. They are not picky and don't stop eating. You can find everything in his cupboards.

That's when I feel a hand go around my mouth. I try to scream and run, but I am already being held down. I know who it is. My dad. I try to fight back but I am not nearly strong enough. "LET ME GO! " I scream.

"Not a chance, sweet heart. " He says in a sickly sweet voice. The tears start to fall down my face.

"Please.." But I know nothing I can say or do will help me right now. I am being attacked by a full grown werewolf.

Suddenly, the front door bursts open and two men I don't know run in. The larger of the two grabs my fathers neck in a tight grip and pulls him away from me. Then the other comes and takes hold of his feet. Angrily, the larger male punches him aggressively in the head until he finally falls unconscious.

I stumbled back and fall in to the wall sobbing. "Shh, Jess. It's okay." The smaller and younger males came and kneels in front of me. "Were friends of Matt, your Mate. He knew you were at risk so called us and asked us to watch the house. We could here you screaming when we arrived. " He smiles at me warmly.

"I'm Zeke. " He says then points over his shoulder to the larger man. "And that's Connor. "

Connor comes over and stands next to Zeke. "So you're the girl Matt can't stop talking about. Jess this and Jess that. He's known you about five days and is head over heels in love with you." Laughs Connor.

"Alright, guys, pack it in." Comes a familiar voice from the front door. Matt is stood there smirking. I run over to him and wrap my arms around him "Hey, you're okay, Princess. " He soothes gently.

"What are you doing back so early? " I ask, my voice a little rough from screaming so loud.

"I told the office that I had a family emergency and had to leave. " His gaze lands on my unconscious father. "Thank you for getting here so quick." Matt thanks Connor and Zeke. " I don't know what I would have done if he hurt her."

Matt presses his nose to my hair and Connor speaks up. "Zeke, dump Drake somewhere. I don't care where. Matt, get your hands off Jess for one second and put a film on. Let's all watch a movie. " We all nod in agreement.

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