《What A Clown...》19] Lulled To Sleep
I should have thought before going at the guard.
But The Joker and My Anger were like begging to give this guy scars of his own. We were really bad on him...Joker broke his arm thats how bad that was.
They shocked us a few times.
Joker carved a very messy smile into the guard that yelled out 'scarface' with a plastic knife. I stabbed his eye out.
I punched the guy repeatedly splitting his fresh cuts with every blow. I felt a pain at my side and I got thrown off the guard. And pinned to the floor.
"Calm down!" The guard yelled and before I could react the guard flew off me. The Joker kicked him again and again breaking all his ribs. He got close to him a bit and whispered something at him that brought regret and fear to the mans eyes.
Joker chuckled and stabbed the plastic knife into his throat.
I cant even cut my sandwich with those plastic knives...but I guess if someone could do that its the King Of Knives him self.
We are currently in solitary confinement.
There is only One room with enough locks to keep us 'under control' so we are sharing one. We woke up a few hours ago with a tray of food on a white table that was bolted to the floor.
We didn't eat it...You would have to be out of your mind to eat the food here.
The stupid walls are just white...i usually don't mind white its on of my favorite colors. But if its just that I cant take it... I like it if it has a few dabs of black or a slash of red.
I guess they want you to stay crazy by getting everything white. And we got straight jackets on too. They had to shoot us with a tranquilizer from far away to get them on.
I sat in to corner thinking of how I messed it up. Now it will take longer to get their confidence on me.
Whatever that guy knew what was coming. I get it if he didn't know about me but, if I wasn't me I sure would have never called the joker, scarface. That was an egghead move. Why the hell did he call me Scarface!?!
"I am way worse than scarface..." I muttered.
I looked up at the camera, this camera didn't have a microphone attached to it so I couldn't yell haunting nightmares at them. I remember it from the plans I showed the Secretaries. Only the therapy rooms had microphones...this one only recorded.....wait.
"How long do they plan on making us stay here?" I said to Joker as he made silly faces at the camera. "Huh? I dunno...maybe a few days." He said and I stared at the wall.
"I don't know about you but I have a deal to make and its not going to happen in here." I said and he chuckled to himself. "Sorry toots, but ya cant get out of here unless you end up in the cafeteria or the t.v room." He said.
"Have you been in this room before?" I said and he shook his head. "No...they like updated everything..." He said and I smiled at him. "Well how do you think I got the Secretaries on my good side?" I said and his eyes widened a bit and sat up.
"I designed all the rooms in here and I have remotes to deactivate every single camera weapon and locked door in this building. I just need to get to one of the compartments so I can get someone to get them." I said standing up and walking to the cameras blind spot and sitting down.
"Does the compartment have more of those giant sword things I found last time?" He asked and I sighed. "Its called a Machete and no their aren't any." I said and he pouted a bit.
"I just need them to open that door..." I muttered to my self.
"Why dont you break the camera...and when they come to fix it you dodge at them..." He said and I looked over at him. "That is genius...Okay then lets go with that..." I said and looked up at the camera.
"I think I could reach it if I wasn't tied up." I said and heard him snicker. I looked at him with a smirk on his face. "Want me to uh, take the jacket off?" He said and I gave him a confused look.
I looked down at the jacket. It had sleeves that crossed behind me then tied up in front then buckled behind me. "How the hell are you gonna do that you arms are tied up too." I said and he stood up.
"I could do it with my mouth..." He said with that stupid little smirk on his face. I didnt know...I really wanted to get out of here. I looked back at the jacket and up at the camera.
"Okay Fine"
I stayed really still as he unbuckled the belts making get goosbumps. I could feel him as it unwrapped around me. He went to the front side and took them off as I tensed up at his very touch.
"Ya look tense doll, is it the scars?" He said straightening up and looking directly at me. I gulped as the white sleeves fell down. "The fact of a mouth being so close to me bothers me...not your scars, I like your scars remember." I said and took the jacket off as he stood there staring at me with disbelief.
I got the long belt part of the sleeves and tried to lasso it onto the camera. I got it and it slipped. I sighed getting the sleeve again. I spun it around a bit like back in my day and threw it again. I got it and yanked on it but it just fell off.
