《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter fifteen


I turned my head slightly as he sat down next to me. I heard him sigh and out his hand on my own. I flinched away; refusing to look him in the eye.

"Are you one of them too?" I questioned quietly. I turned my head slightly so I could see his face.

He had a look of distress, sadness, and pain written on his face. He sighed again and looked down. He nodded slowly and turned back to face me. I sighed and put my head against the tree, looking up into the branches as I shook my head and a humorless laugh left my mouth.

"Is that why you would always leave at random times, leaving me," I said the last part quietly. I turned my head to look at him. He was looking right at me. He slowly moved in front of me and held my face in his hands. I didn't flinch this time. He nodded.

"Are you afraid?" he asked in a whisper as he rubbed his thumb against my cheek. My lips started trembling as my eyes started to water. I couldn't help it; I was so scared, not of Sam, but of everything.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to be," I said as I closed my eyes and let my head fall. I hated this. I hated being terrified of him. I know he wouldn't hurt me, but there was a part; a thought I had. It kept saying that it wasn't safe to be around him and he'd hurt me in the end.

I felt Sam put his head against my own and pull my chin up so our faces were centimeters apart. He gave me a weak smile. I could see tears in his eyes making me feel even worse.

"It's not you. I'm not scared of you. I, I just. Why didn't you tell me?" I said and I turned my head back and forth slightly as my voice cracked. I looked back up at Sam with my eyebrows pushed together slightly; my eyes pleading for an answer.


"I couldn't. I was afraid. I was so scared river. I thought you would never want to see me again and you'd leave. I can't handle that river. I can't have another person I love leave me," Sam rambled out as he looked into my eyes.

He loved me.....

My face went to a look of shock. I slowly brought my hands up to his and brushed his tears away. I looked him in the eyes; my own tears falling from my eyes. I moved even closer; our noses now touching. I could only think of one thing to do; the only thing they felt...right.

I let our lips slowly brush against each other; afraid he would pull back. I pulled back slightly, to see his reaction. Sams hand went to the back of my head while the older held my waist. He moved my head forward that inch and into his own lips. I felt sams lips move against my own. It was a sweet and soft kiss with so much passion in it. I slowly pulled back and looked Sam in the eyes. He had a slight smile on his face.

"You love me?" I questioned in a whisper. Sam looked down for a second before looking up. He moved his hand to my face and he put his forehead to my own.

"River swan," he started. "I have loved you since I first saw you when I found Bella. You, your just. I can't even put words into what you are. I feel so much for you and I can't handle it. I can't handle being away from you; not having my hands on you. I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you. From now on, I promise, no more secrets, okay, but. Just please, please. Don't leave me," he said as his voice cracked and he looked deep into my eyes. I was melting. I let a small smile come into my face.

I pressed my lips to his again. This kiss was more passionate and deep. We kissed for what felt like hours before pulling away. Sam sat down next to me and pulled me into his lap and placed his hands into my hips. He looked up at me.


"What happened inside. The guys said that something was up with your hands," he said as he pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. I sighed. I had no reason to lie about it anymore.

I slowly thought about the magic and let a energy ball appear into my hands. I looked back up at Sam, only to see him smiling at it. I slowly moved it around. I put my hand back down and put my head down.

"I'm so scared Sam. I don't know what this is. What if I hurt someone, what if I hurt you," I said as I placed my hand into his chest. I looked back up at him. He placed one of his larger hands onto my own and held it.

"Then we'll deal with it when it comes. I don't think any less of you river. Your still my river," he said as he placed a long kiss to my forehead. He patted my hips to get up. I did as well as he did. We walked back to Emily house, hand in hand.

Once we got there I saw that Bella was gone and Paul was now there. They all looked up at me and Sam and smiled.

"Did ya tell her about it?" Dylan asked. I looked at him confused. I looked back over to Sam and he sighed.

"Follow me," he said as he walked back outside. We were just outside like 2 seconds ago and now we're going back. Sam led me to a large flower field. I smiled as I placed my hands on one of the flower. I looked back up to see Sam looking at me nervously.

"Sam, what's wrong," I said as I walked up to him. He looked at me and grabbed my hands gently. He pulled me closer to him so that he was towering over me. I looked up at him with questioning eyes.

"River. As a wolf. We have this thing called.....imprinting." He said slowly. He pulled my hands so they were placed onto his chest. "It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like... gravity moves... suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does... You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend. Your there for her, always. She's your life. She's the only thing that matters anymore," he said as he looked into my eyes. My mouth fell open a bit.

"Did you, um. Imprint on anyone?" I asked quietly as I looked away. I felt Sam grabbed my hand and turned me so I was looking back at him. He nodded with a smile.

"I imprinted on you River," he said with a smile. I sighed in relief. I thought he had imprinted on someone else. I looked back up and hugged him. I placed my arms around his waist and my head on his chest. His arms went around me, while his head rested on my head.

"Do you accept the imprint?" Sam asked quietly. I let out a small giggle and nodded into his chest.

"I do Sam," I said softly. I heard Sam sigh in relief making me laugh even more. I loved my head out of his chest and looked back up to him.

"Come on. Let's get you back home before Charlie worries," he said as he held my hand and we walked back.


It wasn't to early to have her find out she's Sam's imprint right???

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