《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter six


I was awoken by something shaking me awake. I opened my eyes to surprisingly see Bella there. She was looking at me with a small smile.

"I'm going to go to jakes house, do you want to come with me." She asked in a hopeful tone. I gave her a smile and nodded.

"Yes, let me just get dressed and I'll meet you down there," I said as I got up and went to my closet. Bella got up and walked downstairs. I guess her hanging out with Jessica helped.

Rivers outfit(the clothes, shoes,bag, and sunglasses only)

I combed threw my hair with my fingers and made my way downstairs and outside. Charlie's car was gone so he must be at work. I opened Bella's car door and got in.

"Are you feeling any better" I asked quietly. Bella looked over at me for a moment before slightly nodding. She wasn't 100%, but I could tell she was a bit better, not much, but a bit. We pulled up to jakes house and we both got out. Jake came running out of his barn and his eyes went wide at seeing Bella.

"Bella, where the hell have you been loca," Jake said as he spun her around in his arms. Seeing them together made me feel happy,like this would help Bella. Jake set Bella down and looked at me and gave me a hug.

"Hey, river it's good to see you again," Jake said as he pulled away from me and gave me and Bella a smile. Bella looked at him and a small smile.

"I, uh brought you something" Bella said as she pointed to the back of her car. I turned to see that she had something quite large back there. Bella pulled back the tarp revealing two sets of bikes.

"Wow, scrap metal, you shouldn't have," said Jake. I zoned out for a bit letting Jake and Bella talk while I looked at into the woods.

Since I was a little girl I've always loved nature. Every aspect of it. No matter how big or how small, it all had meaning.

"River, come on," I was pulled back out of my thoughts by jakes voice. I looked to see him and Bella going to his barn.

"Coming," I said as I jogged over to there.

I sat in the corner as Jake and Bella worked on the bikes. I didn't really know why Bella wanted me here, but it was nice to see her up and not sad. I was in the corner writing.

I do this thing where I like to write little stories or poems. I started doing it when my parents passed and it's really helped get my emotions out. I wasn't really paying attention to their conversation.


"Yo, Jake you there?" I heard. I looked up from my notebook to see 2 guys coming in. I looked over to see Jake getting up as well as Bella.

"Hey guys, this is Bella and river, Bella, river this is quill and embry." Jake said as he pointed to them.

"So the bike building is true?" quill asked.

"Yeah, yeah I taught him everything he knows." Bella said.

"What about the part where your this girlfriend," quill said. I choked on my spit. I put my hand on my mouth to stop me from laughing. I looked up to see quill and embry looking at me with a smile while Jake looked extremely embarrassed and Bella looked confused.

"Sorry," I said quietly with a small laugh.

"Uh, we're friends, ya know," Bella said.

"Burn," embry said with a laugh causing me to laugh too.

"Actually, remember I said she was a girl and a friend," Jake said. I just shook my head. You could tell how bad Jake was a lying and it was really funny. I didn't hear the rest of the conversation, but I tuned back in when I heard Jake say something.

"Yeah, quills actually taking his cousin to prom, so" Jake said.

"Yeah it's alright, you want funny black, I'll give you funny" quill said as he jumped to Jake and started wrestling. Embry came over by me and Bella while laughing.

"5 bucks quill beats Jake" he said looking at me and Bella.

"Your on," I said, Bella nodded with me.


For the next couple of days Bella was at jakes house working on the bikes. I came by sometimes because Jake is actually very funny and nice to hang around. Bella has been a lot happier since her and Jake started hanging out. It was amazing seeing her get back to herself again.

I was laying in bed when I heard a scream. I got up and ran to Bella's room, Charlie was already there trying to wake her up. I thought they were getting better. Charlie looked at me and nodded. I nodded back as I closed the door and went back to my room. I wasn't tired anymore so I got ready for the day. Bella and Jake said that today we were going to test the bikes.

Her outfit(clothes, and camera only)

I put on a pair of boots and walked outside. Bella was already waiting for me in the truck. I got in and we took off to jakes house. I brought my camera with me so I could take pictures. I haven't taken any in awhile and I missed it.