I got a bit frustrated and threw it a last time and got it around the camera. I smiled a bit and did a little jump.
"Its uh, really entertaining to watch you jump, toots." I heard and I yanked at the camera and broke it off. I looked at him smirking as he traced me up and down. I felt my cheeks warm up with anger as I pulled at the camera again.
"It wouldn't be so entertaining if I jumped on you, now would it Joker?" I spat at him.
"I wouldnt say that sweets, Im a pretty entertaining guy." He said and I yanked at the camera again. The camera fell nearly hitting my head but landing on my foot. I jumped around a bit and cursed at the poor excuse for shoes they have here.
I got angry that I jumped again and he snickered. I stopped and went up to him.
"Stop laughing!" I said at him as he laughed louder. I sighed and rolled my eyes. How did I manage to work with this guy? I looked over at him on the white bed wrapped in the jacket.
"Get over here let me take those things off." I said and he stood up. "I need you to choke the guards if they come in." I said and he slipped out of the jacket by pulling his arms up.
I stared at him a bit in aw as he simply slid out of belts.
"I didn't know you could do that! Why didn't you do that to me?" I said at him as he took the jacket off. "Cuz I didn't want to...whats the fun in that?" He said ripping the belts off the sleeves.
"What do you mean fun?" I said forcefully keeping a blush down. I ripped pieces of my jacket cloth and stuffed it in the little holes for the tranquilizer guns.
"Stupid clown your worse than pogo..." I muttered as I snatched a belt from him. "What was that doll?" He said and we heard a click.
We got quiet and went to the side of the metal door. Wrapping the belts around our hands and clutching them. I listened carefully to what I heard on the other side.
"Are you sure you want to go alone?"
"Yes they should be asleep by now...the food had powder in it"
"Ill stay just incase it will be dangerous with Those Two in there"
"Yes Its fine"
Joker made faces and signs as they talked. He made the coo coo sign and other gestures that said that these idiots were even bigger idiots than what I thought they were. I tried to not laugh and only ended up cracking a small grin.
I heard the other locks click and the scanner scan his hand. The door opened and two guards walked in. We got them by the necks and strapped the belts and tightened them while I knocked out the third guy. Joker got the guards shocker guns and shot them.
Once they were on the floor I smiled at the unconscious bodies. We dragged them in the room. "There are cameras in the uh, halls...put on the jackets so they don't see us." Joker said. I looked at him as he took off a jacket and passed it to me.
"Huh I forgot about that..." I said. "See...I make the plan as we go...if we would have gone as planned you would have missed that." He said and I rolled my eyes again. We were about to walk out when he stopped me.
"Wait...look what I found." He said reaching towards the guys pocket and taking out 2 red sharpies. I looked at him as he bent down and started drawing on them. "Joker lets go!" I said.
"Come one you know you want too." He said handing me the red marker. "Ah what the heck" i muttered and joined him. After endless mustaches, jokes, haha's, stick figures and fake smiles we locked them up in the room and stepped out.
"Well that was fun..." He said smirking and I hid my smile. I looked at the sign that said Hall V and looked down my Left. "Okay so a compartment is down this hall." I said and started running.
I got to one of the other halls and looked at the closest room. I read the name tag on the door that read BANE. I looked at the joker and he shrugged.
"Everything I sell I put my scans in...for my advantage" i said and scanned my hand on the board and unlocked it. "This place is stupid...just because they have a badass security system doesn't mean they can stop guarding doors." I said and opened the door.
I walked in and looked around.
"Are You Bane?" I asked and the big guy in the white jump suit nodded. "Im Mr.V...I want to make a deal with you."
All the guards were on the other side of the asylum dealing with Banes escape. I finally found the compartment when he left. I finished sending the directions and turned to joker that was leaning on the wall.
"I feel useless toots, I wanna kill some people." He said and I grunted and gave him my sharpest blade. "This thing could cut threw solid steel...go nuts." I said tossing to it as he switched it open and smiled.
"Okay lets go" I said and put another knife in my waistband . "Im tired of being your sidekick doll." He said and I rolled my eyes and looked at the halls.
"Uhm...do you know your way around?" I said and he laughed going down the left. I followed him and went down to another hall. We finally ran down a hall with the big green EXIT sign.
