《The Advice Column IV》603


This person is having some relationship issues.


That's a pretty complicated situation, I see. No problems are without solutions, so let's be hopeful about the future.

If you don't want to maintain friendships with your old friends, then just ignore them, or give them dry replies and an obviously fake smile when they talk to you. Dry replies like "yeah, sure, okay, mhm" usually send people away. Tell them that you're not in the mood for outgoing parties or anything if they invite you somewhere. Since you have a lot of classes with them, maybe try sitting away from them. Make some other friends in those classes and try conversing with them, if possible.

If your new group of friends is good, all you need to do is explain it to them. Tell them that their teasing is making your friendship with the boy a little awkward and uncomfortable. Do it as calmly and politely as you can. Explain your worry and distress over the matter, and tell them that you're serious about not wanting to be teased. It might take a lot of courage to say this to your friends, but it will be worth it to save your relationship with the boy.

As for the boy himself, you can always apologize to him for the uncomfortable situations you've been putting him in. Make sure to tell him that even if it is because of him that your friends are hating on you, it's not his fault. He is important to you. Tell him that, and I'm sure he'll appreciate it.

Good luck with everything! I hope it goes well.

Thank you,

The Advice Column Team

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