《Cinched Darkness》Chapter 28


I sleep for most of the day until Bailey wakes me at two and shares a bowl of chicken noodle soup. We cuddle on the couch for a couple hours and watch TV, but I need to go home at some point. Dad is going to be furious and the sooner I go back the easier it will be.

"Zane and I aren't going to fight tonight," Bailey squeezes my thigh as he pulls up to the house, "we were thinking of dropping by to watch Riette, though."

"Do you want me to go?"

Bailey smiles, "if you want to go. Just make sure to bring your painkillers, so we're prepared."

"Let me find out how pissed my dad is," I glance at the house.

My car sits in its spot and Dad's vehicle is gone. He doesn't work most weekends, but maybe he went in for a meeting or is out for a professional dinner.

"Keep your phone on you this time," Bailey tugs on my arm to draw me over the bench seat, "I don't want to worry that he's hurt you again."

"He'll probably send me to my room," I shrug, and kiss him before he can hear the fib.

Bailey caresses my jaw with one hand and the other tangles in my hair, prickling my scalp. I sigh in his mouth, melting into his chest. I don't want to get out of the pickup, but it's time to face this shitstorm before it gets worse.

"Maybe I'll sneak out if he's a royal prick," I tease, running my tongue along his lower lip, "and then you can make sure my night is filled with you and not him."

"Anything for you," he brushes a thumb over my cheek bone, appreciating my green eyes, "Max... I-I... Fuck, I really need you in my life. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise. I'll take care of you forever."

"I don't know what to say," I hate that I can't say the same thing, though it's how I feel, "I mean... I feel the same, but... Yeah."

Bailey flushes, and pecks my lips, "call me, okay baby? Whether you can come tonight or not."

"Yeah," I squeeze his hand on my face and he finally releases me.

Bailey waits for me to get inside before steering away. I already regret walking in the door when I find the fridge unlocked and the smell of expensive smoke wafts up my nose.

Dad is home. I wander into the quiet den to discover him standing and puffing on a nasty cigar.

"Hi..." I sound shy.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

"I was with Mallory. Bailey gave me a ride home because she had a family thing," I lie too smoothly.

"Is that so?"

"Where is your car?"

"It's in the shop." He pauses to inspect the cigar, as if to regard it, "I'll have to drive your car from now on. You can ride the bus, can't you?"

"I can get a ride with Mallory for school," I nod, remaining timid.

Dad puffs smoke out, "this is a fine one right here. Do you know how much this cigar costs?"

How the hell would I know?

"No, sir."

"They're very extravagant."

"I'm glad you can enjoy it," I don't know what he wants.

This cannot be going anywhere good. I take a step back, but abruptly he's charging and I am pinned into the wall. Eyes narrow in on the burning cigar as he jams it into my collarbone and I cry out.


Fuck, that shit hurts!

Tears prick at my eyes, but I don't let them fall.

"I think you should enjoy it too," he scoffs, and smashes it into the same spot again, "what do you think of it, Maxine?"

I sputter for words, "it-it's... It's wasted on me. I don't know enough about cigars! You should enjoy it, Dad."

"I suppose you're right," he takes a deep drag, blowing the smoke over my face, making me cough, "suck in that smoke. It tastes good, doesn't it?"

"I-I don't like it..." I rattle, blinking through the wetness in my eyes, "it burns."

"I can make it burn," he drags the embers up my neck, searing the baby hairs from my skin, "do you remember the game we used to play when you were first released from the hospital, Maxine?"

My boyfriend and his friends have noticed the scars.


"Would you like to play now? I think it would be very fun." He kills the blunt on the counter and draws out the lighter, "pull your pants down, Maxine."

Why do you do this to me?

"No... I know I fucked up, Dad. I know. I'm sorry," I let the tears slide down my face as he flicks the lighter on, "I'm so sorry. I'll do better. I'll try harder!"

He collapses the lighter, "you'll fail like always and then I'll have to teach you a lesson, Maxine." He steps back, "get to your room!"

I fucking hate you.

Shaking, I move as fast as possible and slam my door, flipping the lock. I cannot go out tonight. He might actually kill me if he gets his hands on me.

