《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter eleven


It had been about a hour after what had happened in the woods. I had been in my room the whole time, refusing to listen to what Bella had to say. The man said she was lying to me and Charlie. Who, what even is that man. It was scaring the hell out of me.

I sighed. I couldn't stay up here all night. I hadn't even had anything to eat today. I mean, I could go longer without eating; it was never a problem for me, but it would be best if I did.

I slowly opened the door and peaked my head out. Charlie and Harry had gone out into the woods looking for the wolves. I wanted to tell them not too. I wanted to make them stop, but I didn't know why.

I slowly made my way down and made myself a salad. I honestly love them and I don't know why people hate them so much. They are delicious.

Once I was done eating I cleaned off my dish and held onto the counter. My stomach was killing me. Where Laurent had cut me was still bleeding a bit and it hurt to move.

I slowly moved back to the stairs, but stopped when I heard multiple bangs on the door. I slowly made my way to there and opened it. I came face to face with a frantic looking Sam.

"River. Are you alright," Sam said frantically as he looked over me. I was in a oversized hoodie and a pair of shirt shorts. I looked at him confused. Could he know?

"I, Um. Yes I'm fine, why," I stuttered. I wasn't the best a lying, especially when I'm in pain. Sam looking at me, not convinced at all. He grabbed my hand and led me to his car; pushing me in.

"Sam, what the hell is wrong with you. This is kidnapped," I yelled as I banged on the window. Sam quickly got into the car and took off.

"Sam I'm serious. Take me back, now," I said.

"I can't do that river. Your going to stay with me for the night. It's not safe here," sam said looking at the road.

"How is it not safe. You know if you wouldn't keep so many secrets I could understand you better," I said as I looked away from him. I was so confused and in pain. I grunted a bit when I shifted onto the bandage, pulling the cut open a bit. I saw out of the corner of my eye Sam look over at me.


"The same goes for you little swan. You are hurt and your lying about it," Sam as said he pulled into where his house was. He jumped out of the car. I went to open the door myself, but Sam did it for me. I ignored him and tried to get out myself.

"River," Sam said sternly. I looked at him like he was crazy. I ignored him yet again and went to try and walk, but stopped when I got a burning pain in my stomach. I called out and pain and fell. Before I could fall. Arms caught me and pulled me into a bridal hold.

"I got you baby," I heard Sam mutter. I didn't have the energy to say anything, but I would say something about it later. He sat me down on a bed and ran back out. I looked around.

It was plain, dark, and small. It looked like it got Sam perfectly. All the walls were black, while the sheets I was laying on were a dark grey color. There were no pictures or anything.

"Okay, lift up your shirt," sam said looking down at me. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"No," I said as I looked away from him. I heard him sigh and he gently grabbed my chin with his fingers and pulled me to look at him. Sam had a look of pain on his face.

"River please. I just need to make sure your okay, please. I'll leave you alone after that, but I need to make sure your, okay," sam said as he looked into my eyes. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. I slowly pulled up the hoodie and pulled it over my head. I heard what sounded like a....growl.

"Stupid leech hurting my imprint," sam muttered in anger under his breath. I didn't hear what he had said though. I looked at Sam and gulped when I saw him. He looked angry, angrier than angry.

"Sam," I said quietly. He looked away from the cuts and to my face. His face soften at me. He moved his hand to my face and gently stroked my cheek.

"It's okay. I'm going to help you, okay," sam said looking deep into my eyes. I nodded. I looked back down at the cut to only remember I was only in short shorts and a bra in front of Sam. I honestly didn't care. It was nothing different than a bathing suit, but that didn't stop me from feeling a bit flustered. I had never had a man see me this exposed. I think Sam saw the look on my face and paused what he was doing.


"I promise I won't look," Sam said as he only looking into my eyes.

"Okay." I whispered. Sam looked back down to the 3 large cuts on my stomach and looked back up to me. He looked back down to himself and pulled off his belt.

"Woah, what are you doing," I said as I tried to back up a bit. Sam looked back up at me and chuckled.

"Your going to want to bite down on this or you'll break your teeth from biting down on them so hard," sam said. I slowly nodded as he placed the belt into my mouth, I bit done on it and slowly looked back down.

"You ready?" Sam questioned softly. I looked back up and gave him a nod. He slowly poured the alcohol onto the cut making me scream out in pain. It was muffled by the belt, but you could tell I was screaming.

"I'm sorry river. I'm so sorry, please forgive me," I heard Sam keep saying as he cleaned the cut. I had my stomach clenched and my jaw locked tight as he continued to clean the cut.

"There, there. I'm done okay sweetheart," sam said as he took the belt out of my mouth. I let out a small sob and put my hands over my face. I felt sam put his arms around me as I cried. I wasn't sad or anything, but I was in so much pain.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here. Shh," sam whispered into my ear. Hearing him talking soothingly to me surprisingly helped with the pain. I slowly removed my hands from my face and looked over at Sam.

"Thank you," I whispered looking into his eyes. Sams hand moved up to my face and wiped my tears. He slowly leaned forwards and kissed the placed where the tears were. He was so sweet. I didn't even feel weird that he was kissing me in a way; only made my stomach flutter. He pulled away from my face and cupped my face with his hands.

"I'm going to put a bandage on and then we can do whatever you want, okay," sam asked as he sat up. I nodded and took a deep breath in as he put the bandage on. I let out a whimper as he pressed down onto my wound. Sam looked up and put his hand onto my cheek and stroked it.

Once he was done he picked me up bridal style and brought me to his living room. It looked the same as it did when I first came here. He sat me down and went to go get something, but I stopped him by grabbing his arm. He looked back down at me.

"How did you know?" I asked softly. Sam looked at me and opened his mouth to say something, but stopped and shook his head.

"I just, um had a feeling," Sam said as he walked off. I sighed. I knew he was lying. He didn't have to lie, but I wasn't that big of a deal, I think? Sam came back holding a glass of water. I gladly took it and took sips of it. Sam sat down next to me. I turned over to look at him.

"Where were you today," sam asked as he played with the hen of my shirt. I took no notice of it though.

"Me and Bella went on a walk," I said. It wasn't a lie more so half of the true. We did go on a walk.

"Then how did you get those cuts?" Sam asked looking down at my stomach and back over to me. I sighed. I hated lying to him, but I had no choice. I didn't even fully understand what had happened.

"It's nothing Sam please, just please leave it alone," I pleaded in a whisper as I closed my eyes and put my forehead to his chest. I felt Sam out his arms around me and take a deep breath in.

"Okay, but river you have to stay here tonight. It's not safe and I want you here with me," Sam said. I nodded into his chest. I didn't want to fight him in his so I just stayed.

"Go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up. I promise," Sam said. I nodded a bit more. I felt Sam lay down on his neck; keeping me on his chest as I fell asleep to the sound of his thumping heart beat.

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