《My Boyfriend's Best Friend》Chapter 9
I was tapping my fingers on the table impatiently,
We had the tests yesterday and today, we will find out the results.
My heart is beating fast on my chest as I wait for the teacher to call my name.
"Alexis Reed."
I got up from my chair as she hands out all six tests to me.
Mr. Murphy has this weird look on me, I'm not so sure if he is trying to tell me something--
That I failed--
I held the papers close to my chest, hoping I don't fail,
I peeked through one eye, I saw a zero.
Oh god, it could be 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40.. or 0!
I mustered the courage to take a peek on all my tests and they all got a zero on the last digit.
I was scared now, I know myself the quizzes weren't easy..
What if I got zeroes in all tests?
No, I couldn't do it!
I couldn't see it!
"Now class, we have a classmate here that got 100 on all six tests," Mr. Murphy clapped.
Oh great, who is it this time?
Come on, get it over with and flaunt your favorite students!--
My classmates all turned to look at me suspiciously.
Okay, I don't really have the brightest brain in the crop, but that's only because our batch is full of nerds.
Nerds outnumber the jocks and cheerleaders.
They all slowly clapped and I was stunned, of course.
Was that really my name?
I finally took a look on my tests, with BOTH eyes and he is right.
I perfected all tests!
I am so happy!
"Yipeee!" I shouted.
"Now Alexis, I know you're happy, but settle down I still have a lesson to discuss." Mr. Murphy said.
"Sorry.." I mumbled shyly.
Mr. Murphy half-smiled then continued on teaching.
But all I hear right now are praises in my mind.
I wasn't even listening because I'm just so glad.
I've got to thank Darren. :)
Classes were dismissed and I was skipping happily towards Eve's classroom.
Eve and Danny are classmates, I think Darren and Eve are classmates on the today's last class though..
Eve came out with Danny and Darren, sharing glares with Darren.
"They are so not gay!" Eve complained.
"Is too."
"What's gay?" I asked sheepishly.
"Darren said One Direction's gay!" Eve pouted.
I glowered at him saying,
"Oh no, you didn't!"
"Not you too! They make out, which makes them gay, right?" Darren scowled.
"No! They aren't!"
"They are!"
"Yes, they are."
"You're just jealous!"
"Jealous? Why?" He scoffed.
"Because they're hot and you're not."
"What? I'm hot." He said, laughing.
"Okay, enough about me. What about the tests?" Darren asked.
Danny, Eve and Darren turned to look at me and I sighed deeply, faking cries.
"No, you didn't just fail! Sue the teacher!" Eve said, patting me on the back.
I didn't speak because I wanted to surprise them about my perfect scores.
"That's not it.. It's just that-- (fake crying) I tried so hard--"
Darren seems to be taken aback, raking his hair in frustration maybe?
"Well, you did your best." Darren said, his voice kind of dry.
I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing.
"That's not it-- It's just that..."
Eve hugged me and I sighed,
Yes, no spaces, I said it *that* fast.
"You what?" Eve asked, probably not answering.
"I.GOT.A.PERFECT.SCORE.ON.ALL.TESTS." I said again, emphasizing each word.
It took them a minute to react to what I was saying.
"Wait, you-- AHHH! I'm so happy for you!!" Eve said, hugging me and shouting for joy.
"Thanks a lot for making us all nervous back there," Darren smirked.
"Whatever," I growled.
"Hey, let's eat out tonight! The four of us!" Eve clapped, nudging Danny's arm playfully.
"Is there a reason to?" I asked questionably.
"It's a celebration party! You got perfect on all tests and we haven't been eating out together lately.." Eve pouted.
"Okay!! I know about this great diner and it's not really famous because the place is sort of isolated but the food is really really to die for!" I squealed in delight.
"That's perfect! Text me the address, see you at seven. Danny and I will meet you at the place." Eve clapped.
After that, Eve and Danny left.
I was left with Darren and he still has this smirk on his face.
"Let's go, nerdie." He said, ruffling my hair.
"Nerdie my face!" I said, punching his arm.
"Ow! Don't do that!"
"Oh yeah?" And then I puched his arm again.
"That hurts!"
"Be a man!" I said, laughing and punching him again.
"No, really, my skin is sensitive!"
"What? That's crazy!" I laughed.
We went in Darren's car and I asked him something that just popped out from my mind..
The locket.
"I want to ask something.."
"What is it?" He asked, smiling while his gaze is fixated on the road.
"The other week, the day you came, you asked me to fix your things and I saw something..." I paused, not sure if I should say it or not.
"What something?" He asked, his gaze still on the road but his tone of voice seems.. dull.
"A locket.." I gulped.
He didn't respond after that, but I can see his face sort of nervous and angry.
"Um.. there's a picture of me when I was in middle school and I wanted to ask why it's there.. or why you have it?.."
His face looks cross and as we reached the first red stoplight, he glowered at me saying,
"Next time, don't touch my things."
"But, what does it mean? Are you kind of a stalker or something?" I asked, confused.
