《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter fourteen


"Bella! Stop speeding your going to get us killed," I said to bella with wide eyes as she turned a corner very fast. I had no clue why she needed to see Jake so bad and why she was being like this.

"I need to see him, river. I need to see if he's okay," Bella said as she drove faster. I grabbed into the side of the door and held on.

Once we got to jakes house Bella jumped out of the car. I got out and followed her to the door. Bella knocked on the door as billy opened the door.

"Bella, river," billy said as he looked over us. He gave me a small smile, which I returned. He looked back over to Bella.

"I need to see him," Bella said ignoring His greeting. I frowned at her. She could of atleast said hi.

"He's not in," billy said. They were talking about Jake. Bella looked at him and sighed.

"Look I'm sorry, I really need to see him," Bella said as she walked passed him. I looked at her with wide eyes and went with her. I turned back to billy who had called out to Bella.

"I'm sorry billy," I said as I turned back to him. I went to move again, but he stopped me.

"Be careful," he said as he turned around. I looked at him confused. I turned back around and walked to jakes room. Bella had just walked in. Jake was sleeping.

I looked over to Bella who was looking at him.

"See. He's fine, let's go now," I said as I walked back over to the door. I looked back at Bella to see her looking out the window. I looked up as well.

It was Sam. Well, Sam and the other guys I met at the bonfire. I looked back at Bella to see her looking at them with an unreadable expression. She walked out the back door and over to them. I followed her.

"Bella!" I called out. What the hell is she doing. I looked up to see Sam looking at us. Well, me. With wide eyes. I knew we shouldn't be here. If was a feeling, like something bad ass going to happen.

"What did you do!" Bella yelled at Sam. "What did you do to him!" Bella yelled again as she pushed Sams chest.

"Hey!" One of guys yelled.

"Bella!" I yelled at her. She had no right to touch him.

"Easy!" Sam said to one of the guys. He was looking at Bella with an angry expression. I didn't blame him. I would be mad at her too. I was standing close to Bella, a bit behind her.

"He didn't want this!" Bella yelled. Looking at Sam and the other guys.

"Bella stop!" I said, but was ignored.

"What did we do? What did he do, hmm? What's he tell you?" One of the guys I remembered as Paul said looking over at me and Bella.

"Both of you, calm down!" Sam said sternly. He looked over at me with an expression I couldn't figure out I gave him a small smile, telling him I was okay. He didn't return it he just looked back over at Paul and Bella.


"Nothing. He tells me nothing cause he's scared of you,"

They all started laughing. I started getting a really bad feeling. Like my chest was being pushed onto.

"Bella, let's go I'm serious," I said quietly. The next thing I know, bella slapped Paul, making the laughing stop.

"Bella, what the hell is wrong with you," I said. I looked back over to see Sam looking at Paul with wide eyes. Paul started shaking. I the bad feeling I had before was amplified by at least 10 now.

"Too late now,"

"Welp this is one way to find out," Dylan and Jared said.

"River get back now," sam said looked over at me, ignoring Bella completely. I grabbed Bella's hand hesitantly and slowly started backing up. I looked at Sam and Paul with wide eyes. Paul was breathing really heavy and shaking. I looked back over to Sam to see him staring at me with wide eyes. Bella stopping moving back causing me to stop as well.

"River back up, now!" Sam yelled looking back over from Paul to me frantically. I was frozen.

"Paul! Calm down, now," sam said sternly looking at Paul with an angry look. I felt Bella let go of my hand. The next thing I know Paul is gone and their is a giant grey wolf their instead. I looked back over from the dog and to Sam with wide eyes that had tears in them, tears of fear. I slowly started backing up even more. The wolf was snarling and growling at Bella. Bella looked over from the wolf and started running. I slowly backed away.

I was terrified.

"Bella!" I heard Jake yell.

"Run! Jake run!" I didn't even know what was happening. My mind was blank. I looked away from the wolf and back to where Bella had ran. Bella was now on the floor and Jake was gone. There's was now just a brown wolf their instead. A few tears had fallen from my face.

The wolves were growling at each other. The brown wolf who I assumed I be...Jake. Ran at...Paul first. Then the fight broke out. They were snapping st each other necks and tossing around while I was completely frozen. I was nearly 15 feet away from the wolves.

"Paul!" Sam yelled out as the wolves were still fighting. The wolves ended up rolling out into the woods; still fighting. I took a deep breath and looked back over to Sam with wide eyes. He was looking down with a sad look. I saw him turned to Jared and embry.

"Take river and Bella to Emily's place," sam said. He turned away from them and back to me. He slowly walked up to me and gently grabbed my face. I flinched a bit causing him too have a sad look. He couldn't blame me. I was terrified. I let a few more tears fall. He sighed and wiped them away.

