《What A Clown...》20] Never Break A Deal


We woke up with a knocking sound on the door. He rubbed his eyes and I yawned and we looked at each other confused.

It took us a few seconds to recall who was this human daring enough to be before us when we woke up but when we did we panicked.

We sprinted up and looked around. Tring to ignore the awkwardness of the wake up I got my hair up and put my mask on. I walk over to the desk and grabbed a blade.

I see the Joker go open the door with a fresh coat of paint and open the door. "I hope you guys did what you were told." He growled.

"Y-yes boss. Mr.V's guys got your stuff back. We just came back and the fridge is full now." He said as the joker took the box. "Nobody followed you did they?" I rasped out at them And they looked at me.

"No Sir we checked." He said looking me up and down confused and I nodded. "Did you get in touch with Ivy?" I asked and his eyes widened. "Uhm n-no." He said and my eyes hardened as I walked to the door and pushed the door and joker out of my way.

I got my blade out and stabbed him in the side and dragged it down to the side then up making a V cut. I pushed him till he bumped into the gate of the stairs. He yelled in pain as I flipped out the blade and looked at him.

"Take this as a warning...to listen to me next time." I said and made a gash down his face into his throat and turned it till he fell down the stairs.

I looked as his body tumble down the stairs and all the goons stair at him as well. I walked down the stairs after the body and pushed it the last step.

"You guys don't get a second chance with me...I ask you nicely once. And I expect you to do it." I said as fear went to their eyes. "You guys have 10 minutes to get ahold of Ivy or I will loose it." I growled at them.

"Any questions" I said and it was silent. "Yeah, the next time you kill someone can you use your own blade?" I heard up the stairs. "Oh yeah...Mines are sharper anyways." I said and walked away.

The warehouse was empty again. They move fast when they are scared. But I like it when things are done right not fast.

I kept wondering why the guy looked so confused before I stabbed him. I went to the 'kitchen' and opened the fridge. Beer beer beer apple beer meat chicken beer Orange.

"Orange it is" I said and got it. The Joker walked in and took out a beer and popped it open. "Why was he so confused?" I peeled the orange and the Joker licked the beer of his lips.


"Because you sounded like Mr.V but those curves didn't look like him." I heard and looked down at myself. Oh my god he was right.

"Crap" I muttered and stood up and looked around.

"What did they bring in the box?" I asked and he looked up in thought. "Just the shoes the suits and your mask..." He said and bit into a apple with a crunch.

"I gotta go..." I said and ran up the stairs and changed into the suit and got my mask. I ran down stairs with my blade and adjusted my sleeves and tie.

"Whats the rush toots? Late for a date?" He said as I walked to a broken mirror. My chest filled in the suit too much and I couldn't take it. "I look weird as hell Im leaving bye." I said and walked out.

I had to get that wrapping stuff to hide my curves. Im just not use to them. I walked down the road and into the closest alley. I looked for a door from my maze and opened it.

How the hell did I not see that. I freaking killed someone and threatened over 10 guys with JUST my mask. I hope they were to scared to look at my chest. The bad part is that even after all the years of wearing those things, my body stayed the same.

Uh I hated it so much...I hate I have only small memories when I was little...of skinny girls that guys would love. When being small short and skinny having thigh gaps and being blond with blue eyes was always better.

And I was tall strong big thighs black hair with silver eyes. The opposite of what they wanted I was always looked at with disgust or weird looks.

I went to my a Warehouse and looked for my stuff. I rapped my self up and tried as much as I could to flatten up. When I finished I looked in the mirror and sighed.

Thats better...


(Joker's POV)

She left me...again. Whats up with her? She like freaks out so much if someone finds out shes a girl. I munched on the apple and threw it in the can.

She looks fine to me...Why does she freak out so much. She needs to be more confident if my plan is going to work. I need to fix that.

I drank from the beer and heard the back door open. I heard hurried foot step and took out my blade. "Mr.V...we got Ivy." I heard as Chuckles walked in and looked around.

