《Pranking The Bad Boy》Chapter 13.
It was after school and I had successfully managed to stay away from Ryder and any of his friends.
At lunch Isla made me tell her what was going on. I'm not really sure if it went well or not.
"So. What was going on when you came to my house yesterday? And don't even try to deny that nothing was wrong," Isla warned.
"I wasn't going to," I mumbled and picked at my salad with my fork.
"Alright, good. So explain."
I sighed and pushed my salad away before leaning my crossed arms on the table.
"Would you say that Ryder and I are pretty close?" I asked her.
She looked shocked and confused at the question but answered never less. "I would say so. I mean, I've never seen him like this before. He had this look of admiration whenever he sees you or hears someone talk about you. And when someone does, he gets all protective. So yeah, I'd say you both are very close. I'm surprised you're not official yet."
"What can you tell me about Ashlin and him?"
"Don't know what this has do to with any of this but...from what I heard, they slept together a couple of times but it was never anything more. Apparently Ryder just wanted to get some but Ashlin thought he was completely in love with her."
"So there was nothing going on between them except sex? "
"Yes. Until you came. Then I think he stopped all ties he had with her. Why is this important? "
I groaned and ran my hands down my face.
"I saw Ryder and Ashlin practically making out at the mall. And to top it off, she asked him if they were meeting at her house that night to which he replied with 'sure'. That's when I stormed off and ran into your cousin."
"Wow. Are you sure it was him?"
"I can't imagine him doing that though. Does he know you saw them?"
"I don't think so. But I think I made it pretty clear that I was upset about something. Do you think I'm overreacting? Because we're not even actually dating."
"Honestly, I don't know what to tell you. I've never been in a situation like this. But what I can tell you, is that it's probably best to talk with him. Maybe it was all a misunderstanding."
"I don't know..."
End of flashback
Like I said, I had no idea how it went.
Currently, I was changing in the girl's locker room into some soccer shorts and jersey. I was the only one in here since I was the only girl on the team. I tied my cleats and grabbed my water bottle before heading outside to the field.
Most of the guys were already there and warming up. One of them being Ryder.
I walked up to the group and got a few 'heys' from the guys. Ryder just watched me carefully. I moved away the furthest that I could from him while still staying by the guys.
Coach jogged up to us as the rest of the guys joined us.
"Alright, hey guys! Nice to see you here with us, Kennedy."
I gave him a forced smile.
"So, this is our fourth training. On Monday we will be going to our first game. I know it seems early but it's just a small game against another high school a few towns over. We will be leaving on Monday at 10am here at the school and returning on Wednesday at about 4pm. The game is on Tuesday at their high school. So we still have today and Friday to practise."
We were already going to play? And what city were we playing in? What did a few towns over mean? Two hours on the bus or five?
"What about school?" someone asked.
"The school excused you and you'll get all the work you missed when you return to school on Thursday. Now, let's start! I want everyone to run around the track four times in ten minutes. Go!"
We started running at a good pace. I was jogging closer to the front than the back of the group so most of the guys were behind me. A guy caught up to me and jogged next to me. I didn't know his name but I knew that he was also a junior.
"Hi, I'm Connor," he introduced himself.
"Kennedy. Although I have a feeling you already know that," I joked.
He chuckled. "How could I not? This is barely your first training and you're already a legend," he replied.
"I didn't know I'm that famous," I joked.
"I guess you're just a natural born star," he said.
Was he flirting with me or was I just imagining things?
"Hey, Connor!" I heard a voice call from behind us. "Did you know that by talking less you can save your breath and run longer?"
I already knew who it was without turning around. I rolled my eyes. Didn't I tell him to mind his own business?
Connor however didn't seem affected by what he said. Instead, he replied with a comment of his own.
"You're one to talk! Aren't you the one who can't keep his mouth shut and always needs to talk about someone?" he made his voice high pitched. "Oh my god! Kennedy looked so good today. It makes my day just seeing her!"
"Why you little ...!" Ryder sped up and started chasing after Connor. He noticed and ran off. Leaving the two guys to play a dangerous game of tag. Because no one knows what will happen when he catches Connor.
Did Ryder really talk about me like that?
I felt my heart swell at the thought but quickly reminded myself what happened at the mall. I shook my head, getting rid of the thoughts.
Blake quickly caught up to me and jogged along next to me.
"Do they always act like six year olds?" I asked.