"Please don't hate me," he whispered as he kissed my forehead and ran into the woods where the wolves had gone. I turned away from him and to where Bella was. Embry came walking over to me.


"Welp, guess that was one way to find out, right," he said with a laugh. I just looked at him with a blank look. He sighed.

"Just don't...blame Sam, okay. He had a reason not to tell you. Just let him explain. Now common," he said as he grabbed my arm and lead me to where Bella and Jared were.

"Guess that woods out of the bag," embry said; trying to make a joke, didn't work. I got in the back of the truck with Jared while Embry, Bella, and Dylan were in the car.

"Why didn't he tell me," I asked as the wind hit my face. I saw Jared looked over at me and he sighed.

"Trust me, he really wanted too, but he couldn't. He was....scared that you would not accept him and leave," Jared said looking down. He looked back and and gently grabbed my hand. I looked up at him.

"Just hear him out, okay," he said as the car stopped. He jumped out of the car as well as embry. They made a yipping noise. I saw Bella roll down the window.

"Hey, I think we should go back and see if Jacobs okay." She said quickly. I looked over at her a sighed. I knew she cared about him a lot.

"I hope Paul sinks some teeth into him. Serves him right." Jared said.

"No way, Jacob's a nature. You see him phase on the fly? I got five says Paul doesn't touch him," Embry said.

"Hell yeah I'm in on that one," Dylan said as he gave embry a high five.

"Come on in, river and Bella. We won't bite," embry said as the 3 boys looked back over to us.

"Speak for yourself," Jared said with a smirk. I shook my head and jumped down from the back of the truck and waited for Bella. She got out of the car with a deep breath and looked over to me.

"You alright?" Bella asked me quietly. I nodded mutely. I didn't know how to feel; how I should feel.

We walked up to the house. I was a pretty house.

"Oh hey, about Emily, Dylan's fiancée. Don't stare it bugs Dylan," Embry said quietly as he walked in. Bella looked at him confused.

"Why would I stare," Bella asked, but Embry already walked in. I shook my head and walked in. The inside looked like a homey cabin. Its very cute.

"You guys hungry, like I have to ask," I heard a familiar voice say. A girl turned over to us. It was Emily, the girl I saw at the bonfire. I know why Embry said don't stare.

She had 3 large claw marks on her face. They looked like it hurt a lot. I looked away before she saw me looking.

"Who's this," she asked as she looked at Bella, who was leaning against the door. Dylan can up and have her a hug and kissed over her scars. It was cute.

"Bella swan, who else," Jared said as he sat down at the table.

"Hmm, so...You're the vampire girl." She said. I froze again. Vampire.. I slowly moved my head to look at Bella who looked like Emily didn't just say vampire.

"What the hell," I whispered to myself.

"So, you're.... The wolf girl," Bella said awkwardly. I looked over at her as I leaned against a door, far away from all of them. I didn't want to be near any of them, even Bella.

"Guess so. Well, I'm engaged to one," she said as she kissed Dylan on the cheek and picked up a plate. She sat it down on the table as Jared and embry both reached for one, but was stopped by Emily's hand.

"Save some for your brothers, and ladies first. Muffin?" Emily asked as she looked over to Bella and then to me.

"Sure. Thanks," Bella said as she walked over.

"I'm okay, thank you though," I said quietly. Emily looked over to me and gave me a small smile and a nod.

"Leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sam's gag order," Emily said. My head instantly went up at the sound of Sam's name.

"Um, he didn't say anything to me." Bella said; defending Jacob. I sighed.

"That's a wolf thing. Alphas orders get obeyed whether we want 'em to or not." Embry said as he turned the muffin around in his hand. "Oh and check it out. We can hear each other's thoughts," he said with a smile.

"Would you shut up. These are trade secrets. Dammit! this check runs with vampires," Jared said. I was so confused on all of this. I was confused and terrified. All this new information. The red ones, me, wolves, and now vampires. It was a lot and it was starting to get overwhelmed.

"Woah, what is that river," I heard embry say. I looked over at him confused. I looked down to see the red mist coming back from the hands. I instantly wrapped my arms around myself and walked back to the door.

"Nothing, I, um need some air. I'll be out here if you need me," I said as I walked out; not waiting for him to respond. I walked over to a place in the woods. I sat down at a tree and took a deep breath in. This was a lot.

Vampires, wolves, and now this magic I have.

I took in a shaky feel breath. Pushing the tears that wanted to fall from my eyes away. I heard foot steps approaching. I looked up quickly to see a shirtless Sam 5 feet away from me.

"Hey," he said quietly. I just started at him blank.

"Hi," I said quietly with a small voice crack.

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