《Cinched Darkness》Chapter 29


"Just a small game, Maxine," Dad lies, pressing the lambent flame against my thigh.

It licks at my scarred skin, sizzling the baby hairs on my thigh as I cry out. The skin melts and curdles into itself, burning red and then withering into purple. The pain is excruciating and switches off all my other senses. My vision tunnels to blackness and all I know is the way he glides the blaze over my skin, chuckling, amused. Tears cascade down my face and I lose hold of my phone. It drops to the floor, but Bailey must have hung up because the screen is black.

Suddenly, Mallory crawls over Dad and bashes his back. He drops the lighter and thrusts her back. She staggers into the fridge and crashes down to the floor, blinking rapidly. The wind has been knocked out of her and she can't make sense of anything at the moment. Dad snatches the lighter, clasping his hands on my waist again and returning the flame to my leg.

A yellow Jeep screeches into view. Riette, Zane and Bailey surge to the door that, thankfully, I did not lock. A cry throttles in my throat as Riette blunders through first and plows into Dad, knocking the lighter out of his hand.

I stumble to the side and Bailey catches me, dragging me backward. He leans heavily into the wall and helps me pull my pants into place. I tremble in his hands while he strokes my hair down my back.

The sounds of bone crunching echo, and I pray Riette doesn't let up until he's brain dead or just plain dead. Zane gets Mallory to her feet, who is shouting and crying and reporting everything. She's horrified and I don't blame her if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore.

Riette eventually relents as Bailey swivels me into his chest, and draws my legs round his waist. Riette's chest heaves up and down like he's been running a marathon. Bailey's fingers dig into my thighs painfully, but I know he's traumatized. His heart thrashes deafeningly behind his sternum as mine thunders in my ears.

"Those burn marks aren't of your own doing," Riette touches my back, "are they?"

I shake my head in Bailey's neck, "n-no..."

"We need to grab your stuff," Zane comes up next to Riette, "I think you're done living with this piece of shit, Max. None of us will feel good about you staying here."

"Can you stand?" Bailey mutters in my ear.

I shake my head and he carries me upstairs. No one follows, but I can hear them murmuring. He sets me on the bed and scans my room for a bag. I gesture to the closet and he finds one on the floor and begins shoving his favorite shirts in with a few pairs of jeans, leggings, socks, all of my panties, a handful of bras, and some pajamas. He locates the old brace that is fucking uncomfortable, but packs it, too.

"What else?"

"Bathroom stuff," I point to the bag by the door.

He shoves it into the duffle, "where are your pain killers?"

"In my backpack by the front door."

I scan my room unsure what else I might need. To think I might never come back is too good to be true. I grab my favorite pillow and just shrug. Bailey kisses my forehead and zips up the duffle, taking it downstairs. I hear him speak to Zane and then he's back in my room and picking me up.


"Ow," I wince as my thighs hit his waist.

"Sorry, baby. I'll try not to jostle you," he rushes downstairs and out the door without stopping.

Zane closes up the house. Mallory is already gone and Riette is missing. Maybe he went with her to make sure she gets home.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know if my mom will be okay with you living with us, but we'll see what she says," Bailey sets me in the back and climbs in next to me, "if not then you can stay with Zane. His parents are never home and Riette crashes there most of the time anyway."

"I-I don't know about... That," I glance at Zane, "nothing against you, Zane. I hate your place..."

Zane's knuckles burn snow white on the leather steering wheel. Mossy green eyes darken with some thought, but he readily keeps it to himself.

"I know you do," Bailey runs a hand through his hair, "but that's the next safest place if you can't stay with me."

"I think your mom will be fine with it, brother," Zane's voice is thick with emotion when he turns into the driveway.

"I tried!" Mallory shouts, whacking Riette's shoulder.

Riette chuckles, amused, "I'm not saying you didn't try..."

"The fuck you aren't!" She finishes locking up the Impreza, "I have half a mind to hit you again."

"It won't do any damage," he barks at her.

