《My Boyfriend's Best Friend》Chapter 7
Eve's POV
I stood there, startled.
He loves me..
But I thought he didn't?
He pulled me into a hug..
Danny... I like his scent.
I miss everything about him.
"I don't get it..." I muffled.
"What do you don't get?" He asked, stroking my hair.
"You.. Why did you cheat on me then? Why did you hurt me so many times? Why do you have to sleep with other girls..?"
He pulled away, looking at me intently on the eyes.
"I was scared.."
"You're scared?" I asked in a confused tone.
"I really like you.. I really do.. But.. I'm afraid to fall. I knew you were different. I know you're different from the other girls I dated. I know you will leave me too.. like my other girlfriends and I just knew it's going to hurt if it's going to be you leaving me--"
I pulled him into a kiss, I felt his arms around my waist as I smiled while putting my shoulders on his neck.
He kissed me back, god, I just love kissing him.
Tears were streaming down my cheeks as he whispered to me again.
"I want another chance. I promise I'll never hurt you again. I just.."
My mind says no, but my heart says yes.
Should I give this heartbreaker a chance?
"Okay." I sighed in defeat.
I can't blame myself for loving him.
He's my first love after all.
"I'll never let you down." He said, his lips curling into a smile.
"Oh, you definitely shouldn't." I said laughing.
"Shall we go back to the party?"
"Nah, I want to spend time with you." I smiled.
He nudged my arm playfully making me wink.
And then a shooting star came by and crossed the deep, black, empty sky.
"Make a wish!" I cried out, pulling Danny's sleeve.
He closed his eyes and I observed his peaceful state,
I really love Danny. I never stopped loving him.
Oh yeah, I observed his eyelashes are long too, it's too cute!;)
He opened his eyes making me jolt.
"Were you watching me?" He smirked.
"Uh.. no.." I replied, blushing.
"You were."
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you were." He chuckled.
"Whatever, so what did you wish for?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"I wished.. for.. you and me. Together forever." He replied, looking down, playing with his shoes.
I laughed at his shy state, his cheeks turning red.
We decided to lie on the grass which is located in Alexis' backyard.
I'm sure she won't mind...
"AHHH! It's so nice here on the grass." I said, rolling.
He just lied beside me and as I rolled once more, he caught me by the waist making him face me and me near his chest.
We were looking at each other's eyes for maybe, 5 seconds and then his gaze fell on my lips.
I gazed at his', oh, it looks so tempting...
I guess he couldn't help it anymore as he pulled me in giving me a warm kiss.
It took us thirty lip and tongue action before we both pulled away, huffing.
I smiled at him, he smiled at me back, tucking a hair behind my ear.
I lied on his chest and I'm hearing his heart beats.
It was music to my ears.
"Say, what's your life like without me?" I said, cocking an eyebrow at him.
"Terrible." He laughed.
"Oh really? I bet you slept with hundreds of girls without me!" I scowled.
"What about you? I believed you slept with all the guys in the neighborhood." He replied back.
"Not really, just half." I said chuckling.
"So how many boys did you sleep with?" He said, turning to look at me.
"Hmm.. nine..?" I answered, counting with my fingers.
"Errr... three hundred and--"
"Okay, I don't want to hear your answer anymore." I interrupted, covering his mouth.
"But yours is still the best.." He said, blowing my hear, then biting my ear, kissing my neck.
I pushed him away gently, narrowing my eyes on him.
"Nu-uh. You are so not getting sex tonight." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Aw, why not?" He pouted.
"Because I don't want to. Geez, is that the only thing you know how to do?" I growled.
"Sorry babe. You know I love you." He said, playing with my fingers.
It's not that I don't want to! It's just that--
I want him to love me not because I can offer things like my body.
"Yeah yeah, you said that many times.."
"But I really do.." He said, wrapping his arms on my waist.
"I wish we can forever be like this.." I said, smiling.
We were just watching the stars and the moon..
The moon and stars look like as if they're smiling at me, it's like they never shone that way before.. It's like they're so bright tonight.
"Eve, I really love you.. I know I made really bad mistakes and I know it was hard for you to give me another chance so thank you.. I'm really sorry with everything.." He whispered.
