《This Isn't Mongolia》Chapter two,


Amy and Ty sat and Amy asked what was going on with Mongolia and why he hadn't said anything to her about it. Ty just sat there so Amy decided to start talking.

"Georgie said you were to go which is news to me, were expecting our first child Ty, it's really bad timing but I need you here with me, if I wasn't pregnant I would tell you to go because you've always supported me 100% but now is a bad time. I'm sorry I seem needy but this is as new for me as it is for you. I dont want something to happen to you and be left alone to be a single mother Ty. ".

"Nothing is going to happen Amy, and I know it's bad timing but I feel strongly about this and I need to be there to help".

"I understand that Ty, I do. But you can't say for certain that a poacher or Hunter isn't going to shoot you if you get in there way, you say you feel strongly about it, well I'm sorry to ask this but how Strongly do you feel about being here for me and our baby and be here to help Ty. Are those bears more important than us, Bob can still go and I'm sure there will be other vets there to help too. You can go after I've had our baby, think about it Ty then You decide what means more to you. I going home".

Amy got up and got on Spartan probably for the last time as she will have to stop riding soon and headed home.

Sometimes she wondered if he was actually happy to be a father or was he getting cold feet now he was a Vet and realized he could do so much more if he wasn't married or expecting a baby.

Amy got back to Heartland and put Spartan out to pasture, then she walked over to the house, walked in past Lou to her old room and closed the door.


After a while Lou could hear Sobbing coming from Amy's room so went to see if she needed her big sister.

"Amy, can I come in. "Yeah" hey what's wrong " lou says sitting on the bed by her.


"What's he done".

"He needs to think about whether Me and the Baby are more important than some Bears in Mongolia".

"WHAT, What the hell is wrong with him ".

"I think that now he's a qualified Vet he's thinking of all the things he could be doing if he wasn't married or had a baby on the way. He could be famous and getting praise for what he does.".

"Amy, do you think he's Jealous of all the things you can do".

"I don't know Lou, he said that it's all the things I do that made him fall in love with me, so how could he be Jealous of what he loves me for Lou, I don't understand it. Look here's the Texts he and I sent to each other.".

Amy passes over her phone to Lou, and Lou reads them. When she looks up completely gobsmacked by Tys actions she see's Amy's asleep so takes her phone with her to show Grampa.

Lou explains what's happened and passes him the phone asking him to read the text messages.

"What the hell is he thinking Lou, his wife is pregnant and he's going to leave to save some bears, they probably wouldn't even miss him there'll be lots of Vets out there helping. You think he wishes he was single again now he's a qualified vet".

"That's what Amy's thinking. She also told him that she was worried incase something happened to him and she was left alone, he said that nothing was going to happen to him, but Amy said that he cant quarantee that, what if a hunter shot him because he got in the way. She asked him who was more important to him, her and the baby or some bears that are going to get help whether he is there or not."


" And,, what did he say Lou".

"He said he was going to go to Caleb's for a couple of days to think ".

"WHAT..... Calebs the worst person to talk to".

Ty was at Caleb's and they'd been talking and having a few beers and Caleb was saying that Amy didn't want him to be famous like her and he could be the one who was famous for saving loads of animals, he'd be away like on the rodeo for 2 or 3 months and come home to Amy hugging him saying how proud she was of him. Ty's mind was wondering imagination was off the scale. He phoned Bob and told him to set the meet up for the morning.

He drove home about 3am and found the Loft empty, so packed his bags and left after writing a letter to Amy to say he wasn't ready to settle down like he thought he was at Pike River, but still loved her, if that was any consellation. By 2PM he and bob were in the air on there way to Mongolia.

Amy got up about 3PM after a very rough night.

"Amy, would you like me to go and get you some fresh clothes". "Would you mind Lou". "Of course not Amy".

Lou went up to the Loft and couldn't believe what she saw. Ty's draws were half open and his clothes gone. There was a hastily letter written to Amy and she read it. "OMG, this is going to break her heart, the little bastard.".

Lou sent him a text calling him a Coward for abandoning his wife and Baby as well as a few other things. He will get that when the plane lands in Europe on the layover. She got Amy's clothes and the letter then went back to the house.

Lou walked in and took the clothes to Amy's old room for her then came back to get a coffee and sit between Amy and Jack, I found a letter in the Loft Amy and your not going to like it, I'm so sorry.

Lou gave Amy the letter.

"So he didn't have the guts to speak to me and tell me himself, what a coward ".

Amy read the letter and Jack saw her eyes filling up when she slammed it down and ran to her room locking the door. "Read it Grampa, I have."

Jack read the letter and Lou could see him getting redder in the face with anger at Ty as he thought he was better than that. "This is crap, this is all Bob and Caleb getting in his head".

"That's what I was thinking Grampa".

Ty and Bob's plane landed at Paris before the last part of the journey, they'd been in the air for hours.

Ty turned his phone on and got a text from Lou, did he want to read it. Yeah, he needed too. After he read her text he felt terrible what he was doing, he was the one who kept chasing Amy and never thought about anything else apart from working together and starting there own business. He should of thought more about what he wanted, Amy told him what she wanted and asked him at Pike River what he wanted but he just sat there, then she walked away. He should of thought about what he wanted after he graduated, he could of let her go at Pike river so he could pursue what he wanted to do.

To be continued

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