《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter eight


I heard a knock at the door. My eyes went wide. Oh my god. I was going on a date with Sam. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down before opening the door. Sam stood there with a smile on his face only for the smile to get bigger when I opened the door.

"Hey," he said as he looked over me.

"Hey," I said back with a smile. I stepped out of the house and started walking to his car with him.

"Have you ever been to a bonfire before," Sam asked me as he started driving.

"No, I uh haven't. What do you normally do at one besides watch the fire?" I asked. Sam looked over at me for a second before turning back to the road.

"We normally just hangout with each other. We eat food, okay games, and hangout with family," he said, but there was something about the last part he said, about family.

Which made me wonder....does Sam have any family? I remember when I went to his house there were no pictures or anything.

"We're here," I heard Sam say. I turned back to him and looked at him with a smile as I got out of the car.

I looked forwards to see a group of people surrounded around a fire. The nerves started to get to me and my hands started getting sweaty.

What if they don't like me? Or what if they think I'm weird and make me leave or what if th- I felt this feeling. I looked down at my hands again to see red stuff coming out. I closed my eyes and felt my heart rate come down. I reopened them to see it was gone.

What's happening to me....

"River, you okay," Sam asked. I looked at him and gave him a nod, not trusting my voice. Sam gently grabbed my hand and led me over to them. The nerves started to come back and my hands started to shake. I felt Sam out his thumb over my knuckles, stopping the shaking.

"They'll love you," Sam said. I gave him a great full smile as we approached the people. There were 2 girls and about 6 boys from what I could see.


When me and Sam got there everyone looked up.

"Hey Sam," one of the guys said. I recognized him. His name is embry. I remember him from when me and Bella were at jakes. I looked around to see billy there as well making me smile a bit. Bully was a very kind man.

"Ouu sam is this your im-" one of the guys started to say just was stopped by one of the guys elbowing him in the side. I looked at him confused and turned to Sam who gave me a nervous smile before turning to the guy and glaring a very harsh glare causing the guy to flinch.

"Everyone this is river, river this is quill, embry, Paul, Jared, Dylan, Kim, Harry, and emily," Sam said as he pointed to everyone. I nodded and waved a bit.

"Hello," I said quietly. Everyone smiled at me and greeted me in some way. Sam led me over to a log and sat down, I sat down beside him.

"So river what brought you to the rainy state of Washington," quill asked. I looked down and sighed.

"My, uh, parents were murdered," I said as I looked at them. All there eyes widened as quill started to apologize for asking.

"It's fine quill," I said softly. In reality it wasn't fine. I wasn't fine, but there wasn't much I could do about it.

I felt a hand on my own. I looked down to see Sam holding my hand in his. I looked up to see him looking at me with this look on his face. I couldn't tell what it was, but it made butterflies appear in my stomach. I looked back down, hiding my smile from his as a blush coated my cheeks.

For the next hour we all sat around talking and having fun. It was nice to hang out with people they weren't Bella, Sam, or Jake.

It was about 9'o'clock when everyone started leaving, leaving me and Sam. Billy had gone inside a bit ago leaving me and him.

"Do you mind me asking you something?" Sam said as he looked over at me.

"Not at all," I said quietly, looking at him. I still couldn't get my head around how handsome he was. He looked like he was sculpted by a god himself.


"What did it feel like when they told you your parents were gone," Sam said looking at the ground. I froze, not expecting him to ask that.

"Well I, um, I didn't hear about it. I saw it. I watched them be murdered," I said quietly, looking down to avoid him from seeing the tears. I felt Sam softly grab my face to look at him. A few of the tears had fallen. Sams thumb wiped the away as he looked at me in the eyes.

"I don't know what it's like to lose a parent, but I know that you are strong, so strong river and you'll get threw this, okay. You have me and I'm never leaving." Sam said as he looked into my eyes. I gave him a weak smile as I put my hand on top of his own.

"Thank you Sam," I whispered. Sam gave me a smile as he let go of my face and stood up.

He held his hand to me and stood there. I gave him a confused look as I put my hand out and grabbed him. He pulled me up and twirled me around, causing me to laugh. Sam let out a laugh if his own.

"Dance with me river," Sam said as we started dancing around the fire. I wished this moment would never end. I looked into sams eyes as we danced. He was looking at me too.

"I really like you river," Sam whispered. I felt my heart skip a beat.

"You do?" I asked softly. I saw sam nod.

"Since I first met you. I can't handle being away from you river," sam said with so much emotion in his eyes and his voice.

"I-" I was cut off by billy calling out.

"Sam, it's Jacob. It happened," billy yelled. Sams face instantly went emotionless as looked looked at billy and nodded. He looked back at me.

"You need to leave river, now," he said. I took a step back from him, our hands disconnecting.

"Oh, okay," I said as I turned around. How could I be so stupid. I turned back around to see Sam running into the woods. I felt tears prick at my eyes. How could I be so stupid to think he really liked me.

"I'll drive you home river," billy said. I shook my head and walked past him.

"I'm going to walk home, but thank you billy," I said as I tried to make my voice stop shaking, but couldn't. I felt a hand grab mine. I turned around to see billy holding it.

"Give him a chance, okay. I promise you that you'll know everything soon," he said as he gave me a small smile. I gave him a weak smile in return and turned and started walking back home.

As I was walking I heard a wolf howl. I stopped walking and looked into the woods. I didn't see anything. I walked a bit faster until I got home. I walked in to see Bella sitting on the stairs.

She looked up at me.

"Something happened to Jake and I don't know what it is," she said sadly. "We we're at the movies and he got really angry and felt like he had a fever. Then he just left, he left and I don't know what's wrong," Bella said as a tear fell from her eye. I walked up to her and gave her a hug.

"It's okay Bella," I whispered into her ear as she cried in my shoulder. Once she was done crying she got up and went to bed, as did I. I walked into my room and sat on my bed.

Once I sat down I let the tears fall. I knew it was stupid to be crying over this, but I couldn't help it. He just left. I know that he went to go help do something with Jake, but he just left. He didn't even say good bye, he just left.

I sighed and changed for bed and fell asleep with tears in my eyes.

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