《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter seven


"I'll be back later charlie, im just going to the store,' I said as I kissed charlie on the cheek and walked out the door. Bella has looked happier since the day we went on the bikes, which was amazing. I decided to walk to a store I saw a bit ago. It was a book store and had stories on about anything you could think of.

As I was walking I looked at at the town. It was quite a small town, but it was beautiful. Today was one of the rare occasions where it was sunny and not rainy. I really liked the rain and how it was always dark. It had some kind of calming effect on me.

Once I got to the store I walked in. I was greeted by a native american man. He waved to me. I kindly waved back and went around the store, looking for the perfect book.

I ended up grabbing a few books. They were mostly romance ones, but I did grab one about the quileute legends. I've never heard of them and it seemed interesting.

As I was walking back I heard my name being called. I confusingly turned around to see Sam running over to me.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I said back with a small smile. "What are you doing here." I asked.

"Oh, ya know, walking," he said as he looked at me. I gave him a skeptical nod. Sam let out a a nervous laugh. Why would he be nervous?

"So, a friend of mine is having a bonfire tonight and I'd really like you to be there," he said as he scratched the back of his neck. I looked at him with my eyebrows pulled together.

"Like a date..?" I asked. Sam looked at.


"No, no not like a date. Unless you want it to br a date then it could be a date, but I wouldn't want to put any pressure on y-"

"Sam, woah calm down," I said with a laugh. "I'd love for it to be a date," I said with a smile. I saw Sam let out what looked to be a sigh of relief.

"How about I walk you back home." Sam said. I nodded and started walking beside Sam.

"I'm really sorry I haven't been able to see you a lot lately," he apologized. Why would he apologize?

"It's okay, I'm used to not really having people," i said sadly. I felt sam out his hand on my lower back as we walked.

"You have me and im never leaving, but seriously river, im sorry," Sam said as he looked in my eyes. We had stopped walking for a moment.

Sam was looking in my eyes. His eyes held so much emotion. I saw his eyes go from my eyes to my lips and he slowly leaned in. I slowly closed my eyes. Just as our lips almost connected I heard Charlie's voice. I pulled back and looked at Sam with wide eyes.

"I'll see you tonight, yeah," I said with a nod, not waiting for his response I started walking about to the house. Once I got inside I ran upstairs to my room and shut my door and fell down the side of it.

He was going to kiss me. Sam U'ley was going to kiss me.

Why am I so stupid, oh my god. I put my hands to my head and I groaned. I got up and went to my mirror and looked at myself.

Why would someone like Sam want me. I'm nothing. I have nothing.


A single tear fell from my eye. I wiped it and out a fake smile on my face.

"You are pretty river," I said to myself as I looked in the mirror. More tears fell from my eyes. I knew Charlie wasent home anymore so I didn't have to worry about him coming in and asking me what's wrong. So I did what I thought would help me.

I let it out.

I let out a scream. It wasent a deadly scream, just a scream. Letting myself get rid of my sadness in a way. I reopened my eyes and looked back at the mirror.

It was shattered.

I looked down at my hands to see red stuff coming out of them. I quickly shook them off. They disappeared after a second. I looked at my hands and back to the mirror.

I couldn't have done that.... Could I?

I took a deep breath before cleaning the glass up. Once I was done I checked the time. It was about 7 so Sam should be coming to pick me up soon. I walked to my closet and got an outfit.

Her outfit.

I looked over to the corner of my room. Sams jacket was sitting in my chair. I walked over to it and put it on. He wouldn't mind, right? I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs and into the kitchen. There was a peice of paper on the table. I walked over to it with my eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

I'm going to the movies with Jake and some friends, be back soon.


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