"Knock it off, brother," Zane snaps after turning off his engine, "we appreciate your help, Mallory."

"I'm her friend. Of course, I would help her," she is aggravated by the misconduct.

Bailey helps me down and I move slowly as my jeans bite into my singed thighs. I flinch and wince with every step, needing to stop way too often for a breath. Zane fishes out the painkillers from my backpack and tosses them to Bailey. He pops open the bottle and hesitates to give me the pill.


"Nothing," he palms it to my mouth, "it just looks like a Tylenol or something. That's nothing like the pill Connor gave you."

Riette doesn't miss this and immediately punches a message into his phone. No doubt, texting Connor. The boys talk to each other constantly and are always putting each other over anyone else in the world. I don't know why anyone would dare go against them. I can't believe I almost did that.

It's much safer to be on their side.

"What's going on?" June rubs her eyes, frowning at the crowd edging into her living room and then her eyes fall on me as Bailey helps me into the couch, "Max? What's going on?"

"Mom..." Bailey turns to her and draws her out of the living room, "I need to talk to you really quick."

"No," June weasels free and sits next to me, "what is going on?"

"M-my dad..." I choke on a sob and wipe my face.

"What did he do?" She narrows her eyes suspiciously.

"I told you about the scars on her... The burn marks," Bailey clears his throat nervously, "she didn't do that to herself, Mom."

"Excuse me?" Her eyes snap to him.

"Her dad does that. He's a sick son of a bitch," Riette snarls.

"She can't stay there," Zane growls.

"Mom, can she stay with us?" Bailey kneels to take my hand and one of June's, "I packed up most of what she needs. You can say no, obviously, but I'll just spend all my time at Zane's place if you say no... And I know you need me here to help with Dad."


"Oh..." Her eyes flit to me.

"She can stay with me sometimes," Mallory offers, "I can help out, too. It's not all on you guys to help her. I'm her friend."

"Are you?" Riette challenges.

"Yes!" Mallory hisses, glaring at him.

"Riette, leave her alone," I say softly and he snaps his mouth shut for once.

"Would you like to stay here or with Zane or with Mallory?" June asks me what I want.

"Here," I don't need to think about it.

Zane's hands fist and he shuffles away from the group.

"Then it's settled," she strokes my arm, "where did he burn you? I can help you take care of them."

"Her thighs," Bailey hisses.

"And her chest," Mallory jerks my shirt down to reveal my collarbone before I can retort, "that one's a few days old."

"Max?" Bailey's voice is filled with betrayal.

I can't look at him as a rock sticks in my throat. I didn't lie about it, but didn't tell him either. He's going to be mad that I hid it. Omission is basically the same as lying.

"Alright, alright... Boys, why don't you go get some pizza or something. Mallory, you can go with the boys or get her something to drink from the kitchen." June directs everyone, "Bay and I will get her upstairs and take care of the burns."

Bailey lifts me into his arms, cradling me across his chest instead of around his waist. I hook an arm on his neck and give him my best apologetic look. He just stares at me with anguish. He's not mad at me, but for me.

"I'm sorry," I mutter as he steps into his room.

"Don't apologize to me, baby," he nestles me on the edge of the bed, "you didn't do anything wrong."

"You'll have to take off your brace, so I can look at the burns properly," June closes the bedroom door, carrying a small white box, "I hope I have everything in here."

Bailey uncinches the brace and slides it off my leg. June looks impressed that he knows how to do that already, and then I see the epiphany hit her that we've had sex. There's a knock at the door as I undo my button and I pause. June opens the door and Zane passes in my bags to her.

"Thanks, Zane..."

"Connor is on his way... He, umm..." His eyes flit to me briefly, blackening, "He wants to look at her pills."

"Him too, huh?" June shakes her head, "he'll probably know better than me anyway. Thanks, Zane."

"I still have the bottle, so he shouldn't bother you," Zane informs us as June closes the door.