We got Jake and the bikes and took off. Bella and Jake were talking about something while I was looking at my camera. Charlie had got it for me when I first moved in with him. Charlie was so sweet and I owe him a lot for the things he'd done for me.


"Is that Sam U'ley" I heard Bella say. I immediately looked up from my camera and looked at Bella who was looking over at a cliff. I looked over to see about 4 or 5 boys there, all shirtless. I looked closer to see that one of them was Sam. A smile went to my face at the thought of him and my face reddened seeing him shirtless.

Bella swerved over and parked the car and ran out. I got out of the car and ran with her, as did Jake.

"Did you see that," bella said. I didn't see what happened so I was confused. Jake let out a laugh.

"There not really fighting Bella, there cliff diving, scary as hell, but a total rush." Jake said with a laugh.

"A rush?" Bella questioned breathlessly. I looked at her confused.

"You okay?" I mouthed to her, she nodded in return, not fully looking at me.

"Most of us jump from lower down, we leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples" Jake said.

I got my camera out and aimed it to Sam and them, they were all laughing and looked like they were having fun. I snapped a few pictures, not before getting a few of just Sam. I put the camera down and couldn't help the smile that stayed on my face.

I turned back around and walked to Bella and Jake.

"What's up with you and Sam," I asked softly.

"I don't know, they just think they run this place. Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids. Now look at him," Jake said. I looked closer to see embry jumping off the cliff. He had cut his hair and now had what looked to be a tattoo, the Same tattoo that sam has.

"That can't be embry, can it" I questioned looking back at Jake, he nodded.

"What happened," Bella questioned.

"He missed some school then all of a sudden he started following Sam around like a little puppy, same thing happened with Paul and Jared. Sam keeps giving me this look, like he's waiting for me or something. It's kind of starting to freak me out." Jake said looking down. I didn't know what to say.

"Well you should just avoid him," Bella said. I gave her a look at she ignored. Sams a good guy, I would know.

"I try," Jake said.

I looked back over to the cliff to see Sam jumping off. It brought a small smile to my face seeing him. I hadn't seen him since the beach. I was planning on calling him later.

"Are we gonna ride these bikes or not," I said as I turned back to them with a smile. Jake gave me a smile before getting the bikes out and putting them down. Bella got on one of them while I got my Camera ready to take pictures. I watched Jake tell Bella what was what.

"You got this Bella," I called out as the bike turned on. Bella let out a small gasp at something, but there was nothing there. I looked at Jake confused, he looked just as confused as I did. Bella all of a sudden jolted forwards.

"Bella!" I called out.

"Woah, you alright?" Jake asked.

"I wanna go again," Bella said, ignoring Jake. Bella pulled off, as I walked up to Jake. I started taking pictures of Bella as she was riding. Bella kept looking back at something.

"She's gonna be okay right," I asked Jake as I kept my eyes on Bella.

"I hope," Jake said. Bella started to lose control of the bike.

"Hit the brake," me and Jake both said. Bella got thrown off the bike. Me and Jake got onto the other bike and took off to Bella. When we got there I ran to Bella.

"Bella, are you okay," I asked as I looked at her

"I wanna go again," Bella said. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed," Jake asked her.

"No, Bella you could have gotten seriously hurt," I said.

"No more bikes," jakes said after me. Bella's head was bleeding.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry," Bella said as she noticed the blood. Why would she apologize for bleeding?

"It's just blood Bella, no big deal." Jake said. He stood up and pulled his shirt off and put it on Bella's head. I could see Bella staring at him which would have made me laugh, but I didn't want to embarrass her.

"Your so beautiful,"Bella said as she continued to stare at Jake.

"How hard did you hit your head," Jake asked. Me and him both let out a little laugh.

"Common, let's go," I said. Bella dropped Jake back off at his house and brought us back to Charlie's house.

"You have to be carful Bella," I said quietly, she looked at me and nodded. I pulled her into a hug. She let go and went inside. I let out a sigh as I got out of the car as well.

I felt like I was being watched. I looked around, trying to see someone, only for there to be no one there. I shook off the feeling and went inside.

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