Somehow, I believe in him.
I really do..
I know he is sincere, and even if he isn't, I wanted to believe in him.
Because I love him and no matter how hard I try, it's never going to change.
Alexis' POV
I was awakened by the dang sunlight reflecting the window.
I rolled over and fell flat on the floor.
Oh god, never had a hangover this bad before.
I'm still in yesterday's clothes but I don't remember what happened last night,
No sherlock, what happened yesterday?
I don't remember a single thing, I only remembered up to the part where Darren pulled me in my room.
Then everything's a blur.
My head is spinning and I just sat on the floor rubbing my temples.
"Ow.." I muttered to myself.
"ALEXXISSSSS!" I hear someone shout,
Ow! My eardrums!
I took a good look, touching my ears and saw it was just Eve.
"Will you tone down your voice? My head is aching and you are absolutely killing my eardrums!" I growled.
"Wow, look at you! You really had a bad one last night."
"No kidding! Never thought hangovers can be this painful. I feel as if I want to throw up something from the pit of my stomach."
"My first one was like that too."
"Ugh, your voice is piercing my ears!! Why are you here anyway?" I asked, gritting my teeth.
I'm not angry, my headache is just terrible.
"Sorry, just wanted to update you about Danny and I.."
"Oh. Did you give that guy a beating? He deserves one," I said, laughing.
"Not exactly.." She sighed, looking down and playing with her shoes.
"Whadya mean? Oh, I know, you kicked him in the shin, didn't you? That's a good one too.."
"No.. Not even close,"
"Huh? Then what?" I asked, confused.
Surely, after talking to Danny, this girl must have been so pissed.
"Err.. we made up."
Have I heard right?
"I know this is a bad of a hangover but really, I just thought you said you guys made up, tell me I'm wrong." I said, looking at Eve.
She frowned as I waited for her response.
"Well?" I said, eyeing on her impatiently.
"You're not wrong.."
"We made up.."
Is she insane?
Does she want to get hurt all over again?!
"Get out." I muttered.
"Look, Alexis, please.. let me explain.. I really love him--"
"I said get out!!" I interrupted, tears were streaming down my cheeks, my face is red and I am pissed.
"Alexis, I know you wanted me to be happy but I know he is going to change..."
"I said, GET.OUT."
"And who is the one comforting you all night and worrying about you, huh? I can't even think straight seeing your state. I don't want that to happen again and he hurted you once. How can you expect me to believe in him again? Why are you so weak, Eve!? You know he took advantage of you before. How can you still give him another freaking chance?!"
Eve bit her lip before answering,
"Because I love him. When you love someone, you give second chances--"
"I never thought love can make someone so stupid." I interrupted.
"Sometimes, it does.. I'm sorry if you think I'm such a bother, but I appreciate you sticking out for me. Just please.. trust him.."
"I can't, Eve! How can I?!"
"Just do it for me--"
"NO!! Are you freaking crazy?!"
"Please, please, Alexis.."
I sighed in defeat, what if he hurts her again?
"Fine. But I won't let him go next time he hurts you again.."
"Yay! Thank you, Alexis!" Eve said, clapping her hands and hugging me.
"Ow! Now, would you please get out? I'm having a hangover to die for here! Ugh."
"Oh, sorry. By the way, he is downstairs.. if you want to say a few words to him or something.." Eve, letting me go, muttered softly.
"Oh, heck I do." I said, trying to stand up but I fell back again.
Eve assisted me on walking as we walked downstairs.
I saw Danny, standing patiently, leaning on the wall in my crappy living room filled with trash from last night's party.
"I am so not cleaning that today." I groaned.
"You can do it tomorrow." Danny smiled.
"I'm not talking to you, jerk." I hiccuped.
"Sorry, she's still not okay about you and me.." I heard Eve whisper.
"How can I not be? This jerk broke your heart." I said, grinding my teeth.
"You reek of alcohol," Eve laughed.
"Shaddup. It's mainly your faaaault."
Danny just stared at me innocently, I poked his chest and narrowed my eyebrows at him.
"If you ever hurt her again, I promise to break your face into a million pieces, you hear?!" I scowled.
