《The Advice Column IV》602


This person wants to analyze their crush's behavior.


From your explanation of the things that have happened, there’s a really high possibility that he does have some feelings for you. The things that he does, from what I can conclude, are something that shows he has feelings for you.

You’ve said that you haven’t properly met or talked to him for 4 months and you feel weird that you still have feelings for him. However, I assure you that it’s not weird for you to feel that. It’s completely normal for feelings to not disappear just because you do not meet them for months. That’s why long distance relationship can work well despite not meeting the couple not seeing each other in person for a very long time. Though, the situation is not exactly the same because people in a long distance relationship do talk or text and have video calls with each other. But what I’m trying to say is that it’s completely not out of ordinary for you to feel that way. A friend of mine had once told me of unrequited feelings that he had for an old classmate of his for a whole one year with them not seeing each other or even talked to each other for months at one time.

So now, what I think you can do is to try to connect with him again and start talking to him. I could only think up that the reason why you haven’t talked properly because school’s not in session yet or just only started again so try to talk to him again and maybe you can plan to tell him your feelings or start dropping little hints and see where everything goes. He might not be confident with telling him your feelings because you might not seem obvious about your feelings as you’ve mentioned that you’re more of a quiet person.


I hope that everything works out and I wish you the best of luck.

With love,

The Advice Column Team

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