"Ey you two stop right there!" We heard and we stopped. I got ready to kill but the joker lifted his hands up.
"Okay Okay we give up." He said turning around. I raised my hands up and looked at him giving him a 'what the hell are you doing!?!' look.
The guards walked closer to us slowly looking at us. When the first one was like a centimeter from touching the joker he did the unexpected.
He kicked the one coming at me and snapped the others neck. The guard charged at him and he punched him then got him in a head lock with the blade to the guys mouth. "I like your scars..." He said to him and the guard stuttered. "What scars?" He said.
"These" he said and sliced his mouth in a clean cut, I could literally hear every nerve rip as the blade touch the guys cheekbone. The guy dropped down and the joker looked at them unimpressed...totally and exactly the opposite as I felt.
My eyes were wide open and surprised. My hands were still up as he turned to me and raised a eyebrow at me. He smirked at me taking my breath away as he chuckled and kept going.
I was very impressed...and I never say that...never.
I snapped out of it as I walked slowly towards the EXIT. He tried it and it was locked and he grunted. "Whats the password" i said scanning my hand. "Try again Doll." I said lowly smirking at him as he rolled his eyes and opened the door.
We ran to the forest like gates and i stood by them. "Shoot..." I said touching my face. "Whats wrong Sweets?" He said. And I panicked. "I cant leave I don't have my mask...the guys will see me and and-" i started panicking.
"You look fine...what do you need the mask for anyways?" He said walking slowly to the gate. "They hide my scars and the fact that im a female and my scars and my hair and my SCARS!" I said looking around hoping to god and satan that I find my mask on the floor.
"I have scars too ya know? I don't Hide them." He said and I glared at him. "Oh yeah? What if I told you that all your warpaint is gone I can see your skin and scars perfectly?" I said to him and his eyes glanced around as he turned around and crossed his arms touching his face.
"Anyways yours are admirable...mine aren't. The whole world has see yours and fear them not mine." I muttered to my self as I walked away to a gate and started climbing it.
Im gonna admit I'm jealous of his scars...if I would have chosen the way my scars would have been they would have been like his not like that V on my face.
I reached a small walkie that I told them to put when we were at the compartment. "Okay boys are you there?" I asked in my usual guy voice and heard static. "Yes Mr.V...uhm is My Boss there?" I heard and joker chuckled.
"Ill take that as a yesss." He said.
"Okay get my stuff put it in the van outside and go make sure no one follows us. Put the building on lock down and open ALL the gates." I said.
"Yes Sir"
I looked at joker that was standing in a shadow looking back at were all the guards were fighting Bane. "What deal did you make with Bane?" He asked. "I let him go if he distracted the guards over there..." I said.
I heard a click echo, it got louder and louder as the gate closest to us got unlocked. I saw a black car come sweep with the guards and batman came out then started fighting Bane.
"Shoot...we gotta go before old Batsy sees us." Joker said and ran towards the gate. We got past the big black gates and then heard shouts.
"Stop right there or we will shoot." I heard and Joker started laughing and ran backwards yelling at them. "Go ahead ya bat brains!" He yelled and I saw batman nock down bane.
"You clown!" I yelled at him trying not to laugh. We heard shots being shot as we ran. One nearly hit my heel and I sprinted forward. We got to the white Van that advertised a few flowers.
"How pretty?" I said sarcastically and opened the door to see the van was running I saw my mask and I put it on. I heard a shot and A grunt followed by a laugh. "Haha Ya Missed!" I heard and the door opened and with a grunt he jumped in.
His arm was bleeding and he held it as the red seeped in to the white fabric. "I thought you said They missed?" I said to him reversing the van and driving with a screech. "But they don't know that..."
I gave a abrupt stop making the van make a 360 as the door slam open. "Get in!" I yelled at the 8 guys. They all jumped in getting cramped in the space behind them.
"Hi kids how was school today?" Joker said to the henchmen and he started laughing. I saw jokers henchmen smile nervously in the review mirror.
"Well Grumpy got in a fight and gave us all detention and happy got expelled. And we missed lunch so it was a pretty good day." I heard from one of my guys. "Haha good one boys" I said laughing.
