《This Isn't Mongolia》Chapter one, Mongolia !!!


Amy and Ty were so happy, married one year and on there Anniversary Amy gave Ty the best gift ever, he was going to be a father. Amy knew it was quicker than they had planned but Nature tends to throw a curve ball in the mix sometimes. They were both happy and the family bar one were happy for them.

Tim was happy for his daughter but was hoping she'd of married the Prince, now he wished that Amy and Ty would of waited longer, Amy told him that they were happy even though they hadn't planned to get pregnant quite so soon, Lou reminded him that she was Pregnant about the same time from when her and Peter got married so had no reason to say what he did, then threw a handful of mash at his face which hit dead centre then she went out to the Kitchen giggling to herself.

Everyone burst out Laughing and true to Tim's nature he rose and left without a word.

Over the next couple of months Amy's business grew to a comfortable size and she picked the ones she could and could not work with, Georgie helped whenever she could due to Amy being pregnant.

There was a lot of news coverage about the plight of the wildlife in Mongolia due to Hunters and the main problem was that of the Gobi Bears coming close to extinction.

Bob at the wildlife reserve was more than angry about it and asked Ty to go out there with him, Ty said that he felt the same way but his wife was pregnant with there first child and he needs to be here for her.

Georgie saw Ty in the office and asked him if he'd heard about it, Ty said he had but there was nothing that he could do about it as Amy needs him here especially as it's there First child together and Amy's first pregnancy.


Over the next couple of weeks Bob wouldn't let up about Mongolia and the bears which was really getting to Ty as he wanted to help but was unsure how his Wife would react now she was 4 months pregnant.

Of course Amy knew about it after Ty had left the Laptop open on the page of the Vets without Borders, when Georgie came in and saw it.

"Oh, good Ty told you then about going to Mongolia ".

"Err, No Georgie Ty hasn't said anything to me".

Err , oh ,erm , sorry ".

"Whens he going Georgie??"

"Oh, he's not, he told Bob he wasn't going to leave you while your Pregnant ".

"So why ask me if he's still going Georgie".

"Because he really wants to go ".

Amy thought about it hard, she didn't want him to go with her being pregnant but was she being fair to him after all the time and hard work he put in to become a Vet.

Amy decided to have a chat to Ty tonight about it after dinner.

Lou had invited them to dinner and Amy asked Lou to have a word with Georgie to not say Anything at all about Mongolia as there Dad would no doubt turn up for dinner as usual and her and Ty needed to talk about things.

It was time for dinner and everyone was sat except for Tim at the moment. Georgie started immediately "So Ty are you going".

"Weren't you asked not to talk about a certain topic" Amy said giving Georgie a stern look.

"Sorry", "Georgie, you must learn to keep your mouth shut, you have caused many upsets for Ty and Amy because you dont think before you start talking." Lou said giving Georgie the mother look . Just then Tim walks in as bold as brass,"Sorry I'm Late"


Jack looks at him "How can you be late for something you weren't even invited to Tim."

Tim ignored Jack as usual and moaned how there wasnt much food left for a decent plate full, everyone ignored him like always.

Georgie was itching to ask more questions and Ty and Amy noticed so quickly finished there dinner and excused themselves thanking Lou for a wonderful meal. Lou looked at Georgie shaking her head side to side saying N0.

Amy and Ty went to bed when they got back, both were exhausted but Amy knew Ty was off till lunch time tomorrow and asked him if they could go for a walk and chat about things in the morning, "Of course we can Amy."

"Nite, love you" "Love you to sweetheart " They said to each other with a gentle kiss.

Meanwhile back at the house Tim had picked up on Georgie's enthusiasm to try and talk about something that nobody wanted to talk about.

"So Georgie, what's got you all fired up and nobody seems interested in what you have say. ".

"Oh its okay , probably wont happen anyway". "You still have Homework to Finish young Lady, before bedtime".

Lou said trying to get her out the way.

"Oh let her speak Lou" "No Dad , as her mother I want her to get her homework done and Finished, now go please Georgie ".

" Okayyyy".

Georgie said goodnight to everyone and went to bed..

"So what's going on Lou". Tim says.

" Nothing that concerns you or me or anyone else, as it's none of our business Dad and Georgie needs to learn to mind her own business and keep her nose out.".

In the morning after breakfast Amy and Ty go for a ride so she can talk to him about this situation with Mongolia.

Lou's in the Kitchen when Tim pulls up outside the Barn and walks in and up to the Loft which of course is empty.

Lou then sees him walking towards the Ranch House, "Ohh Great" , Tim walks in "Hi Lou,Where's Ty and Amy the Loft is empty".

"Well if the Loft is empty then It means there out Dad. ".


"How would I know Dad, there a Married Couple who have there own Life to lead and what they decide and do is there business, you have to stop interfering Dad, Amy's already told me if you continue to interfere in her marriage she will leave Heartland".

"But I just want to help her".

"Just be there if she needs you, stop babying her Dad, they have to learn to cope with the good and the bad, leave them alone and stop being like Georgie ".

"Ahhh I see what that was about now.".

Amy and Ty get to there favourite place ,"Let's go over there and talk Ty".

To be continued

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