"Pretty much. But...what's going on? Ryder says you're acting different and I'm starting to see it myself. Did something happen?"
"No. Everything's good," I told him and gave him a reassuring smile.
"I hope you know that I don't believe you. But what I do believe, is that when you want to say something, you'll say it."
"Thanks, Blake," I said sincerely.
"We're all here for you. No matter what."
"I know."
Thursday and Friday morning flew by in a blur.
I had successfully managed to stay clear of Ryder and anything Ryder related. Although it wasn't completely easy.
On Thursday when I was walking down the hall I saw Ryder walking in my direction. And me being me picked a janitor's closet to hide in. Let's just say I'll never be able to forget what I saw that day. Never.
We had finished with soccer practise and were free to head home. I changed as fast as I could and left to drive home.
When I got there, Nathan was already at his friend's house and Dylan was getting ready to leave soon.
"So I won't see you both until like 12 tomorrow?" I asked.
"Yes. I'll probably leave at around 11:30 so that I can pick Nathan up along the way."
"Alright. Sounds like a plan."
"Are you inviting Isla over?" he asked.
"Nah. She had something come up so it's just me tonight."
"Okay. Try not to be bored too much," he teased and ruffled my hair while walking past me.
"Trust me, I won't. I'll enjoy the peace and quiet that I rarely get to have."
"It's a little after six so you can maybe order pizza or something. I'm sure you know how to work the phone and turn on the TV. Bye, sis!"
"Bye!" I called and watched Dylan go out the door and drive away.
Even though it's barely 6 I was quiet hungry because I just got back from training and hadn't eaten anything since lunch.
I took my phone out of my backpack and jumped when I heard a clap of thunder outside. I walked to the window and drew back the curtain. The sky was a dark gray and rain starting hitting the windows.
Did it really have to storm now?
I called the pizza place and ordered one. After I hung up I settled down onto the couch and tried to focus on the TV and not the water drops that were raining harshly on the windows and the roof.
About 8 minutes later the doorbell rang.
That was fast. The pizza delivery is usually never this early. Maybe they just wanted to get back quickly before to storm got even worse.
I could hear the wind picking up and the thunder getting louder.
I went to grab some money and walked up to the door. When I opened it I never expected to see what I was looking at.
Ryder was standing in front of my door, dripping wet. He was shivering from the cold and had a tired look on his face.
I immediately pulled him inside and shut the door.
"What happened?!" I asked.
He took off his soaked hoodie and his shoes. When I went to grab it from him I felt his icy fingers brush mine.
"You're freezing!" I stated and pulled him up the stairs. I walked into my room and pushed him into my bathroom. "Go take a shower to warm up. I'm gonna get some of my brother's clothes for you to wear and put them in front of the door."
He only nodded and walked into the bathroom. I stood there for a second and then heard the shower turn on.
I let out a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair.
What was happening?
I walked out of my room and picked out some sweatpants and a shirt from Dylan's closet with some clean boxers. I placed the clothes in front of the bathroom door and sat down on my bed. I slumped down and rubbed my eyes.
My head was filling with questions every second that I didn't get an answer.
Why was he here? How did he get here? And why was he outside in the rain?
I get pulled away from my thoughts when I heard the bathroom door open. I looked up and saw a very good looking Ryder. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and water droplets were running down his chest.
I would be lying if I said he didn't look good.
He bent down to pick up the clothes and disappeared into the bathroom again before coming outside, fully dressed.
I stood up and walked over to him. I was about to ask him what was going on but now that we were in good lighting I saw that he had a cut by his cheekbone and a slightly bruised cheek.
I gasped and lightly touched the side of his face with my finger tips.
He flinched at the touch but relaxed against my hand.
"We need to properly clean this," I told him, not leaving any room for discussion. I pulled him into the bathroom and searched in the cabinets for some antiseptic and some cotton swabs.
He hopped onto the counter and I stood in front of him while opening the bottle. I put some of the antiseptic on the cotton swab and stepped closer to clean his cheek.
He hissed slightly when the swab touches his cheek and grabbed my waist with his hands. I let him because I know how much it hurts to put that stuff on a cut. It fucking stings!
I finished cleaning the cut and close the bottle and put it aside. I turned to Ryder place my hands on either side of him.
"Thank you," he whispered.
"No problem," I told him. "Are you gonna tell me what happened?"
