《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 13


August 1st, 2006. Since the night Dr. Loomis let Michael and (First Name) sleep in the same room, the two became closer as friends, which... unnerved the psychiatrist. A few days ago, Michael lost his temper with her and took out his frustrations on (First Name). Fortunately, (First Name) was not terribly beaten up as her arms and legs were the only parts bruised, but he was flabbergasted by how upset she was with him for locking Michael up in solitary for his harmful actions. He was beginning to regret letting the two have a "sleepover".

It was free time for Michael and he had nothing to do but stare out the window while waiting for (First Name) to be finished with art therapy. Dr. Loomis had decided that the two should minimize their time together as he believed it would slowly cause a drift in their friendship. The goal was for Michael to lose interest in (First Name), but forcing the two to keep distance at times perked his interest in her and desired to infuriate his psychiatrist by becoming closer to (First Name).

Michael side-glanced down at the ground when he heard the familiar sneaking footsteps of (First Name). He decided to let her "scare" him, that was her goal as per usual, but she failed every time. But this time, instead of hearing "Boo!", he felt her arms wrap around from behind and chirped, "Hi, Michael!" She immediately released him and walked around to stand in front of him with her hands behind her back. She smiled brightly at him which caused an abundance of emotion that bounced around in his brain and all throughout his body. "I have a surprise for you. Hold your hand out with your eyes closed." The 8-year-old told him excitedly. Michael blankly stared at her before he cautiously closed his and held his nondominant wrist out to her.

With his eyes closed, he felt (First Name) tie something around his wrist, the sensation of beads and string rubbing against his skin made him snap his eyes open. When she saw his dark gaze, she frowned at him. "I didn't tell you to open your eyes, but you might as well look at your gift." She mumbled before giving him a half-smile as she waited for his reaction to the gift. He looked away from her to his wrist and lightly flicked his wrist side to side to get a better look at his new bracelet. It was a simple handmade bracelet with split-colored beads. The first half of the colors were black with red swirls and the other half was solid (Favorite Color).

She lifted up her wrist and said, "I made us matching friendship bracelets. I remember when we were passing notes, you told me you liked the color black. I chose the ones with red swirls because you seem to... like to bloody people up and really like to look at their blood. And the (Favorite Color) beads are my favorite color!" After her explanation, Michael stared at the bracelet. Unmoving, almost as the same day when (First Name) gave him the drawing for his birthday. However, his expression looked dark and it made (First Name) believe that he didn't like the gift at all.


"I-I can take it back if you don't like-" She sadly spoke before she was interrupted by Michael from putting his hand over her mouth. Michael grabbed her wrist that had the friendship bracelet and lightly flicked her wrist side to side to look at it. "It's the same... I promise." She mumbled, her voice low and confused. He moved his hand from her wrist to her hand and interlocked their fingers together. (First Name) blinked before she gave a small smile, "I'm relieved that you like it. It seemed like you didn't really like it, but I guess I was wrong." She told him before averting her gaze and frowned at someone.

Michael looked over his shoulder to see who she was frowning at and saw Tripp being bullied by one of the new boys who were the same age as (First Name) and Michael. She loosened her hand to go walk to Tripp to help de-escalate the situation, but Michael tightened his grip on her hand and glared at her. She glared back at him and decided that if he was going to hold onto her hand, he was coming with her. (First Name) tugged him up from the chair and tried to drag him over to Tripp and the bully, but Michael fought back by pulling her back. From how hard he pulled her, he caused her to fall onto the ground onto her knees.

"Hey, what are you doing to her?!" A nurse shouted as she came rushing to their side. "I fell on accident. It's not a big deal." (First Name) mumbled as she stood back up with no help from Michael, despite the fact he was still holding onto her hand. "It didn't look like that to me." (First Name) narrowed her eyes at the nurse and questioned, "If you saw what happened, then why haven't you done anything about the bully that is harassing Tripp?" The nurses' anger faltered to nervousness from being called out by a child. "I-" She tried to stammer a response, but (First Name) interrupted her, "Stop talking to us and go stop the bully!" (First Name) snapped with a stomp of her foot.

The nurse, for some reason, hesitated to leave their side and went to deal with the bully. (First Name) glared at the nurse the entire time until the bully was forced out of the area before she placed her attention on Michael. "Michael, I have told you, you're not my only friend and Tripp needed my help." The said male kept his scowl on his face as he burned his anger into her eyes. She became uncomfortable by his stare and averted her eyes from him to their interlocked hands.

(First Name) kept thinking about her uncle's words about Michael and how he doesn't truly care for her since all he does is hurt her. He did hurt her just a moment ago and she can admit that she doesn't like it when he takes his anger out on her or hurts her because she isn't following his orders. However, when he's calm, she enjoys spending every second with her best friend. She especially enjoys their letter swapping. It shocked her at first when Michael handed her a letter before they had to go to their rooms and in the letter, he told her he would appreciate it if they could swap letters every night before they went to their rooms. She kept it a secret from Dr. Loomis as she believed he would somehow interfere.


