《Cinched Darkness》Chapter 27


He licks up my tears like they're candy and chortles over me, pinioning into me. His sweat bathes my thighs even as my muscles clench down around him. Preparing to scream, my mouth drops open, but his hand covers me, crashing my jaw shut.

"You're so small... You're taking all of me. It must burn you up inside, sunshine!" His breath is lava against my skin.

I choke on the sobs, flailing my legs, and thrashing my arms. I beat against his shoulders as hard as I can, digging my nails into his skin wherever I can reach it. Abruptly he stills, shuddering and moaning with ecstasy. His hot liquid spills inside, searing my shredded walls.

When my eyes flash open, tears swim down my face. I wipe them away, taking in the clean room and black comforter cocooning me. Drinking in Bailey's leather scent, I breathe out heavily and release the nightmare from my mind. It loosens and the curling, smoky fronds diminish like burning ash in the wind.

Rolling to my back, I find myself alone in his bedroom. My pants and his sweatshirt are folded up on the chair again. I can't even feel my bra around my ribcage, digging into my skin from sleeping in it. I am only wearing panties and the small shirt that twists around my body. He's basically seen every part of my body by now, so it doesn't matter.

I locate the shorts from last night and slip them on, and toddle across the room to the door. Whispers float up the stairs, but it sounds like Bailey and June. I don't bother with the knee brace before heading downstairs. My knee actually feels pretty good and it could use a real rest from the brace after such a long day.

"Good morning, dear," June spots me first as I move into the kitchen, "do you drink coffee?"

I shake my head as Bailey infiltrates my space, cupping my face and staring at my wet eyes. I wipe them again and smile. He pecks the tip of my nose and lets go of my face, sliding an arm around my waist.

"Bay told me your pills aren't helping anymore," June passes me a glass of water.

I sip it gingerly before replying, "my dad said that can happen after a while."

"Do you have your prescription? I would like to know how much you take?"

"Oh... I don't know honestly... It's in my car."

"It's not a big deal. I'm sure your father has a handle on it," she gives me a warm smile, "but if you ever have it on you."


She touches my elbow as she walks by still wearing scrubs from a night shift. Disappearing down the hall, her voice murmurs and his father replies in a soft voice. A door snaps shut and the voices are completely muffled. Bailey cautiously twirls me into his chest, setting the glass of water aside, and dips into my mouth.

His tongue is sticky and warm on my cheeks, tasting of Skittles and his hand cups the back of my neck. I let out a low moan and he smiles, breaking the kiss.

"I would really like to finish what we started last night sometime soon," Bailey nuzzles his nose with mine.


"What is it, baby?" He rests his forehead on mine, keeps one arm taut around my waist, gripping at his own tee on my body and the other remains hot on my neck.

"Can we talk about last night?"


"What about it?"

"Is it dangerous?"

"Oh," he chuckles, and slides his fingers into mine leading me toward the stairs.

I snag the water glass and let him take me back to his room. He must not want to discuss this where his mom can walk in on the conversation so easily.

"Baby, it's illegal yes. But it's not dangerous for us, I promise," he murmurs until he gets his door shut, and then he resumes his normal volume, "Connor wouldn't get us involved into anything if it put us in mortal danger."

"Do you know what he gave me last night? There's no way that could have been tramadol," I ease onto the edge of the bed and lift my left foot up to the pillows to elevate my knee a little.

Bailey kneels next to me and runs warm hands around my knee, kneading it gently. I groan and fall back over the foot of the bed. Bailey catches my head in his hand, so I don't smack it on the footboard.

"Careful, baby. I don't need you hurting yourself," he kisses me hard before stuffing another pillow under my head. He returns hands to my sore knee and continues to gingerly massage, "I talked to him this morning. He said it was definitely tramadol. Maybe it's a stronger dose than you're used to."

"I don't know..." I frown nervously, "but my knee hardly hurts this morning after it."

"I'm sorry I didn't inspect it first, but it's not like I know what to look for, baby. Connor is an expert with pills. He knows his drugs."