"Alright, thanks," June flips the lock, so no one can barge in.

Bailey helps me out of my jeans and June sets to work. She cools the burns first with some ointment before fanning them. Then puts a jelly dressing on it and covers that with some gauze and tape. Bailey fits some of his shorts on me after she leaves the room.

"Your mom is great," I whisper when he crouches in front of me and fastens around my waist. I stroke his hair as he burrows into my stomach, "Bay...? Baby, are you okay?"

"I'm so sorry. I should have never left you there. I knew something was going to happen, baby... I knew it. After you told me he hurt you, I knew it was only a matter of time. I should have gotten you out of there sooner."

"Bay," my heart swells for him, "Bay... You are such a wonderful man, you know that? You know something good came out of this, though."

"What's that?" He doesn't move.

"I know I can trust Mallory. She didn't abandon me and she really tried to help me, but she's not used to that kind of... Aggression. I think the shock of the situation defeated her more than him hurting her," I curl my fingers in his silky tresses, "I like knowing I have her, too. I have her and the Ghost Riders. I have your mom... Most importantly, I have you."

He tightens his hold, "you do have me, baby. I swear it."

"You guys got there pretty fast considering..."

"I was already headed your way. I was going to see you before we... I needed to see you, baby," Bailey sits up, staring into my eyes, "it's like I felt something was wrong and then you called and I heard your dad and you... Fuck... I never want to hear you say anything like that again. No one controls you, baby. Only you are in control of you."

"Sawyer!" Connor storms up the stairs and into Bailey's room, holding up the bottle of pills, "how long have you been on these?"

"Since this summer..." I tilt my head like a question, "My dad hated that I had to take ibuprofen and Tylenol so much throughout the day to manage the pain. He wanted to try it out until they found something less dangerous."

"It's not tramadol, Sawyer," He growls, "this isn't even a half a dose of regular strength acetaminophen. It's weak ass shit... No wonder you passed out when you had a tramadol the other night. You aren't used to it."

"What?" Bailey takes the bottle and inspects the pills, "Yeah, I said they look like Tylenol."

"It's like Children's Tylenol, Bay," Connor chucks it into his trash, "you need to start taking ibuprofen, Sawyer. That will do the trick for your knee. If it doesn't, then get yourself a real doctor. Your dad was fucking you over..."

I hate to realize how much of my life my dad has screwed up. I would have never guessed he would mess with my prescription. He told me he put me on an opioid for pain and to watch how much I take, but he'd only given me Children's Tylenol. No wonder my knee felt better after the aspirin Bailey gave me a few different times.

"Can I get some now?"

"Of course," Bailey digs out a bottle of ibuprofen from the bedside table, and passes over four pills, "that's eight hundred milligrams, but I think you can use it at the moment."

"Thanks," I toss them back and swallow.

"That shit eats at your stomach so eat lots of yogurt and drink milk," Connor warns me, "and trade it off with Tylenol to give your kidneys a break. I have to go, Bay, but keep me informed."

"She's staying here with me," Bailey offers.

"Zane told me when I was losing my goddamn mind over the fucking pills," Connor gestures to the trash, "I have a job tonight. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow."

"Oh, you're going to school?" I tease lightly.

"I show up occasionally," Connor shrugs nonchalantly, "it's just for show. Take care of yourself, Sawyer, and stop making my brother worry about you. It's annoying listening to him go soft over you."

Bailey flushes, "get the fuck out, Con."

"Fuck you, too, brother," Connor smirks and closes the door.

"Is that how you guys say I love you?"

Bailey snorts, "I suppose one of many."

"I don't mean to make you worry about me," I brush hair from my face as he eases my knee brace into place.

Bailey gently cinches the brace, "baby... I'm going to worry no matter what, but it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for this, please. You know he's wrong, right? Your dad is a piece of shit. You know that right?"

"I guess..." I sigh, "on some level... I know that."

"He's wrong. You didn't do anything to cause that accident or get your mom killed, baby."

