《My Boyfriend's Best Friend》Chapter 8
"No! Darren! I will kill you if you do that!" I screeched.
"Easy, it won't hurt.."
"OWWW!! It's painful you idiot!"
"I'm trying to be gentle here!" He shouted back.
"Just get it out! It's so big!"
"Relax.. it's going to be fine.."
Okay, when you are thinking it the way I know any person would, heck, it's not what you think and you're a perv. ;)
I'm in my room and this huge spider is lurking on my feet, I don't know when, where or how it got there, all I know is, Darren is using his mighty slipper and he is hitting my leg instead of the spider.
"Darren! Hurry up!! Kill it now!!" I cried, tears streaming down because of fear.
"Heck, this would be easier if I am not afraid of spiders, okay?! But I am too!"
"Just get it away from meeee!!"
Finally, he managed to slap the spider dead and my leg.
"Darreeeeenn!!!" I shouted again.
"Okay okay, I'll get a tissue,"
So a spider is bleeding on my leg, just looking at it sends shivers down my spine.
Darren quickly took a tissue and wiped it all off.
"Whew, glad that's over," I said, wiping off a sweat.
Yes, I did sweat because of fear.
"Geez, it's just a spider.." Darren said.
"Hey! You're also scared to it!" I replied,
"I'm not!"
"You just admitted it a while ago!"
"Tsk, dang.."
I chuckled at his weird reply, oh yeah, you must be wondering what happened after the kiss, so quick flashback.
I was left, stunned, I went back to my room, I just listened to some snazzy tunes and read some magazines to calm my nerves but it didn't even work.
A knock came in my door, it was Darren.
"Look.. I wanted to tell you--"
"Err.. about the kiss.." I started.
"Yeah, let's forget about that. It was just.. um.. I just like joking around." Darren said, scratching the back of his hair.
"Oh yeah.. I knew you were. It's alright." I smiled sheepishly.
"Let's.. um.. the bet.. I also want to cancel it.." Darren said.
Whoa, someone record this right now.
Darren being all shy is basically different than the arrogant one.
"Yeah, sure." I said, smiling back, although I was a bit confused.
"Let's be.. friends, okay?" He smiled.
"Err.. sure, I'd love that."
Still confused, this bipolar Darren is killing me!
"Goodnight." Darren greeted, closing the door.
Yeah, I know what you're thinking but I guess it's better this way.
But it's too weird to be true, right? -_-
So yeah, he was helping me with the spider and he is also scared with it.
Weird guy.
"Let's just go to school already!" Darren snarled.
"Wait! I am washing the spot on my leg where you killed the spider!"
"Well, hurry up because we're going to be late."
So much for being 'good' friends. -_-
"Okay, okay, geez, wait a sec." I say, brushing a few strokes of my hair then sprinting downstairs.
I rode his car and the trip to school was well, I'm not so sure how to call it..
"Did you have a good night's sleep?" He asked,
"Err... yes..?" I replied sheepishly.
I'm not used to this friend thing because it's bipolar Darren we're talking about here!
"Um, you?" I asked back.
"That's good too..." I replied in a confused tone.
"Something wrong? You don't seem like yourself.."
How can I not be?
You're talking to me in a 'nice' way which rarely happens.
Is this what girls feel when they get friendzoned?
Sure, feels weird.
"Uh, just.. not used to you being nice."
"I'm always nice."
"You WERE not nice in any possible way," I said, exiting his car when we finally parked.
"Hey, I'm nice now, isn't that what matters?" Darren said giving me a genuine smile, coming up to me.
I narrowed my eyes at him saying,
"You're weird."
Then I went towards the lovey dovey couple of Eve and Danny.
Doesn't change the fact I hate Danny inside.
"Hey Eve." I greeted, not minding Danny.
Eve coughed, her eyes motioning to Danny.
I sighed in defeat, turning to Danny.
"Hi Danny.." I groaned.
"Hi Alexis! Good morning!" He perkily greeted.
"What's with you being enthusiastic about a Monday morning?" I grumbled.
"It's another day I can see my Eve." He said, leaning on her head and pulling her near to him.
"Such a lovely morning to do lovey dovey stuff but not here, Danny. Not here." I replied, glaring at him.
Danny quickly let go of Eve and looked down.
Eve was mouthing me a 'What the hell?' and I teasingly smirked.