"He takes pills?"

"No, not so much... He's a sort of dealer. He's like the supplier. He gets them from some doctors and distributes them to dealers," Bailey's fingers dig into the back of my knee, applying slightly more pressure, but relieving more of the compression inside.

"Jesus, that feels good. How do you know how to do that?"

"My mom did a few years in the physical therapy, and she gave me a quick lesson on massaging. I told her how sore you are lately and how your pills just aren't doing the trick... I know I've been sharing a lot of your secrets lately, baby." His hands go still and he lets his head hang, "I don't know if you heard us in the Jeep last night. They're my boys, and I never keep anything from them."

"Bay, I'm not mad," I reach for him and my fingers immediately find his mellifluous tresses, admiring the velvety softness.

"Fuck, that feels good," he tips his head back into my hand, "I love it when you play with my hair."

"Get over here."

Bailey flicks his eyes to me, sparkling with desire and moves up to my face abruptly. He frames my face in his hands and collides with my mouth. I breathe through my nose taking in his leather aroma and tasting his Skittle flavor. I do not understand any of it, but it all makes me want more of him.

"Bay, is the door locked?" I worry as his lips move along my jaw.

"Yes, baby," he mutters, shifting over me on the bed, careful of my knee, "hold on. I have an idea." He moves the pillow from beneath my foot and gingerly places it under my knee, moving my leg out of his way, "how does that feel, baby?"

"Really good," I bask in the bliss of zero pain, "geez, I don't remember the last time it didn't hurt at all."


"Really?" There's disbelief in his voice, hovering over me, "when was the last time you talked to a doctor?"

"My dad's a doctor..."

"I mean other than him."

"You don't trust him, do you?"

He sighs and reveals his scowl, "that's why I want my mom to look at the prescription. She was uneasy about requesting them from you if you couldn't tell, but she's familiar with pills because of my dad."

"I don't think my dad would do anything to my pills," I stroke his eyebrows, "he hates me, but he wouldn't try to kill me..." I swallow back the emotion, "he'd rather keep me alive..."

Bailey's eyes darken, "what does that mean?"


"It's not nothing," he lowers into me, leaving his weight in his knees and elbows, "what does that mean, Max?"

"He threatened to get me pregnant just to have a kid to hit around once I die. He thinks he'll outlive me or something... And he needs to be able to take out his anger on me for killing my... Mom."

"He said that? He threatened to rape you?"

"What? No," I realize the way it sounded, "he wanted to get someone to do it. Like you or whatever."

"When did he say this to you?" His breath is hot on my neck.

"It was a while ago... That time you snuck into my room because I wasn't texting you back..."

"That's what you two fought about? I can't believe I didn't even ask about it."

"I was terrified you would..." Shit, I didn't mean to say that.

"What?" Bailey lets his blazing eyes fall on mine.

I gulp, "I didn't want you to see the bruises on my back."

"He hurt you that night? And I...? Fuck...." He scoops his arms beneath me and pulls me upright with him, embracing me securely, "I was so caught up in you... I didn't realize he hurt you that night."

"Bay... You said you wanted to replace all my bad memories, and that's all I needed from you," I pet his hair and hold him hard, "do you still want to do that for me?"

"That wasn't a suggestion," he clarifies menacingly, "I promise I will replace all your bad memories with goods ones of me."

"Then why don't you start now?"

"What do you want me to do?" His voice is sodden with blame and anguish.

"Bay, I want you," I speak bravely, "all of you. Right now."

"W-what?" He leans back to take in my expression, "are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."

"You can't hurt me, baby," I run a thumb over his bottom lip.

"Max..." He hesitates, but suddenly slams his chest into mine, kissing me hard.

We fall backward and my head poufs into the pillow. His tongue swipes at my cheeks hungrily and a hand billets into my back. The other slides under the shirt and gropes my ribs gingerly. A moan seeps from me quietly and lures a groan in the back of his throat. I tangle my fingers in his hair and give it soft, tentative tugs.

