《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter thirteen


AN: I think this is my favorite chapter so far. I hope you guys like it :) xo

When I woke up I noticed I was in my own bed. How did I get here? Sam must have brought me home. I slowly sat up and made my way to the bathroom and took a hot shower.

While I was in the shower I looked down to see the cuts on my stomach. I slowly put my hand onto it and traced it.

All of a sudden the red mist started coming out of my hands again. I gasped and looked at my hands with wide eyes.

The more I moved my hand around the more the mist would come out. I then had a though.

Maybe I could try....controlling it?

I closed my eyes and focused; focused on one thing and one thing only. I slowly opened my eyes and let out a small gasp yet again.

There were 2 dark red mist balls in my hands. I slowly moved my hands around and watched it moved. I then, slowly brought my hand down to my stomach and closed my eyes.

I reopened my eyes and looked down with wide eyes yet again.

The cuts were gone; only 3 scars remained.

I trailed my finger over the scars.

What am I?

I finished my shower and walked back to my room and got dressed.

Her outfit:

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. This too made my boobs look different. I have a bigger sized chest then most people and it makes me insecure when I like to show it off. People; friends. At my old school; when I was in school. They would tell me I looked beautiful and that I had nothing to be insecure about.


I was 'skinny' in a way. My stomach was flatter than most, but I had a bit of butt. I have stretch marks, but I don't mind them.

I shook my head and walked over to my desk and opened my computer. I remembered that Laurent had called me the 'red one'. Whatever that means. So, I started searching about it.

I dug and dug until I came across a page.

"The red one. They were once known as the Devils children. Not anymore of course, but once. They were rumored To be alive from the beginning of time. They were vicious creatures. They will use their dark magic to take the lives of people; didn't matter who or what they were. They were the most powerful being, but there has been no record of them since the 1700's."

"The red ones power is an ungodly thing. People say that satan himself had handcrafted the power; making it as evil and powerful as possible. They could do things that were inhuman. They could look at a people and within seconds the person would be on the ground, dead."

"Back in around the 1500's their was a traveler. He was traveling threw out Switzerland when he came across one. He had managed to befriend the vial creature. He learned what most Hadn't. It states in a book that he wrote that 'the creatures won't cause harm unless provoked. They have no reason to unless they feel unsafe,' he had managed to befriend the devils child so well that he learned something unheard of."

"The prophecy"

"Joan; the traveler. Said that their was a prophecy and that there was one of their kind unlike the rest. They had yet to be born though. They would have the power of all combined. They would be the worst and most deadly of all. Their power; darker than the rest. A dark red color; while the rest of the creatures have a light red magic." I shut my computer and looked down with wide eyes.


I moved away from everything and stood in the middle of my room. It couldn't be true. I slowly thought about the magic and had it appear in my hands. It was, indeed a very dark red color.

"Oh my god," I whispered in horror to myself. The devils children? Am I one of the devils children?

I looked at myself in my mirror and gasped. My eyes.

They're ere a dark red color rather then their bright green. I slowly walked up to the mirror and slowly touched my face. The red mist slowly came out of my hand and onto my skin. My eyes, glowed it's dark red even more while the red mist came from my fingertips. I lowered my hands and let the mist go away.

I looked back into the mirror to see the dark red color was now gone; not fully. Their was a faint red color swirling around in the green of my eyes.

I walked back over to my bed and sat down. I gasped again. What would Sam think of me. Oh my, he would think I'm a monster. He would hate me for what I am.

I would never forgive myself if Sam hated me.

My heart rate and breathing started picking up at the thought of him hating me. Why though?

Why was I so interested and intrigued by him. Why does my heart flutter every time he's near. Why do I get goosebumps every time he touches me. Why do I feel this way.

I think I....like him. I have never liked a man before. I have never had the power to do such a thing. I never had time.

That's it.

I like Sam U'ley.

I let a small smile linger at that thought. My thoughts went back to last night and the conversation we had.

He called me angel. Just thinking about it again makes my heart flutter and a blush come to my face. I looked over to my clock to see it was 10 am.

I slowly walked over to my window and sat down in-front of it; watching the trees sway with the wind.

I looked back down to my hands and let the mist or well now I should say magic come out. It was so beautiful. How could such a beautiful thing be so deadly.

I watched as I moved my fingers around and the magic dance around. I looked over to the corner of my room and saw a plant. I slowly thought about it floating and moved my hand.

Slowly, the plant moved into the air. I let out a small laugh as it moved around the room. I drew my hand in, causing the plant to come over to me. I slowly grabbed it from the air and sat it down in-font of me.

"This is so amazing," I whispered to myself. I slowly brought my hand up and moved the plant back to the other side of my room. I let out a breath.

This was a lot. Just as I was about to get up my door busted open and Bella walked in.

"I need to see Jake and your coming with me,"

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