"Let's just get to class," Eve said, rolling his eyes, taking Danny by the arm.
"Alright." I replied, my huge smirk still plastered on my face.
Classes were terrible!
We have an English project due next week, followed by tests on all subjects tomorrow!
God, these teachers!
Did they even become students before?
How come it seems so easy for them to make tests and all, and just give them out on the same freaking day!
"I have to study tonight," I mumbled to myself.
Yay, finally, dismissal.
I shoved my things inside the bag, groaning and took six books from my locker for further studying.
That's because the two other subjects don't have books but have these exercises and all.
I slammed my locker door shut only to see Eve and Danny pop out of nowhere.
"Holy-- that scared me," I shrieked.
"Sorry, I just thought we'd surprise ya." Eve winked.
"Yeah, why so gloomy?" Danny asked.
I glowered at him replying,
"That's because teachers are stupid for giving out six quizzes all at the same time tomorrow!"
"Ouch, well, us too, but I'm not going to study." Eve said proudly.
"Glad I'm not in your class." Danny said.
"Not helping," I grumbled.
I felt someone tap my shoulder and when I turned around, it was Darren.
"Hi friend," Darren winked.
Eve has this smirk and I get what it meant.
"Friend? Wow, what an awesome improvement." Eve laughed.
I was eyeing on her, telling her, "Don't you dare",
"Hi Darren." I smiled back.
I mean, I don't want to be rude..
"Shall we go home?" He asked.
"Sure. I've got like six tests tomorrow!"
"Oh, bummer." He replied.
Eve and Danny were looking at me deviously as if I am planning something immoral with Darren when infact, I don't.
"Let's go, Darren." I said, rolling my eyes at Eve.
"Sure," He says.
"Have fun!" I hear Eve chuckle.
Darren opened the door for me and I went in, him being nice is so not suiting him at all.
We drove home after a couple of minutes and when we arrived, I quickly went to the kitchen.
I decided to cook dinner and he went in the kitchen as well,
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Cooking dinner." I said, humming and pouring the sauce in the pot.
"Aren't you going to study first? It's quite early to make dinner."
"Yeah, but I need energy to study and food is energy."
My witty remark made him laugh.
"Want me to help you study?" He asked.
"Are you good at it?" I mocked.
"What? You don't believe me?" He chuckled.
"Hmmm, you don't really look smart."
"Ouch," He said fake hurt.
"Guess I've got no choice." I said laughing.
I laughed my heart out but he just stared at me with a big smirk plastered on his face.
"Wh-What?" I said, coming back to my senses.
"You look cute when you laugh," He replied, smiling at me.
I blushed, I don't even know why I did that but I did.
I blushed!
"You're just picking on me." I said, looking away.
"I'm serious!" He laughed back.
"Yeah, right. Just let it go." I said, poking his chest.
He didn't reply a word but just a smirk on his face so I continued cooking.
He just watched me cook, which is nerve wrecking, but I just decided on not looking at the eye, his eye.
After cooking, I put the food on two separate plates and giving him the one with the less portion. ;)
"No fair! You got more spaghetti on your plate!" He whined.
"Stop whining, look how big you are and how short I am! I definitely need more food." I reasoned out.
"No, you won't grow tall by eating, you'll get fatter." He retorted.
I held my stomach, embarrassed and pointed my index finger at him.
"Don't you dare insult Mr. Stomach!"
He laughed hysterically making me uncomfortable.
"You named your organs?" He said, laughing.
I couldn't help but laugh, but decided on going with the flow.
"You didn't just call him an organ!"
He burst out laughing and I did too,
God, I missed laughing.. Carson's been always the type of serious guy and the only times I laugh is when I hang out with Eve or when I see a funny clip.
"Okay okay, just eat!" I said, switching my plate with his.
"I thought you want to grow big and tall?" Darren mocked, with matching facial and arm expressions.
"Nah, you insulted Mr. Stomach so just eat."
"No, it's okay," Darren said, taking my plate again and switching back my original one.
"It's okay, you need energy. Eat up." Darren smiled, taking a fork and twirling on the red pasta.
"You need energy to teach me too," I pouted.
"That's true, but I got a big brain so I don't really need much energy to use than you need to."
"Are you saying I'm stupid?" I said, glaring at him.
"I'm just kidding!" He laughed, messing up my hair and continued on spaghetti.