"Fuck, baby," he rocks his hard shaft into my pelvis, "I want you so fucking bad... Are you sure?"

"Please," I beg, biting my lower lip.

He becomes ravenous at my request and rips the shirt over my head leaving me in shorts and panties. He devours my breasts with his hands and covers a nipple with wet lips. I whimper as his tongue swirls around the distended peak and he nibbles playfully. A growl thunders in his chest with my reaction and he continues his merciless assault. He cradles an arm around my back, lifting me up, giving himself easier access.

I cup the back of his neck, arching my back and thrusting my chest in his face. He keeps his eyes on me, searching for any trepidation, but all I can feel is his rigid length pressed into my ass and the way his mouth makes me feel all tingly and needy.

"Can you cum for me with just this?" Bailey coos, squeezing one breast in his palm and continues to suck greedily at my other nipple.

"Shit..." The word sounds like twenty syllables long in my breathy rasp as I rock my ass across his thickening dick, "Bay..."

"Say my name baby." He encourages delighted, "say my name and cum for me."

"Bailey," I mutter over and over while his mouth travels across my sternum.

His lips latch around my other nipple and he nibbles gently, spreading fire through my blood. I whine quietly and his hand on my other breast squeezes firmly, pleased with my reaction. My thighs quiver around his waist and suddenly my panties soak as I come undone.

"Oh wow..." I tremble in his hold.

"That's it, baby," he seals his lips to mine, battling my tongue for control, "you are so beautiful."

Bailey shifts our bodies on the bed, so my head falls down below the headboard. He swings off and strips his shirt, and tugs off the shorts and boxers. His dick springs free with a slow bob, transmitting a shiver through my body, and he grabs a condom from the side table. He keeps it tucked in a hand as he crawls over me again, and hooks my bottoms in his fingers. I lift onto my right heel and he jerks everything off all at once.

My heart patters nervously in my chest to be completely naked in front of him, but I adore that he revealed himself first. He lowers into me, molding our naked bodies, and planting feather light kisses along my shoulder and up my neck.

"Are you okay, baby? You're breathing shallow..."

"Nervous," I confess, gripping the back of his neck, "I'm okay."

"Why are you nervous?" He pecks the corners of my mouth, "we can stop if it's too much."

"Don't stop, Bay. Don't you fucking dare," I lift my head up to crush my lips to his.

He groans into my mouth as I slide my tongue along his bottom lip. One of his hands fits between us and he digs his thumb into my clit, rubbing slow, luxurious circles. I whine and dive my tongue to the back of his throat, remembering what it feels like to want sex. I am hot and needy to feel him inside, but I crave Bailey more than any of it.

"I can't believe it's you," I murmur as he kisses along my jaw.

"What do you mean, baby?" He moves south slowly, kissing a trail to my navel.

"You," I croak as he breathes heat over my wet center, "Jesus... Bay... I mean, you. I mean... Fuck, I can't think," I cry softly when he licks up my center and swirls his tongue around my bud, "Shit..."

Bailey chuckles between my thighs, planting soft kisses on my scars, "you are so sexy, Max. You're trembling. Is that a good thing?"


Bailey's tongue surprises me when it swipes up my center again, and lips attach to my clit. My hips jolt off the bed, so he hooks an arm around my left leg, anchoring my pelvis with his palm below my navel. He uses his other fingers to spread me wide and poke his tongue inside. I hum with pleasure and tingles soar along every nerve, fraying me apart at the seams.

"D-damn..." I pant as sweat beads on my forehead, "you're going to make me..."

"That's the idea, baby. I want you to be completely relaxed," Bailey latches to my bud with his lips again.

He baits a finger slowly through my slit and wiggles it curiously, venturing against my walls. Embers flitter in my belly, burning me from the inside as he hooks the finger up and finds the spot. Everything turns a shimmery crimson, and he sucks at me relentlessly. Then his finger disappears, leaving me wanting and needy.

"Why?" I whimper.

"Beg me, baby," Bailey encourages, blowing hot air over my pink skin, "I like it when you beg."

