《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter ten


"Find the girl," I heard one of the men say. I got up as quickly as I could and ran to a closet. With my shaky hands I locked it. I can't believe it, I just watched them shoot my parents. I put my hand over my mouth to cover my sobs so they wouldn't hear.

I heard foot step approaching the door. I closed my eyes so tightly I thought they'd be stuck. The door handle twisted and I heard a 'tut' noise behind the door.

"I think I found her boys," I heard the man call out. I pushed myself as far back as possible.

All of a sudden the door ripped off and yanked me out of the closet. I screamed as a hand came onto my mouth. I forced my eyes open to see the killers of my parents.

"Did you enjoy the show," the guy holding me whispered into my ear causing me to release another sob.

"Bring her into the living room," one of the guys said as they made their way there.

"Please, no please." I yelled, but was muffled by his hand. I started scratching at his hand, but stopped when a hand went around my throat.

"Your going to stop or you'll end up like your dear old mommy and daddy," he whispered into my ear. I slowly nodded my shaking head. He then threw me onto the ground. I looked down to see blood. My parents blood all over me and their body's not far from.

I slowly looked up and threw the tears saw the men laugh at my reaction.

"All they had to do was give us you, but they didn't and now there dead." One said while the others laughed. I started breathing heavily and let out a scream. The scream was painful. I stopped screaming and let out my sobs.

I slowly looked back up to see all the men lying in the floor, unconscious.

I gasped. I slowly looked back over to my parents and let out more tears. I leaned over to my mother and father and put their heads in my lap.

"Mom, please mom. Daddy please, please don't leave me," I yelled as tears fell down my eyes. I put my hand to my mother's head like she would do when I was sick to feel my temperature.

"I can't feel you," I whispered as my tears fell into her face. I was covered in their blood while there killers were merely 10 feet away from me.

I woke up with a gasp. I slowly sat up and ran my hand over my face. I hate this. I hate I have to remember it, all of it.

I slowly got up from my bed and walked over to the bathroom and took a shower. I stood there as the hot water fell onto my head. I closed my eyes for a second, but all I could see were there faces. I opened my eyes again and looked down with a sigh.

Once I was done I walked back into my room and got dressed. I didn't have anything planned today so I was probably going to go for a walk somewhere.

Her outfit. (Shirt is cropped and not tucked in FYI)

Once I finished Brushing threw my hair I heard a knock at my door. I sat the brush down and walked over and opened it. It was Bella. She had on a backpack for some reason though.

"I'm going for a walk in the woods. Will you please come with me," she asked. I nodded my head.


"Let me get my bag," I said As I walked over to my bag that had my books and camera in and walked out with her.

We walked a bit far into the woods, that's when I was questioning where we were going.

"Hey Bella, where are we going," I asked as I stepped over a branch. Bella looked at me a gave me a weak smile.

"There's this place, a Field. That Edward used to take me too. I haven't been here since....he left and I didn't want to come alone. That's why I wanted you here," Bella said as she walked over a group of leaves. I nodded and walked with her.

I took my camera out and started taking pictures. It was so beautiful here in the woods. I took pictures of some plants and trees. I also got some of a few birds and one deer surprisingly.

"Here it is," Bella whispered. I put my camera around my neck and looked up.

It wasn't a field of flowers it looked....dead. Like there once was flowers here, but they had died. I looked up to see Bella fall onto her knees and put her hands into the dead grass. She stood up and looked up at something. I looked up myself and gasped. There was a man.

"Bella," he said. How does he know Bella?

"Laurent," Bella said out of breath.

"Bella, who is this," I whispered, but was completely ignored. I started to get scared. There's a man in the middle of the woods who's most likely going to kill us. All of a sudden he was way closer. My eyes widen as I took a step back.

"I didn't expect to find you here. I went to visit the cullens, but....their house is empty. I'm surprised they left you behind. Aren't you sort of, um? Pet of theirs?" he asked as he circled us. I stood behind Bella. I was too afraid to even comprehend what he was saying.

"Yeah, you could say that," Bella said as she looked over at him.

"Do the cullens visit often?" He asked as he looked closer at me. I looked down and gasped a bit. The red stuff was coming out again. I took a few deep breaths, but it wasn't going away.

"Yeah, absolutely all the time. I'll tell them you stop by." Bella said. Lie. She was lying. Even an idiot could tell she was lying threw her teeth. "I probably shouldn't tell...Edward. 'Cause he's pretty protective."

"But he's far away, isn't he," the man said as he got closer.

"Bella we should go, like now," I said into her ear quietly, hoping the man wouldn't hear, but he did.

"Who is this," he asked as he stopped closer. I felt Bella push me a bit more behind her.

"No one," she said. "But why are you here," she asked, changing the subject.

"I came as a....favor to Victoria. She asked me to see if you were still under the protection of the Cullens. Victoria only feels it's fair to kill Edwards mate, given he killed hers. An eye for an eye," the man said as he got even closer. As he got closer I noticed something. He had bright red eyes. They were inhuman. I took another step back as He moved closer.

"Edward would know who did it. And he'd come after you-"

"I don't think he will, after all how much could you mean to him if he just left you here unprotected. Oh, Victoria won't be happy about my killing you. But I can't help myself. You are so mouthwatering." He said.


"Bella, leave, now," I said frantically as I looked for a place we could run. I looked down again to see red balls of what looked like energy appeared in my hands. I took a few more deep breath and looked back down. They were gone, but there were still red mist around my hands.