He sighed deeply and pulled me closer between his legs. He leaned his head against my shoulder and placed a soft kiss against my collarbone.
I pulled away and pushed his chin up to make him look at me.
"You need to tell me what happened," I said in a serious tone.
He gave me a pained expression but nodded. "My parents again," he started to explain and focused on a spot behind me. "They were having another fight when I walked through the door. They then started shouting at me how I shouldn't be here because I just give them more problems. I tried to calm them down but my dad hit me with his beer bottle. That's how I got the cut. Then I left and it started to storm. You were the first person that I could think of to go to."
A silent tear rolled dow his cheek and I brushed it away carefully with my thumb. He gave me a sad smile and I felt my heart breaking for him. He didn't have a real family. All he had was his friends.
"You look tired," I said.
He chuckled humourlessly. "I've had quiet a day."
"You should sleep."
He shook his head and hopped off the counter. "I wanna keep you some company. It would be rude if I just barge in like this and then left you alone."
"No, it wouldn't. You obviously need to rest."
"It's fine. I'll be able to stay awake," he said and started to walk out of the bathroom.
I pulled him back and sighed. "What if I lay down next to you. Will you sleep then?"
"Now that already sounds better," he said and smirked.
Only he could still act cocky during all of this.
I rolled my eyes and walked out of the bathroom.
"Go and lay down," I said and nodded towards me bed. "I just need to turn off the TV downstairs."
Ryder climbed into my bed and got under the covers. He closed his eyes. He looked like he was glad to finally be able to get to lay down and rest.
I quickly walked downstairs and turned off the TV and all the lights. I made my way up the stairs again and turned off the light in my room. I stood in the doorway of my room and watched Ryder's sleeping figure.
I would ask him about the whole Ashlin stuff tomorrow. When he was more awake and rested. But for now I had to let him sleep. Sure, I was still a little mad but I could slowly feel the anger fading away.
I climbed into bed and got under the covers. Ryder's stable breathing reached my ears so I'm guessing he was already asleep.
I lay on my side so that my back was facing him and was about to fall asleep when I felt an arm wrap around me and pull me closer. Ryder's warmth warmed my body and I turned onto my other side so that I was facing him and snuggle closer to him.
I felt him kiss my forehead.
"Goodnight,darling," I heard him say before falling asleep.
- In Serial15 Chapters
Home of Laplace
I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar mountain peak standing tall above me like seeing a skyscraper from the street. Soon the chilling burn of the snow that covered me began to invade my senses and I flung my torso upward, sitting up straight. I grabbed my head in confusion as my eyes surveyed the area around me: The corner of a mountain wall stood menacingly in front of me accompanied by thin, dangerous looking paths on either side. The likes of which only adrenaline-seeking psychopaths would use. I turned my head backwards and felt my heart drop as what looked like an infinitely long freefall met my gaze. I was sitting on the ledge of a snow-covered mountain. "CRKKKK" A heart-shaking croaking sounded from above me further up the mountain and I jolted backwards at the impossibly loud sound. 'Shit, wasn't there nothing behind me?' The sound of cracking stone accompanied the heart dropping sensation of descension. As I plunged down backwards, the last thing I saw was the deep-set brown eyes of that blue-skinned monstrosity further up the mountain. ----------------------------------------------------- Levi Laplace is a former genius biochemistry student that died a simple and laughable death on earth. Having studied profusely and written many papers published by large firms he was well-respected and accomplished in his field. But that did not prevent him from having his own problems in his personal life. Having chased behind the back of science for so long he had neglected his social life, ending up lonely and without a partner in his early twenties coming out of his studies. He decided that the best way for him to rekindle his social prowess was to retire to teaching high school science in a small town. He never ended up falling in love as he dreamed but he did find surprising contentment from dealing with the troubled raccoons he taught on a daily basis. Finding himself summoned to a strange world by unknown forces he is confronted with harsh issues and the struggles of its people. Meeting many more problem children, he is moved by his sense of duty to help them find their path in this journey through life. As well as find his own in this dangerous new world. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter updates DAILY AT 12:00 PM EST (...Is the goal, sometimes a bit later in the day or the next day at 12:00 instead :P ) Definitely at least once every two days though!