"Please, Bay," I whine, writhing my hips.

"Good girl," Bailey gingerly thrusts two fingers inside.

"Oh..." My eyes widen while a moan escapes breathlessly.

Bailey twirls them around, discovering a new angle and explores the stretch when he spreads them apart. Shit! Waves of heat and ice crash all over, warring for control as fingers hook up. My body burns white hot when he nurses on my clit and nibbles with his teeth. It almost hurts, but in a surprisingly delicious way.

"Cum for me baby," he hums against my sensitive skin, swiping his tongue around my bud, "you're so close, Max. Don't be afraid. I'm right here, baby."

It's been so long since I've orgasmed with another person, and I've never been able to soar the way I have with Bailey. I can't even make myself burn this hot with knowing fingers. My muscles clamp around his fingers and he slows them, swiping at my soaked skin with his tongue like he's starving.

"Fuck..." I whimper, body slackening with the remnants of euphoria, "wow..."

"That was stunning," Bailey murmurs, kissing up my stomach to my chest.

He cups a breast and sucks at my nipple, luring more tingles through my body. I'm not sure I have another orgasm in me, but he's determined to get there. He wipes his face and relaxes on his heels, fishing the condom off the bed and rips it open. He rolls the condom over his massive dick and slides up between my legs.

"Will your knee be okay if I hold it?" He gingerly presses up the back of my left thigh, bending my knee cautiously, "how is that?"

"That's okay," I am surprised there isn't a bit of tenderness in the joint, "it doesn't hurt."

"Let me know if it does," he pulls up my other leg and hooks it around his back, "how are you doing, baby?"

"You've made me cum twice and you're seriously asking me that?"

"Are you okay?" He clarifies sternly.

"Bay... I want you," I reach for his length and rub his tip against my wet center, "I want you to cum now."

"Fuck..." He stares as I push him through my slit, "oh shit baby, you're so tight..."

I wince at his words, "don't say that, please."

"You feel wonderful," he strokes the side of my face with his left hand, and eases deeper inside, "Baby... Fuck."

There isn't the slightest bit of unease and my muscles expand for him as he fills me up to the hilt. He's enormous and touches parts that I didn't know existed before. He rests for a moment, wheezing and trying to remain in control.

"Are you in pain, Max?"

"No pain," I smile languidly, "will you please move now? I'm dying here, Bay."

Slowly, he retreats until barely inside before sliding in again, ever so cautiously. He's still afraid of causing hurt, but my body aches for more friction. I moan into his neck as he pecks my nose, and his body quivers at the sound. I let more soft noises spill out and he begins to move a little more fervently, only slightly, remaining in thorough control.

"Bay, let go," I squeeze his ass with one hand and draw him to my mouth, "you aren't going to hurt me."

"I think I'm more afraid than you right now," he rasps, placing his left hand next to my right shoulder, and keeping my left leg anchored comfortably with his right hand, "tell me you're mine, baby."

"Bailey..." I whisper, swallowing the rock in my throat, "I'm all yours. Only yours."

He retreats and slams back in abruptly, stopping and inspecting for a reaction. I bite down on my bottom lip and release it from my teeth deliberately. His mouth smashes into mine and our tongues war for power. He gives in, rocking out and ramming in again. Heat pools deep inside as he continues long beats between harsh pumps.

"Bay, give into me, baby," I urge, keeping him pinned to my bare skin, "I'm yours, baby. I'm yours. Now, fuck me harder."

"Fuck..." He props off my chest and grinds hard and fast, staring down where we come together, "you're so fucking beautiful, Max. I never... I never thought I would have this with you."

"Bay... I'm close," I whine, caressing his lips with my fingers.

Bailey seals his mouth over mine, nipping at my bottom lip. Liquid flames swarm down my pelvis and explode down my thighs, dripping on both of us. Bailey slows for a brief moment to allow me a break as the orgasm flickers to the end. It's glorious the way he sets a fire down in my bones and cools me with every breath.

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