I spend the rest of the weekend locked in my room, working on homework and only texting Bailey to soothe him. He doesn't believe I am okay, but sometimes sitting up here, and pitying myself is the only way to wait out Dad's wrath. He'll calm down now that I am home under his nose. He might come up here to hit me once or twice, but he'll calm down. I've been pushing him lately and need to assure him that he's in control.


"How was your dad?" Bailey mutters at lunch on Monday.

"Fine," I kiss his cheek and turn to Mallory, "got anymore plans up your sleeves?"

"I was thinking we could break her leg or something," Mallory rolls her eyes, "but that will just win her sympathy from everyone."

"I can break her leg for you," Riette snarls across from us, "I always told Bay I could get him out of that situation no problem."

"You wanted to murder her," Bailey sounds too casual about it, "we aren't killing her for blackmailing me."

"She was threatening Max, but you let her use it to control you," Riette retorts.

"Same thing as blackmail," Zane points out.

"I'm just saying she deserves it," Riette barks, ditching the group, leaving the empty tray behind.

"What's up his ass?" Bailey turns to Zane.

"I think CPS has been sniffing around again," Zane shrugs.

"What's that?" Mallory practically mouths, gesturing to her own collarbone.

I pull my shirt over the fresh burn and shake my head, "nothing."

"Cassie is watching us," Mallory mutters, "I think she's plotting again. We should definitely watch out."

"She's covered," Bailey pecks my cheek, "and you can take care of yourself, right, Mallory?"


Mallory's eyes narrow suspiciously, "you don't defend her friend?"

"Can't say I trust you very much," he growls gently.


"Because of Cassie," I point out, but keep my expression blank, "he thinks you might pull the rug out from under me."

"Oh?" She's amused, "well, I'm not the one who needs to watch out for that sort of thing."

"What does that mean?" Bailey barks.

She shrugs, and takes off, dumping her tray and leaving the cafeteria. I roll my eyes at Bailey, who chuckles.

"Did you really have to do that? Now she knows you're whispering in my ear. I have to go talk to her you know."

"Yeah, I know," he gives me a long, hard kiss before pushing me to my feet, "better go make sure she still trusts you."

"Don't let her walk all over you, Sawyer," Zane calls.

I flip him off and hear him chuckle as I push through the doors. Mallory is leaning against the wall, waiting.

"He worries," I shrug.

"You like him," she smirks, "and don't fucking dare say that you don't. I know you do. Are you sure you still want to do this, Max?"

"No..." I fidget with my hair, "I don't know, Mallory. I am all for pissing off Cassie, but... I admit it. I like Bailey."

It's more than that now, but I'm too scared to say it. Bailey is the one who wants to say it, but holds back. He's been there since the beginning and it isn't till I feel the same way that I recognize how he feels. I'm such a dumbass for ever questioning his motives.

"I knew it!" She shrieks happily, "finally... Now, we can focus our full attention on the whore. You two can fuck like rabbits. And if he hurts you then we can take him down, but I'm pretty sure he'd rather die before hurting you."

"You think so?" I can't deny that her immediate support is surprising.

"I know so. He was never like this with Cassie. Of course, she was blackmailing him, so he didn't have a chance to fall for her shit," Mallory hooks her arm with mine, "how are things with you two then? Have you two done the nasty?"

"Perhaps," I confess.

"Oh, and what's he like?"

"Umm, sweet and... It only happened recently and the one time, but it was pretty fucking great. He made me finish four times..."

"Holy shit!" Mallory giggles, "I knew he would be a God in the sheets." Then she tugs on my shirt to inspect the burn, "and this? Is this a kink or something?"

"Nah," I fix the shirt, "it's really nothing. Don't tell Bailey. He worries enough as it is."

"Max, that's a burn," Mallory jerks us to a stop and grasps my shoulders, "you aren't hurting yourself, are you? You aren't that stupid. I know you aren't."

"No, I'm not."

"Alright, but if you want to talk... You can trust me, Max," Mallory takes my arm again and leads us around the halls slowly, "how is your knee doing?"

"It still hurts all the time," I groan.

"Maybe you need a new pain killer."

"My dad just switched me to tramadol this summer."

"Tramadol? Isn't that some strong stuff?"

"It is, but it's on the lesser end of it."

Mallory doesn't comment and walks me to my locker when the bell signals the end of lunch, "do we want to meet up after school? We can recon or just do homework."