I drove for a few minutes then slammed the breaks as we got there and threw us all forwards. When we slammed back I turned to all of them and smiled. "And thats what happens when you learn to drive the ghetto way." I said laughing as I got out.
The guys got out and Joker stepped out. "Okay who here wants to do some errands ?" I asked and 4 of them raised there head. "Okay two of you get me in touch with Ivy and the other two go buy some groceries because I'm starved." I said.
"Ey I need ya guys to go to Arkham and get our stuff back. And Get ready to rob a bank!" He yelled at them. He started to walk to the warehouse then stopped and turned to them.
"What the fuck are you waiting for go!" He said taking out the knife I gave him. They all scrambled and some jumped in the van and drove away.
When they were all gone I turned to him clutching his arm. "You want me to see that?" I said and he looked at me then walked to wards the doors and opened them.
He started walking up the stares and I saw a Goon walk towards me.
"Ey Mr.V your alive good-" the joker glared at them as they walked to me. "Get ready to rob a bank you scumbag, be ready by The Day after tomorrow. Or someone gets to play with me." He said and their smiled dropped.
Seconds past and the warehouse was empty. I looked over at the joker that struggled to open his office door and I went up the stairs and opened it.
He went in and leaned on his desk and started chuckling to him self. I took off my mask since I put it on messy. And it was really hot.
"Do you have like a first aid kit or something." I asked looking at him as he smiled at his wound. "Yeah in The back under the drawer." He said and I nodded. I walked to the drawer and looked threw it.
"Ey take your shirt off so We can clean it up" I said to him. "That the only reason why you want me to take it off?" I heard and I rolled my eyes.
"No I want a strip from a criminal clown while I'm at it." I said sarcastically. I walked to his desk and he looked at me with a smirk on his face. "Never heard that one before..." He said and I smiled.
He tried taking it off but he struggled. "Do you need help?" I asked. He gave up and just stared at me. I took the knife i gave him at the asylum and sliced his sleeve off. He flinched a bit as I took the cloth off.
"Desperate to take the shirt off huh?" He teased and I grabbed his arm. "Hmmm...i can see it in there...going have to take it out...you have any uh tweezers or pliers or something?" I asked and he shook his head.
I reached for the gun on his desk and took out a bullet. "Okay bite on this...try not to cry." I said as he bit on it. "I dont cry V." He said.
I took my blade out and flipped it open and cleaned it up. He looked at it as I stuck it in the wound and he grunted/yelled at the action.
"I almost got it..." I said sliding my tongue out a bit as I finally plopped the bloody bullet out. He let go of the bullet he had in his mouth and a breath he had. I picked up the bullet he had bit and put it back on the desk.
"Don't cry baby don't cry" i said in a straight voice as I damped the ripped shirt with alcohol and cleaned the wound. I tried not to look at his body as I wiped the blood off. So it wasn't my fault he was in my side view.
I bit my lip as i wiped my hands on the shirt and he lied back and closed his eyes breathing in and out. His chest raised and he sat up again. I bit my lip harder making it bleed and turned around.
"Im gonna have to give you stitches...you have had them before right?" I said and he stared at me doubting my Knowledge.
For a second I forgot about his scars.
"Oh yeah...okay so ready or not I'm gonna start." I said threading the needle and passing it threw his flesh. He tensed up every time I touched him loosing the stitches.
"Calm down..." I said tightening them as he winced. I made the final stitch and knotted it. I wiped it off and squatted down patting his arm.
"There we go...that will probably leave a mark...but scars are trophies to treasure from your accomplishments. I know I got this baby from when I was in the Army." I said pulling my sleeve up.
Ravyn's Nights - Book 2
Claire's life led her to love. Love led her to death. Death began her eternal struggle to retain both her love and her humanity through 5 centuries of endless nights. Book 2 covers the 18th century. "Ravyn's Nights" is a six book series, with each book covering a different century. Book 6 was actually started first, and it takes place in the near future, bringing the story to a final conclusion. I then started writing the rest of the series when I decided that I wanted to share the details of the life that made her into who she is in Book 6. At the time of posting the first chapter of the series, books 1-2-3 are completed and books four, five and six are in various states of completion. There is currently a novella following a side character that does include a few crossover chapters featuring the main character. The novella will be included in the completed versions of books 4 and 5.
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Pair of Madness
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