" please don't. I mean, you helped us," Bella said frantically. Ignoring me completely, again. All of a sudden the man was right in front of Bella. My eyes widen. No human could move that fast.

"No, no, no, shh, shh. Don't be afraid. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly," he said looking at her. That's it.

"Move away from her," I said looking straight at him. He looked away from Bella and at.

"Oh my," he said looked at me. He took a deep breath in for some reason.

"She has the blood of the red one," he whispered. All of a sudden he was in front of me. I gasped and moved back. He grabbed my neck and pulled me closer.

"River," Bella called out, but didn't move. He moved his face closer to my neck and breathed in. I was terrified.

"Oh my, she smells even more appealing than you Bella," he said as he held my throat tighter causing my breathing to slow down.

"Let...me...go," I gasped out. He just looked at me.

"Your the only one of your kind. How are you still Alive," he whispered, it sounded more like he was talking to himself. I got a feeling all of a sudden. I put my hand to my side and pulled. I didn't know what I was pulling, but I pulled. The next thing I know the man flew back, with red energy surrounding him.

I gasped and backed up. I looked down at my hands to see the balls of energy were back. I looked over at Bella to see her staring at me with wide eyes.

The man was up faster that I could process. He grabbed my neck once more and pulled me close to his face.

"You are going to taste, divine," he whispered as he opened his mouth to I guess bite me.

"Bella," I called out frantically. The grip on my neck from his was now unbearable, I was struggling to breathe. All of a sudden he looked up from my neck. There was a loud growling sound. One I'd heard before.

"I don't believe it," he whispered. He dropped me and backed up a bit, I feel to the ground and gasped for air before looking up.

It was the wolf. The Sam wolf that helped me that day. He had his teeth shown and ears back. He looked terrifying. He stood at full height. I slowly crawled backwards. This couldn't be the same wolf I saw that day. There were more of them coming out of the woods.

Laurent looked back down at me for a second before using his nail to cut my skin. I yelled out in pain as he took of running. I heard a loud snarl. I looked back over to see the wolf looking at me, more so the cut that the man just made and back to him. He took off running. As did the rest of them.

I stood up quickly and put my hand over the now bleeding part on my stomach. I turned to Bella as we both took of running.

"Bella what the hell was that." I said out of breath as we kept running.

"I'm so sorry river. But I can't tell you." She said looking at me. We got to Charlies house and Bella ran inside. As did I. I put my hand on my stomach trying to hid the cut, but it was a pretty deal cut and blood was pouring out of it. I put my bag I had on infront of it.

"Dad, I saw them-"

"What's the matter,"Charlie asked.

"In the woods, they're not bears." Bella said out of breath.

"What do you mean in the woods, Bella what the hell were you and river doing in the woods," Charlie asked as he looked over us.

" their wolves. I mean, they're, like, huge wolves," Bella said. For some reason I wanted to tell her to stop, like we shouldn't be telling Charlie this.

"Are you sure about that, Bella?" Harry asked. I looked over at him.

"Yeah, me and river just saw them. They were after....something," Bella said.

"Wolves? You saw 'em. " Charlie questioned. Bella nodded.

"Alright, well, Harry. Feel like going hunting? Get some of your guys together?"

"Sure, yeah, I'll.....I'll just, uh..." he said. He looks back over at me.

"Are you sure they were wolves, river?" He questioned. I looked over at Charlie and back to Harry.

"I um, didn't, um. Get a close look so I don't know," I said as I looked down. For some reason I didn't want to tell them the truth,

"I have to use the rest room," I said as I ran upstairs, carefully because my stomach where the cut was, was killing me. Once I was upstairs I grabbed the med kit we had and went into my room.

I moved my backpack and looked at it. It was still bleeding very bad and looked deep. I knew I was going to have to have stitches. Good thing my mom taught me how to do them.

I grabbed one of the towels I grabbed and out it on my out. I almost yelled out in pain, but I didn't. I put my knuckles to my hand and bite into it. I let a few tears out, but took a feel breath in before cleaning out the cut, very carefully.

Once it was clean I walked over to my desk and grabbed my sewing kit. It was better than nothing.

I grabbed one of the needles and the black thread and went for my stomach. I stopped before the needle hit me and took a deep breath.

"Just relax river. Just relax. Your fine. It won't even hurt that bad," I whispered to myself. I grabbed an old shirt I had and put it in my mouth and bit down as I put the needle threw. I yelled out in pain, but it was muffled by the shirt. I kept stitching, even tho it hurt. I have a very high pain tolerance so it didn't feel like I was getting stabbed. Only like I was getting a million shots in the same place, over and over again.

Once I was done I cleaned off the spot and put a bandage over it. I took my shirt out of my mouth and wiped the tears that fell. I took a few pain killers I grabbed and laid down. I hurt to move, but that would be gone in the morning.

I gasped. I looked back down to my hands and put them in front of my face. What did I do. I carefully moved my wrist around as a ball of energy formed.

"Oh my god," I whispered to myself. What was I. That man, he called me the 'red one' and said I was the last of my kind. I don't even know what that means.

I looked over to the corner of my room to see one of my art notebooks and got a idea. I focused on the book and moved my wrist.

All of a sudden the book came flying towards me. I gasped and moved out of the way before it could hit me. I put a hand into my hair and let out a laugh. I didn't know what this was, but it was so cool.

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