"Y-Yes.." Danny replied.
"Good, now shoo! You two! Get out of my house!" I yelled.
"Okay, thanks A, be out now!" Eve said, kissing my cheek then linking arms with Danny as I watched them exit my house.
I frowned, I hope Eve is making the right decision, I stared at the ground then to the surroundings, it's a good thing I don't have parents because seeing all this they won't be that happy.
As I was to go back upstairs, my knees went wobbly and I was about to fall but someone caught me by my waist.
I opened my eyes slowly only to see it's Darren.
How come I feel as if our faces had been this close before?
Meh, must be my imaginations.
"Okay, I can lift myself up now." I said.
"No, you can't." Darren smirked.
Have I told you he's hot?
Yeah, he is.
"I can!"
"You don't."
"Yes, I do!"
"By the looks of it, you're having a bad hangover and you don't look okay."
Psychic much?
"You are being a bitch,"
"Yes, I am."
"Stop holding me!" I yelled.
"Someone's cranky.." He chuckled.
"I am not."
"Yes, you are."
"Stop it already! Stop that!"
"Stop what?" He asked cheekily.
"You being a bitch. This is my life so please!"
"Nu-uh, can't let my best friend's girl to get hurt, can I now?"
Both of us locked gazes, I swear I really remember something like this but I just can't pinpoint--
"Just let go of me. He won't be happy knowing your hitting on his girlfriend."
"I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"You're holding my waist!"
"I just caught you."
He sighed and threw me on his shoulder as he carried me upstairs and me yelling while beating up his back with my fists.
But really, my fists are the one in pain here.
"Put me down!!!" I shrieked.
"Geez, be quiet." He growled.
I quickly shut up, I don't know if it's his voice or something that makes me obedient.
He carried me up to my room... really remembering something about this..
He plopped me on my bed and he smiled.
"See? It isn't so bad if you quiet down for a few minutes." He laughed.
"I am so not falling in love with you." I scowled.
"Oh really?" He said, raising one brow.
Well, someone's thick-faced.
"Of course! I've got a nice boyfriend!"
"Hmmm, that's true, but considering what we did last night.. you don't look like you're not interested in me.." He sexily smirked.
Last night?
What did we do?
I really don't remember a freaking thing!
"W-What happened last night..?" I asked.
"You don't remember? That's such a shame.. I enjoyed it too, you're welcome." He winked.
"What? What do you mean? What are you saying? What happened last night?"
"Oh, you know..." He said, inching towards me our faces close to each other.
This guy is scary.
Okay, I was drunk, this guy could've done something to me that I don't really know of.
"What did you do to me last night?"
"Oh, you enjoyed it you know, you were saying, Oh Darren! More!" He laughed.
My eyes widened,
Is this all true?
Does that mean we--
"Oh, I don't know," He said, still smirking and playing with my hair.
This guy..
"Tell me!" I pleaded, grabbing his shirt.
His cheeks turned a bit pink and he looked away.
"I was just joking.."
"You are?" I said, my face brightening up.
I smiled, sighing in relief as I let go of his shirt and plopped on the bed.
"Thank God, I knew we wouldn't do something like that. I know you wouldn't attempt to do anything wrong because Carson trusts you. I know you're not such a bad guy anyways." I said, smiling.
He seems.. uneasy?
"I got to go now, I'll clean up downstairs.." He said, rushing to the door.
"Oh yeah, Darren.." I said, jumping from my bed walking towards him.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him.
I can feel his big arms wrap around my small body.
He held it in such a way he is protecting me as if I am fragile.
His cologne lingers on my nose and I pulled away smiling.
"Thanks Darren."
He smiled faintly and closed the door.
Darren isn't so bad after all?
I'm happy he isn't trying to do anything bad to me but a part of me feels sad he didn't.
Am I alright?
I took a shower, my hangover's still there but I guess it lessened a bit,
I got out of the shower, changing into my comfy pair of gray jogging pants and white T-shirt.
I tied my hair into a messy bun and went downstairs to help Darren clean up.
When I went downstairs, I saw Darren patiently picking up smashed glass pieces and other items.
"Hey Darren," I smiled, running towards him.