"Let's just do homework," I could use some girl time, "I'll let Bay know you're driving me home?"

"Hey, that's a great idea," Mallory bops my nose with a finger and strolls away.


After school, Bailey walks me out to Mallory's car, "the boys and I are planning on going to a party this weekend."

"Reynold's?" Mallory asks as she unlocks her car.

"You going?" He glares daggers, but she doesn't notice.

"Yep. He's pretty cool and said he didn't invite Cassie after what happened at Zane's party. He doesn't want to fuck with the Ghost Riders. She told him you two were over or something," Mallory shrugs, "plus, he serves the best booze. Zane gets high end shit, but Reynold gets the sweet stuff that girls like."

"He's all about keeping the girls happy," Bailey rolls his eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I peck his lips.

"I can drop by later," he whispers, "after your dad goes to bed. You can text me, baby."

"I will," I smirk, looking forward to a tap on my window, "can't wait."

Bailey swipes his tongue over my lips and finds the back of my throat, shoving me against the car. Automatically, I moan and wrap around his neck. He cups my ass and squeezes hungrily. I know he wants me right here, right now, especially since we haven't had sex for three days. It's a long time to go after waking the beast from its slumber.

"Later, baby," he pulls my bottom lip down with a thumb, "I-I..." He lets out a long breath, "I'll miss you."

"You keep doing that," I mutter, pecking his chin, "I know what you want to say."

"You do?" He's stunned.

"I do know." I am not ready to say it back, so appreciate that he's struggling to get it out, "Bay... I feel the same way, but I can't say it."

"I know," he presses our cheeks together, "that's why I don't say it. I know it would freak you out."

"If you feel it then say it, but I'm not ready yet," I kiss his lips hard, but fast, "I'll see you tonight. Maybe you can say it then."

"You're killing me," he opens the door for me, "bye, baby."

"What were you two talking about?" Mallory pulls out of the school parking lot.

"He's working up the nerve to say he loves me and I was straight with him and said if he wants to say it, he should. But I can't say it back just yet."

"Whoa... That's a big step. Even to admit you can't say it... That's pretty powerful. You must really trust him," Mallory gives a slanting glance like she's miscalculated me.

I shrug, "I don't know... I mean, I trust him with my life."

"I'm jelly," Mallory confesses parking behind my car in the driveway.

"I guess my dad is home..."

"Oh right, his X5 is in the shop?" She remembers our conversation before school when I showed up with Bailey.

Inside, the cupboards and fridge are locked up. That's embarrassing. Mallory observes the locks, but keeps any thoughts silent. I drop my bag on the floor, but stuff my phone in a back pocket. Dad comes barreling down the stairs and slams me into the wall.

"Who the fuck is this?"

"This is Mallory," I gasp.

"What the hell!" Mallory's eyes widen, unsure whether to run, help, or call the police.

Dad whirls and smacks her upside the head. Caught off guard, she drops to the floor, rubbing her head. Dad kicks her in the head and she grunts, rolling over. Her eyes flutter, slightly out of it.

"Dad! Stop!"

"Bringing strangers into my home!" Dad whips out the lighter, "it's time for you to learn that lesson, Maxine!"

"No..." I shake my head fervently, trying to work a hand free for my phone, "no... Please stop, Dad..."

"Strip off your jeans!"


"NOW!" His voice booms, hurting my ears.

I wiggle my phone out of the pocket as he undoes the button and draws down the zipper. Tears fall silently as I dial Bailey's number behind my back and hope he can stay quiet enough that Dad doesn't hear until he can get here.

Dad jerks the jeans down to where my knee brace won't let them go any farther. He shifts my legs apart and pins me back with his arm against my waist. I claw into this arm, but it's pointless. He has scars from all the times we've done this before. He flips the lighter open when Bailey's voice fills my phone.

"Dad, stop!" I whimper, praying Bailey can hear, "please, stop... I don't want to do this. Stop it!"

"We haven't played this game in so long," he flicks the lighter to life and settles in a crouch comfortably. I can't squirm, giving him all control, "I like this game. It reminds you who is in charge."

"I know you are..." My throat aches as I stare at the door, watching for Bailey's pickup, "I know you're in charge, Dad! You don't have to burn me! Please!"

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