We ate our dinner in the kitchen and afterwards, we put them in the kitchen sink.
I washed the dishes while Darren makes the instant iced tea made up of powder and ice water.
"Here." Darren said, giving me a glass.
I drank and finished the last dish then washing my hands.
"Let's go up?" He said smiling.
I nodded my head and took my books with me.
We went up to my room where I arranged my pile of books and assorted colored pens.
He took my green bean bag couch and sat on it while I took the other bean bag couch and took a seat, facing the study desk.
My study desk is rather neat because I am an organized person.
It has a well-lit study lamp, a pencil holder for my pens, shelves for my books and racks for my notes. I also have a mirror infront of my study desk where I stick post-it notes.
"Let's start? Which subject first?" He asked.
"Math. Because I find Math really difficult." I said, tying my hair into a messy bun and taking my light green pen, I mean-- my boring black and white notes would do some good with some color.
I flipped the pages to where I placed my marker, which indicates those are the important pages.
He scanned through the pages and laughed at me.
"This is a piece of cake!" He said, messing up my hair.
"Well, instead of boasting, would you just teach me?" I replied, raising my brow at him.
"Okay, fine. Geez, and I thought you're an honor student and you can't answer this!!?" He said, pointing at the page with a pencil.
"Look, genius. Just because I run for honors doesn't mean I know everything!" I replied, glaring at him.
"Sorry sorry, okay, so let's start. Now, you carry this an distribute it to the four numbers, do the same with the letters.. and then..."
So he started explaining..
"You get it?" He asked,
"Hm, let me answer this question and tell me if I get it right." I replied, analyzing the question then scribbling down my solutions then boxing my final answer.
"This?" I asked.
He just stared at me stunned, his eyes glinting with happiness.
"I am such a good teacher!" He suddenly praised himself.
"I assume I'm correct." I sighed heavily.
"Exactly. I'm such a good teacher! Hey, maybe I can be one."
"Okay, you are the expert. Whooo! You are so good." I said sarcastically.
"And handsome too." He winked.
"Whatever," I replied, rolling my eyes.
"So let's move on to the next subject." He says.
"Wow, you're acting like a teacher now." I mocked.
"Yeah, I can be one, infact. Hey, I can take that up in college."
"Yeah? College exams is months away. Can't believe college is just around the corner.."
"Hmm, hey maybe I can take 'Education major in Math', that's a good one." He said arrogantly.
"You? Being a teacher? I can't imagine. Oh, but I can imagine you being a night club owner ten years from now."
I laughed and we continued on English.
"That's perfectly easy!" I said, clapping.
"Exactly. Oh hey, how do you do this?" He asked, pointing at the book.
"Oh that's an easy one.. You just put the verb and add has or have.."
"You're a nerd." Darren says.
"Like you're one to talk." I laughed.
"Okay next subject!" Darren said perkily.
Time flies so fast, I checked the clock and it's already twelve midnight.
Thanks to Darren, I've finished all six subjects, but I'm answering the last question, which is physics, I hate physics too..
"Say Darren, is this right?--"
I stopped talking when I saw him sleeping on the desk, snoring peacefully.
I twirled some of his messy bangs with my pencil and noticed his skin.
His skin is so white and so smooth, just like pearls.
I would kill for that skin, and I'm a girl!
I smiled and packed up my stuff when suddenly, Darren took me by the arm.
He is still asleep, by the way, or is he?
His eyes are closed, his face didn't move, it was just his arm.
He pulled me in towards him and slept on my arm.
"Okay, so you made me as your pillow now?" I said scornfully.
But no response, just deep snoring.
I laughed and decided to sleep too, I laid my other arm on the desk and used it as a pillow as well.
Mmmm, my arm is soft.
With that, I started drifting off to dreamland.
Friends with benefits?
Is that another title for this? xD
Well, we'll see on the next chap.
Oh yeah, team Darren or team Carson?
I wonder when Carson will come home?
Can't wait to write THAT chapter, so toodles for now.
You've got to thank me for not cliffhanging.
I'm so proud of myself. 0:)
Love lots, xx me:)
Be sure to check out the twitter accounts of Darren, Carson, Danny, Eve and Alexis!
You can chat with them, and they will reply.
Isn't that awesome?!
They need more followers, PEOPLE!
You can even ask questions!
Oh my, I'm asking them now!
Tc, hope you love it.
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