"What are you doing here? You have a hangover, right?"
"Err, yeah, but it's about gone now so I'm here to help clean up." I smiled.
"You don't have to." Darren replied, turning away.
I crossed my arms on my chest then pulled his sleeve.
"Why not?"
"You might mess things up." Darren chuckled.
"I won't." I said, pouting.
"You will."
"You are so mean!" I said, sticking out my tongue and getting the broom.
I started to clean up the wrappers and other things, oh yeah, the place is filled with so many ladies' underwears and things like that, making it more gross.
I hear Darren chuckle and I turned to him as I saw him picking a piece of bra from the floor.
"Hey, look at this!" He said, squishing the cups.
"You perv!" I shouted.
"You should really have a bigger chest, you know." He said, laughing.
I blushed, turning to him and putting my arms on my waist.
"Excuse me?"
"I mean, look at this thing! (holds the bra) I bet this is from a twelve year old, by looking at the Hello Kitty design but I mean, it's definitely bigger than your bra, I bet. And you're sixteen." Darren ridiculed.
"Well, pardon me but I suppose I have a bigger bum than that girl owning that." I said in defense.
"I doubt..." I heard him snicker.
"What was that?" I shouted angrily.
We continued on cleaning the place when Darren yelped.
"What happened?" I asked, dropping my broom and rushing towards him.
He gazed at me and I looked at him, it seems like one of the broken glasses he picked up, cut him.
"It's alright.." He mumbled, pulling away but I grab hold of him.
"Let me see!"
He turned to me as he showed me my bleeding finger.
"Wait here, I'll get the first aid kit.." I said, trying to go upstairs.
"Don't." He said, pulling me towards him.
"Why? You're hurt.."
"It's okay, it's just a cut."
"But.. we need to sterilize it and clean it and then wrap it to stop the bleeding.."
I started to cry because I'm scared of blood.
I'm scared of seeing it.
He faced me, smiling, and pecked me on my neck.
I flushed and he smiled,
"You should probably get the first aid before I run out of blood here."
"Oh, right! You wait!" I said, sprinting upstairs.
I rummaged through my first aid kit and finally found it.
I kissed it and ran back downstairs.
Darren is still there, sitting on his position, but his hair looks messy, and his eyes were a shade of a darker black.
Am I hallucinating or he looks.. different?
"I'm back." I said, going towards him.
I saw him sucking the blood from his finger and then turned to me.
"Why are you.. sucking the blood from your finger..?" I asked.
It honestly looks sexy..
"It's painful. You were too slow."
I quickly took some cotton and poured medicine on it, I gently pressed the cotton on his finger making him wince in pain.
After cleaning his wound, I wrapped it around a clean band-aid.
"Voila! That looks better." I smiled.
"Thanks.." He smiled back.
"Sure, no problem."
He was about to clean again and pick up more glass pieces but I stopped him.
"Don't! You're wounded!"
"It's just a small cut, don't overreact."
"No! I have a broom, I can sweep the glass, don't move! Don't you dare pick up anything!"
He nodded his head and I continues to sweep but then I feel as if someone's watching my every move.
I turned to look at Darren who is smirking.
"Were you checking me out?" I scowled.
"Huh? I can't?"
"You can't! You perv."
"Aw, that's too bad, I even thought you got a big bum there."
I blushed like crazy and rolled my eyes,
"You like me checking you out, do you?" He smirked again.
"I can see through you."
"You don't. And I don't like you checking me out!" I scoffed.
"But you're blushing," He said, laughing.
"That's because you are making me embarrassed!" I shrieked.
"Wooops, sorry babe," Darren winked.
I rolled my eyes and didn't mind him afterwards.
After a few tiring minutes, I finished cleaning up and threw the wastes inside the garbage can.
I was busy washing my hands when suddenly, someone wrapped their arms around my waist.
I turned to see Darren.
"What are you doing?" I asked, raising one brow.
"Kiss me."
"What?" I scoffed.
"Kiss, me."
"Why should I?" I asked back.
And then he tickled me.
"AHUHUHUHU! AHAHAHAHA! HIHIHIHI! Darren!! STOPP!!" I said, facing him and laughing my ass off.
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