"Hum sorry boss-" He said and I stood in front of him. "Mr.V left...next time something happens...you send his men to do it...you guys work for me not him." I said and he nodded quickly.


"Y-yes sir" he said and walked away. I walked up to my office and changed into my suit. I filled my pockets with knifes and took a gun just incase.

"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." I yelled at chuckles as I went down the stairs. I left and took a black car then drove to the nearest alley.


(Victory's POV)

I went out to the alley and stood there. After a few minutes I saw a green vine start sprouting. I got my knife and flipped it open.

"I can see you...don't jump me unless You want a caesar salad out of your vines." I said then the vine stopped sprouting. "Uh how did you know it was me?" I heard and I saw the red hair turn the corner.

"A wild vine just happened to be sprouting in the beginning of November in the City." I said...It was obvious it was her. "Oh...okay so what did you want?" She said.

"I had the greenhouse ready before they arrested me...You could move all your stuff in it." I said and she squealed. She stepped up to me and hugged me tight then stepped back looking like a pale green.

"Oh my god I'm sorry are you okay, I didn't mean to hug you I'm so sorry are you okay." She said and I looked at here confused. "I might hate hugs but they don't kill me." I said thinking she over reacted.

"Its just that my skin is poisonous...and if I touch you-" She said and I nodded in realization . "Don't worry sweet pea, I have gloves a suit and a mask you didn't do harm to me." I said and she calmed down.

"Okay thanks uhm...for the uh, garden..." She said blushing a bit. "Its all part of the deal..." I said and stretched out my hand. She hesitantly shook it and looked up at me. "Ill see you later" she said and walked away.

I stood there for a few more minutes playing with the blade I had. I tossed it in the air and caught it. I tossed it again and made it spin. I smiled as I didn't catch by the blade and tossed it again.

I didn't reach to catch it and waited to hear it fall since I couldn't see it in the darkness. And even worse I didnt hear the ching when it fell.

"What the hell?" I muttered looking over at the ground. I scanned the concrete and floor to only find a pair of shoes in the shadows. I traced up the purple trousers and saw him leaning on the wall playing with my Knife.

"What do you want Joker?" I asked a bit annoyed. "Well toots, Bruce Wayne is gonna throw a party as a Charity gathering." He said spinning the knife between his fingers.

I rolled my eyes at bruce making a party, everyone knows he is rich he doesn't have to show it off by making huge charities...Ugh it was so like...I don't know Stuck up. I then went back to what Joker said and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Annnd..." I dragged out as he stood up straight. "Well...I just got a Incredible Idea." He said and I raised my eyebrow at him. "What is this plan?" I asked and he smiled.

"Idea...Well...Bruce Wayne is gonna try to run for mayor...He is going to try to win everybody over with his charms and money..." He said licking his lips.

"If a female went and charmed Gotham and Bruce...with money knowledge and clever words she would more than likely go run for mayor and win. Especially if she has looks, putting in thought that more than half of Gotham is male." He said and my eyes grew a bit in panic.

"No no no no no. I am Not gonna go out as A girl they might arrest me and I cant go charm Gotham and bruce with looks I look horrible-Ive been a guy for to long I don't know how to be a girl or-" he shushed me by holding the knife up.

"First of all...Gotham doesn't Now that V is a Girl...You are most likely gonna win over gotham and take over it...and second...we have a deal...and you are suppose to help me take over gotham...and the only way for that to happen is to have someone in power be on my side." He said and smiled.

"But I cant go charming Bruce Wayne, Ive been a guy for as long as I could remember and I hate being a girl...I have to be pretty and all that stuff like the ones he carries around." I said as Victory came out in panic.

"Ill take care of it...we had a deal...and as you said you never break a deal." He said and My Word took over. I straightened up and pushing my biggest fear away as I drew a x on the palm of my hand and stretched it out.

"Its a deal Joker." I said and he smiled. "Then lets get started." He said and shook my hand.


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