"No... He's right. I caused the accident, Bay..."

"Excuse me?" He fastens the last piece and glares at me, "how can you possibly believe that?"

"Because it's the truth."

"No... No, it's not."

"Bay..." I grasp his hands firmly, "I was fooling around. My mom wanted me to stop and I wouldn't. I was reaching back to tickle Jamie, and... And... Ugh... I bumped her too hard and my mom lost control of the wheel. We slid into gravel on the side of the road and everything spun around. It is my fault..."

Bailey holds my gaze, contemplating my words, "it was an accident, Max. You hear me? Nod at me."

I nod uncertain what else to do.

"You didn't make her lose control. You were being a kid and you accidentally bumped her. It's no one's fault. Don't let your dad convince you that you're responsible for that accident."

"I am..." I choke on a sob, "I am responsible."

"You have to move on from it, baby. Your mom doesn't blame you. I know that for a fact," he breaks free of my hands and cradles my face with both of his, "she does not believe that you killed her. You didn't do it on purpose. The whole thing was an accident, baby. Tell me. Tell me you believe me."

"I can't..."

"I want to hear you say you believe me," he's so stern.

I comply, "I believe you."

Unexpectedly a small piece of me knows it's true. The weight in my chest fades a little and some peace settles in its place. My world snaps into focus and nothing but Bailey and I matter.


"Baby," Bailey kisses me hard and strokes my hair, "I love you so much. Do you hear me? I love you. Nothing you do can fucking change the way I feel about you, baby. Not a goddamn thing."

I gasp, and he kisses me again. His tongue skims my throat and he leans me back into the mattress, curving an arm around my back. I moan into him and he instantly grinds his hardening dick into my hip. I yelp with the erotic surprise, and palm his dick. He groans as I grip him firmly and stroke him through his pants.

"Fuck... We can't do this right now," he pants, staring down at my hand on his hard-on, "everyone is here."

"So what?" I giggle shyly.

"Baby, your thighs and... I... I want you so bad... You're killing me, Max," he gingerly seizes my hand to stop me, but I know he doesn't want me to, "I want to so bad... But we have people here."

"Bailey, make love to me now," I say it like a command.

He smirks and bolts off the bed. At first, I feel miffed, but he locks the door and strips down. He just got the knee brace in place, but I strip off the shorts and panties with only a little struggle. He chuckles, covering me, and jerks the shirt off. He lifts me up enough to unsnap my bra and kneads a breast.

"You're so beautiful, Max," he fishes for a condom and rolls it on, "look at you, so damn beautiful."

"Stop saying lovely things and get back here," I hold up my hands for him and he plunges into me sharply, standing at the edge of the bed, "oh wow..."

"Fuck... Baby," he leans into me, pressing his bare chest into mine and working his hips fervently, "Christ, you feel so good."

"Next time I'll go down on you," I promise, "I haven't done that before, but I want you to be my first. My only."

"Shit... You say incredible things, Max Sawyer," he licks my lower lip, dragging it down with his teeth and peppering my jaw.

He rams into me, fast, hard, rough, bruising me thoroughly, but it's wondrous. I cling to his waist as he hovers over me, taking me on the edge of the bed. He makes quick work, rubbing my clit and driving me into the euphoria just seconds ahead of him. We both collapse into mush against each other, trembling and quaking.

"Damn that was hot," Bailey kisses my neck, "I'm going to take my time tonight just for that little treat... I'm going to make tonight the best fucking night of your life."

"Bay," I tug on his hair, drawing his head up, so I can see his baby blues, "Bay..."

"Yeah baby..." He grins at me sated, unabashed.

"I love you, too, Bailey." I can't believe how easy it is to confess.

"W-what...? Baby, really?" He scoots up to meet my lips.

We lose ourselves in another fifteen minutes of sweaty passion, and fall into the mattress again. I giggle as he cleans up with Kleenex and helps me dress first. I watch him pull on clothes and shake his head like he can't believe that we just made love twice.

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