8 198 - In Serial52 Chapters
Bright Battle Story: Tactics Heart
This is Bright Battle Academy. It is not a place where your hand will be held or your failings compensated for. It is not a place for the weak, or the subversive, or the conspicuously diverse. This is Bright Battle Academy, where champions are forged and legends begin. Dwarfs? Once they were part of the great alliance. They helped build this very academy. But they were so stubborn, so unyielding, so unwilling to bend themselves to the rules. And so they weakened, and so they declined, and so their empires faded. What few that are left shun the academy. We have no dwarfs here. Rogues? Perhaps a handful in the sprawl, hiding in the shadows, hoarding their merits, hoping to buy a promotion to something remotely useful, ninja or assassin perhaps. But in the academy proper? No. We have no rogues here. And yet despite everything here she stands. Nala Greyward, Dwarf Rogue. Pettiest of thieves. Unpleasantest of surprises. Causer of problems. So she killed an ogre. So nobody knows how she did it. So what. Throw her in with the real prospects, with the elves and the vampires and the fighters and the magic users. See how she does in that environment--see just how long it is, before the problem that is Nala Greyward solves itself. This is Bright Battle Academy. Good luck. Discord if you're into that.
8 176 - In Serial9 Chapters
The Necromancer's Notebook
Typist's Note History of File #004789301: -Original stored in filing cabinet of one Detective Greary of Arkham police department until death in 1913 from heart attack, then moved to “Cold Case” cabinet in main office. - Originals relabeled “Case File #0003876: Evidence: Open” and moved to APD sub basement one, cabinet 08. July 8th 1925. - Box labeled “Case File#0003876: Evidence: Open” moved as part of district consolidation to Boston Police Headquarters Retention Room 10, row 9, shelf 5. April 30th 1975 - Contents of Box labeled “Case File#0003876: Evidence: Open”, reviewed by Retention Clerk Casey Damaset #11238 and labeled for removal. Contents of original documents typed by #11238 and refiled as document #004789301 in Final Retention cabinet January 2nd 1993 before originals were destroyed. Originals comprised mostly of handwritten notes stored loose leaf in a box with no discernible organization or order. For the most part seem to have been pulled from the same notebook approximately two inches by four in dimensions, bound along the spine like an old pocket book. No indication was made anywhere of the manner in which these documents came into the original officer’s possession. They have been recorded in the order in which they were found, with appropriate notes included to indicate where materials have deviated from the norm. Priority for retention: Low. Labeled for destruction at Final Retention Cycle end 2010. To read in full: Click here. Or start the first chapter.
8 151 - In Serial15 Chapters
The Records of Eternity: The Traveller of Worlds
There probably won't be anything much for Traveller for the next while as I honestly don't have much of an idea of what the hell I plan on doing. While I wait for another spark of genius for this I want to get out some chapters for my other works, which I do have an idea of where I want to go. So instead of stressing myself out over this bottleneck, I will be focusing on other stories until I breakthrough. The Traveller of Worlds is a tale that tells the adventure of the young Saxon girl Millie Von Augustine, though she has another name. Millie is the eldest child of the Augustine family, a noble family in the Kingdom of Saxony. Although being a woman she was barred from succeeding her father as head of the family. In addition, she has been treated rather poorly by most of her family due to her tomboyish personality. But one day as a youth, she met someone in the woods behind her house, and this encounter would forever change her fate. Moving this to have a new chapter at a minimum of every three weeks as I have started another project full time. The cover artwork was made by Nez Illust, check their page for more their stuff. You can find more information on the universe of The Records of Eternity at https://recordsofeternity.wordpress.com/ I will also be posting any updates on how things will proceed and random other thoughts pertaining to the series on my website.
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Lover of Mine • Little Women
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Submissive Alpha
(RE UPLOADED) Book 1: The Submissive Series Xander is the Alpha of the Crimson Moon Pack, the most powerful Pack in the supernatural world. He is a strong and powerful Alpha. One who's feared by many and highly respected by more. But when Xander is welcoming new members into his Pack he gets an unexpected surprise.Years after his 18th birthday Xander finally comes face to face with his second half, his mate.But it's not just one mate that's come to shake up his world, because Xander gets blessed with two mates.......twins.What happens when Xander's dominance is challenged, will he be able to adapt to a new life being submissive?------*Deleted at 88kThis story contains:- MxMxM romance- kinks (daddy kink, bdsm relationship, domxsub relationship)- werewolf/vampire relationship- lgbt themes*If this story isn't your thing then don't read it.------Best ranking:#1 dominance (28/05/2022)#1 fluffandsmut (14/11/2022)
8 167