《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter sixteen


"Tell me more about the wolf thing?" I said to Sam as we walked through the woods. It has been two days since I had found out about the whole wolf thing. I was really overwhelmed when we got back and I left. Sam had come over to charlie's house this morning and practically forced me out of the house. Now, we were walking through the woods.

"Well, what do you want to know," He said as he moved a branch out of the way so it wouldn't hit me. I silently thanked him and moved forward.

"I don't know. Does it hurt. I mean, Shifting. Isn't that what you guys call it?" I asked. I turned back around and walked backwards; keeping my eyes on sam. I wasn't scared of him anymore, if anything I felt more comfortable with him now that he had explained.

Sam slowly shook his head. "It hurt the first couple of times. Not so much anymore. It felt like my bones were being ripped apart and put back together in the span of 5 seconds. It was excruciating. I was the first one to shift so I had to do it alone which was hell, but I did it," He said as he placed his hands onto my waist and backed me up against a tree. I gave him a sad look. Sam just shook his head and gave me a look.

"No." He said. I let out a small laugh.

"You don't even know what I was going to say," I said defending myself. In reality I knew he knew that I felt bad for him. It hurt me to know that he was in pain, alone, with no one to help or tell.

"Im okay now river. You don't have to feel bad. I have you now so I won't be alone," He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead. I gave him a small smile. He grabbed my hand and led us farther into the woods. He lead me to a beautiful waterfall. We both sat down next to it, facing each other. I grabbed his hand and linked ours together.

"What happened when you first shifted?" I asked, looking down at his hand and the veins running on them.

"I didn't know what was happening to me. I was so scared and I stayed in the woods for two weeks straight. I thought I was hallucinating. When I came back Quills grandpa came and told me that the legends of the tribe were true and that I was shifter. I was the first to shift so I became the alpha. Jared was the next and paul after that, then came embry and now jacob," Sam said as he looked around at the water.


"After they had phazed I was responsible for them. I had to keep them in line. I had to grow up at a very young age so having a lot of responsibilities wasn't knew to me, but this feeling. It's this feeling I had. That makes me feel like I was finally good enough for something, and not a fuck up like they always said," He explained as he looked away from me. I slolwy grabbed him face and faced him to me.

"Your not a fuck up Sam. Who ever told you that obviously never met you because if they did they would know how much of a responsible and devoted guy you are," I said as I placed a kiss on his cheek. Just the thought of someone saying that to Sam made me feel sick. I hate how people can be so cruel.

I felt Sam placed his arms around my waist and pull me into a tight hug. He placed his on top of my own and held me tight. I sighed in content and melted into the hug. He was so warm I could fall asleep here, in his arm and never get up.

"What was it like with you parents," Sam asked suddenly. I pulled away from him and looked him in the face and smiled a bit, remembering them.

"They were the best parents they could be. They did fight a lot over something though and would never tell me about it. They were really sectrive. They would leave for days at a time and come back like they never left. Before they died we had gone to this place in the woods and had a picnic. It was amazing. I wish I could go back sometimes, so they weren't gone. Then again, I also don't want too because of everything I have now. I wouldn't give that up for anything, even getting them again," I said as a small tear fell from my eye.

I looked back to Sam with a small smile and hugged him again, just wanting to be in his arms and to never be let go. He placed his arms around me again and put his head into my neck causing me to laugh as he placed kisses all over it. I felt sams lips lift into a smile as he continued to make me laugh.

"You have no idea how beautiful you are," Sam said into my neck. I felt a small smile come to my face. I pulled his head from my neck and placed my arms around his neck. Sam let his arms fall to my waist as we stared into eachothers eyes.


"Tell me about you family," I said softly. His face fell a bit at the question. "You don't have to if you don't wan-"

"No, I want to tell you; need to tell you," He said with a sigh. He took in a deep breath before starting. "When my mother found out she was pregnant with me, she didn't know what to do. Her parents threw her out for it, saying she was a whore and didn't deserve the life she had. My father left when I was really young saying that he couldn't handle a family and left. I had to grow up at a very young age because of that. Once he left my mother took it hard. She began taking it out on me. She would hurt me in any way she could. Once I shifted, I never went back. I couldn't handle it. The pain, I couldn't take it anymore." He paused before continuing.

"I had even more responsibly after jared and paul had shifted. I gets overwhelming at times, but I wouldn't change anything that happened. The boys are my family; the family I never had, and now, I have you," He said, finishing his words in a whisper. A small tear had fallen from my eye at his words and Sam was quick to wipe it away with his thumb and place a kiss under my eye.

"I'm so sorry, Sam." I whispered. Sam was quick to silence me.

"River, If all of those things hadn't happened to me, I would never have met you," He said as he placed a small kiss on my lips. He grabbed my hand again and led us back into the woods. As we were walking Sam all of a sudden stopped and made a growling sound. I looked at him with a confused look.

"I need to get you out of here," He said as he grabbed me and started running. He had picked my up bridal style and was running through the woods.

"Sam, what the hell are you talking about," I said frantically. All of a sudden he stopped running and sat me down. He backed up and shifted into a giant black wolf. The same black wolf that was there when I met laurent. He ran up to me and pushed me behind him and started growling at something. I heard a laugh and looked up. There was a girl there.

She had giant red hair and was fair skinned.

"Oh what do we have here," She said with a smile that made me flinch. Her eyes were a deep red color. Sam was snarling at her, but stayed next to me the whole time. The girl took a deep breath in as her smile got even larger.

"You're one of the red ones. I thought you all had died," She said. It sounded more like she was talking to herself. "Well, you are going to taste devine," She said as she jumped towards us. Sam was quick to jump at her before she could reach me. They started fighting. The girl was running and jumping from tree to tree while Sam was chasing her. I was backing away as the girl ran into the woods; disappearing from my sight, as did Sam.

I sat there with my hand on my heart listening to my heart beats to calm myself down. I didn't need my power to go crazy right now. I took a deep breath before looking around. Sam was strong and I knew he could take her on, but it scared me knowing that he could be hurt. As I was walking I had a feeling. I turned around and saw Sam. Well, Sams wolf. I ran to him and hugged his middle. Sam put his head on the back of my own.

"Are you okay," I asked into his fur. He felt so soft and warm. He made a rumbling noise which I assumed meant yes. He backed away from me a bit and ran back off into the woods. Sam came back minutes later with a pair of jean short and no shirt. He came up to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I lost her. She ran off and I couldn't see or smell her anymore. I swear I was going to rip her apart for talking about you like th-"

"Hey, look at me," I said softly as I grabbed his face. "Im okay," I said quietly with a small smile. He turned the smile and placed a long kiss on my forehead.

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