He looked at me, his gaze met mine, saying,
"It's Carson's. He just gave it to me for safe keeping. He said that if he brings it to Texas, it might be lost.. He said that the locket is from his great ancestor and your picture is well, your picture." He answered nonchalantly.
"That's a bit odd, don't you think? Carson met me in high school. He just transferred a few years ago, how can he get a picture of me in my middle school days?"
It took him about five more seconds to answer.
"I don't know. Internet maybe?"
"He is so sweet." I said, smiling.
"Yeah..." Darren replied.
But something tells me Darren is hiding something from me.
His bipolarness and mysteriousness is actually driving me nuts!
We arrived home after a few more minutes and I went upstairs to clear my mind.
Never thought Carson keeps a locket of me.
He never wears it or anything..
I decided to pick on what to wear later, hmmm..
I chose this pink dress with ruffles, I changed into it but it looks ugly on me.
"I look like Barbie!" I shouted on the mirror.
I hear some chuckles making me twitch.
I turned around and saw Darren lying on my bed, his arms in a relaxed position and his legs slightly crossed.
I felt flustered, was he here when I was changing?
"I thought I locked my door--"
"You didn't." He interrupted.
"What were you doing?" I asked.
"Just checking on ya." He winked.
I grew conscious, this is so weird.
"How much did you see?" I asked nervously.
"Nothing much.. I just saw you changing into your underwear, pretty much that. It's too bad I didn't get to see you naked though." He laughed.
Wait, he saw THAT much?!
"You saw...?"
"Yup." He replied nonchalantly.
It's as if it's just nothing to him!
"Why are you peeking on a girl when she's changing?!" I cried out, frustrated.
"We're friends, right?" He teasingly smirked.
"So?! You don't watch your friends of the opposite sex changing clothes!" I growled.
"Really? I do that all the time and you're the first one to reprimand me," He said nonchalantly.
Wait, his girl FRIENDS are okay with them changing infront of bipolar Darren?
"You perv," I said, throwing my brush at him.
"Woah, easy on the brush! It pricks!"
"Whatever, just get out of my room!" I said, shouting.
"Geez, fine. You're no fun." He muttered, before slamming the door shut.
That Darren is just so... UGH.
I decided to change into my comfy denim jeans and red and white striped long sleeves, plus my trusty Toms.
I don't need to really dress up since it's just a dinner.
I took my purse with me and walked out of the door.
I went downstairs where Darren is, he is lying on the couch watching television.
"Finally. Do you really have to change? I mean, it's just a dinner." Darren sighed.
"Yeah, I need go put on fresh clothes because I sweat." I reasoned out.
Point taken, it wasn't that much of a valid reason but heck, I like to be neat all the time.
Whenever I go from one place to another, I have to atleast change into something else.
"Whatever, let's just go meet up with Eve and Danny. You got the address, right?"
"Yup." He replied, popping the 'p'.
We went outside the house, I locked the doors and shoved the keys inside my pocket.
I got on Darren's car and he started driving off.
"Hey Alexis,"
"What is it?" I groaned.
"What's with your long face?" He chuckled.
"Oh, I don't know, someone just decided to become a peeping tom knowing I was changing!" I snarled.
"You're too sensitive. It's not as if you're a virgin or anything." He joked.
"That's not the friggin point here!" I said, somewhat offended.
He rolls his eyes on me as I leaned on the seat, mumbling curses on that guy.
"You know, mumbling girls aren't really such a turn-on. You have to do better than that," He said, laughing.
"I don't need to impress you, do I?" I scowled at him.
He's a jerk, that's for sure.
We arrived minutes later at the said address and we came across the diner Eve and Danny said.
"There it is! Shady huts!" I said, clapping my hands.
"Oh, no, it's just a place where there is a large signboard saying 'Shady Huts'." He sarcastically snickered.
"Whatever Darren," I growled.
We went in and waiters wearing white longsleeved polos, black vests, slacks and a bowtie came to fetch us.
"A reservation?" He asks.
"Um, Eve Cadillac or Danny Castillo?" I said.
He scans his list and shooks his head.
"How odd, um, can you check once more?" I asked politely.
He nods his head and scans his list again.
I was merely panicking but Darren seems chilled.
"I'm so sorry, miss, but there's no name like that in our list."
"Hmmm, I'll call Eve first." I say, going outside the diner.
Calling Eve---
Me: Where are you? We're already here! And there's no reservation!
Eve: There isn't? Woops, Danny and I are almost finished, can you just make a reservation and wait for us?
Me: Fine fine. Tsk, you irresponsible girl.
Eve: Hey, I can be forgetful at times.
Me: Whatever, anyway, see you,"
I went inside the diner again and smiled at the wonderful waiter.
"I'm sorry for the messed up confusion, um, can you wait us a table for four?"
"Sure, this way, m'am."
We were shown in our table and were handed with menus.
Hmmm, what should I order?
Chicken, beef or pasta?
No.. pork??
I turned to stare at Darren who was infront of me, chuckling to himself.