Michael squeezed her hand to get her attention, but she continued to stare at their hands as she was lost in thought. He tilted his head when he saw her eyes begin to water. He patted her head with his free hand which made her look up at him. She sighed as she grabbed his hand that was patting her and forced him to stop. "You're not making me feel better." (First Name) grumbled unhappily. He tugged his hand out of her grip and grabbed her hair painfully instead of patting her. She cried out in pain and the nurse ran to them. Without even questioning what was happening, Michael was injected with a sedative and pulled away from (First Name).

August 25th, 2006. Since the incident of Michael pulling (First Name)'s hair, Dr. Loomis had decided that was the last straw and Michael was no longer allowed to be near (First Name). Dr. Loomis moved her to a different section of the ward where the nurses would sleep if they had to stay at work for more than 24 hours. However, Dr. Loomis' decision made his, the nurses, and the guards' lives much more difficult when it came to Michael.

"Did Michael give you that scratch on your face, uncle?" (First Name) asked as she pointed to his face. He touched where the scratch was and told her, "It's nothing really, he caught me off guard is all. He was in an extremely bad mood, more than any other day." (First Name) frowned at his answer and asked him, "When are you going to let Michael and I see each other again?" Dr. Loomis frowned at her question and cleared his throat to change the subject. "Have you been sleeping well?" He asked as he looked at his clipboard.

It upset her that her uncle refused to give her an answer when it came to her seeing Michael. Her eyes began to tear up as she cried to him, "Bad because I miss Michael." It hurt Dr. Loomis to see his niece miss such an evil boy. No matter how many times he tells her that the way Michael views her is how her parents viewed her, an object they could manipulate and take all their anger out on. Despite Michael's anger and abuse, she still viewed Michael as her best friend and has mentioned to her uncle a few times that she did miss her parents.

Dr. Loomis pushed the tissue box towards her and opened his mouth to speak, but a nurse burst through the doors with a panicked expression on her face. "D-Dr. Loomis, Michael has attacked another person." The said psychiatrist heavily sighed as he stood up from his seat and turned his head to (First Name), "Follow me, (First Name). You need to see the type of person Michael is." (First Name) frowned at her uncle and got up from her seat to follow him. He doesn't understand Michael like I do. He... can't control his anger and takes it out on everyone around him. But, Michael isn't a bad person. (First Name) thought as she stared at the ground while they walked to the cafeteria.

They made it to the cafeteria and saw a huge crowd circling around something or someone. The crowd was cheering and chanting, "Fight, fight, fight!" Dr. Loomis whipped his head to the nurse and snarled at her, "Why has no one stopped him?! Where are the other nurses and guards?!" "W-We're completely understaffed, sir! Multiple people are out because of their injuries from Michael!" Loomis cursed under his breath as they rushed to the crowd and pushed through it.

Once they made it to the center, they watched Michael push down one of the male teenage patients onto the ground and sat on top of him to sock him in the face repeatedly. (First Name) eyes widened in horror and gasped as she covered her mouth. Michael was also covered in bruises which meant that the bully was fighting back. T-There has to be a reason- Her thought process stopped when she saw a (Favorite Color) bead on the ground. Her eyes averted from the bead to his wrist and saw that the bracelet was gone and in his hand, he held a plastic spoon. With a plastic spoon in his hand, he stuck it in the boy's eye and began to move it around to scoop his eye out. The boy's pained shrill screams scared (First Name) so much that she had to cover her ears. "Michael, please stop!"

The sound of (First Name)'s voice caused Michael to freeze and turned his head to see the terrified girl. While he was distracted, both Loomis and the nurse tackled Michael and sedated him. "No!" She shouted as she tried to run towards him, but Loomis stopped her. "What are you doing, (First Name)?! Has your mind not changed after seeing how violent he is?!" (Eye Color) eyes filled with anger as she shouted, "H-He was probably being harrassed and fought that patient! You just don't understand him!"

Loomis ordered the nurse to escort (First Name) back to her room while she took the boys to solitary. (First Name) began to resent her uncle as she followed the nurse. After they left, Loomis interrogated the children and teenagers to get an explanation of how the fight began. Some couldn't give an answer as they didn't see how it happened, but the ones who witnessed it from start to end told him that the older boy was messing with Michael first, but Michael was the one who initiated the fight because the bully broke his bracelet. Dr. Loomis knew what bracelet they were talking about as he had seen both (First Name) and Michael wear the same bracelet. Loomis became extremely frustrated about the situation as he now didn't know if he should bring (First Name) back into Michael's life or if he should rush her treatment to get her back into society.

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