"Why are you chuckling?"
"Nothing, it's just that-- those two idiots-- Pffft..."
"What do you mean?" I asked sheepishly.
"Oh, forgot you're one hell of an idiot too." He said, laughing so hard.
"WHAT?!" I scowled.
"If it isn't obvious, those two idiots are setting us up. They wouldn't show up to this place, I tell you." He replied nonchalantly, looking at his menu.
I just stared at him blankly, making him twitch.
"You could wipe that drool off your chin now."
"I am... SO NOT DROOLING." I say defensively, wiping my chin with the back of my hand.
"You are SO drooling."
"Whatever, Eve told me she and Danny would come any minute now so it's fine." I growled.
"Sure, whatever you say, I'm ordering."
"Wait, aren't we going to wait for them?" I asked stopping him.
"Like I said, they are not coming. Well, you CAN wait for them if you really want to," He laughs again.
"They will come! I'm POSITIVE!" I growled.
"Sure sure, WAITER!"
The waiter came rushing towards us.
"One of this chicken thing and a glass of water. That will be all." Darren said, closing his menu and handing it to the waiter.
The waiter turned to me, smiling and I smiled back sheepishly.
"I'm waiting for friends so I'll be ordering later."
He nodded his head and left.
Darren was still laughing at me, making me feel embarrassed and I ended up scanning the menu instead.
Stupid Darren.
25 minutes later...
'The subscriber you're calling is busy at the moment. Please try and call again later.'
Wtf, Eve?!
Why isn't she picking up her phone?
Darren was busy happily eating his food while I continue on pressing the call button on my phone.
"I told you she wouldn't come," He said, rubbing it all off on my face again.
"That's-- She will come, okay? It's just that she hasn't answered her phone yet!" I growled.
"Sure, whatever you say."
10 more minutes later...
"I'm tired. Let's go home already! I'm finished eating and you're still waiting for them!" Darren snarled.
"You also haven't eaten anything yet." He sighed, raking his fingers through his hair.
"Um, hm.."
Yeah, he's right.
I'm so gullible and naïve,
How can I not see this before?
I've been waiting for 35 minutes and still thinks they are both coming knowing they aren't even answering their phones.
I hear Darren sigh, maybe he is tired of my stupidity or something.
"Just order already."
"But you said you're tired.. It's okay, I can always eat a bag of chips at home and--"
"Look, you perfected all tests, you should be the one eating and not me. So go! Order already." He said nonchalantly,
I smiled at him and called for the waiter.
Maybe, sometimes, he can be nice too.
5 minutes later...
I scarfed down my food and finally felt full.
"That was fantastic!" I said, taking a sip of my glass of water,
"Yeah, you looked like a pig just now." He said laughing.
He shrugged his shoulders and stood up from his seat, walking away.
"Hey!! Are you walking away on me like that---"
"Miss!" The waiter interrupted.
"Yes?" I asked sheepishly.
"The bill's not been paid yet."
Oh screw you, Darren.
I take it back,
You're not even the slightest bit of nice.
Eve's POV
I was humming and chirping as I microwave the popcorn.
I felt arms around my waist making me smile.
"Are you sure it's going to be okay to leave them there?" Danny asked, leaning his chin on my shoulder.
"Hmm? Yeah. I think Alexis likes him. She just needs a little push." I replied.
"But what about Carson?" Danny asked.
"Hmmm, I think it's also about time for Alexis to realize that his feelings for Carson are just pity and grattitude. Not love." I replied, taking out the popcorn from the microwave and popping them inside the bowl.
"Yeah, but I kind of feel bad for Carson.."
"Me too...but I also feel bad for Alexis." I say, feeding him a popcorn.
"What do you mean?" He asks, chomping on the popcorn I just fed him with.
"She didn't really experience real love before. Alexis is a very kind person, I know she still thinks she owes him something, and that's why--"
"Alexis owes whom?"
A familiar voice ran shivers down my spine.
Both Danny and I turned around to see Carson, huffing, holding bags and luggage.
He's back?
"Carson!!! I-- um, you're back!" I said, making my voice sound excited.
"Dude, what the eff is that guy doing here?" He asks, pointing at Danny.
I pushed him a bit farther from Danny, who knows what this guy could do.
"Well, we're um.. back together now but that does not matter anymore, so what brings you here..?" I said, grinning like a fool. Fake grinning.
"I did say I was leaving but I did mention about me coming back, right?" He replied, cocking an eyebrow at me.
"Harharhar." I said, fake laughing.
He's back?
So soooon..
"So where's Alexis? I went to our apartment and she isn't there. I thought I would drop by and ask, knowing I had a spare key to your flat." Carson says, showing me a key.
I gulped down the lump on my throat and exchanged glances with Danny.
Sorry for the super duper late update,:[
School's been very busy, oh yeah, how are you guys?
Yeah, I know, I'm still alive so don't hate on me:)
See you on the next chap,
Oh my, shocking revelation! Carson's back.
Which team are you?
Carson or Darren?
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