《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 14
A groan left the young woman's lips as she awoke from her groggy slumber. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes and recognized her surroundings. Since she was awake, the pain had decided to kick in and she whimpered as she removed the blanket that was on her and saw her whole entire foot bandaged. Fuck me...
She looked down to see if there was something for her to use to get down from the bed. Looks like I'll have to be careful getting down. I don't really know if I should trust the couch when it's in bed form right now. (First Name) carefully slid out of bed and used her uninjured foot to support herself coming down onto the couch. She quietly gasped when the couch began to wobble, but she quickly collected herself and carefully collapsed onto the sofa sleeper. She sat up and got off it to search for the first-aid kit. The way Michael bandaged her foot was making her uncomfortable and wanted to renew the bandages.
(First Name) limped to the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat and grabbed the kit as it was sitting on the sink. She cut the bandages off and looked at her foot to see how it was. She frowned at the sight of the bruising and swelling on her pinky toe, but her ankle didn't look too bad. She re-bandaged her foot properly and looked through the kit for some medicine. Tylenol. I would rather have Ibuprofen, but this will do. She thought when she found the pain relief bottle. (First Name) wobbled up and crossed her fingers in hope of a water bottle being in the mini-fridge. Fortunately, there was a bottle in there along with some snacks. She beamed at the items and grabbed them before she collapsed onto the couch.
After taking the medicine and finished her snacks, she scooted off the couch and onto the chair connected to the wall. She scooted to the window and brought her face as close as she could to look through the tint. It's still pretty dark so I can't really see much. She thought with a sigh and was about to get up to go back into bed, but she noticed the RV started to slow down. Might as well stay down here since he's most likely coming inside or we're both going outside.
Not long after, Michael parked in a secluded area and entered the RV to check on (First Name). He already knew she was awake from the amount of noise she had made, so it made things easier for him as he didn't have to wake her up or drag her out of bed. He watched her slide out of the booth and pushed herself up with a slight wobble as she didn't want to add any pressure to her foot. He stepped out of the RV and bent his knees a bit for her to climb onto his back. He heard her sigh before climbing into his back.
The two traveled towards the rest stop and Michael froze when he saw a few people hovering by the bathrooms and the vending machines. He backed up a bit and turned around to head back to the RV. "You're going to go kill those people, aren't you?" She questioned bitterly. Michael didn't answer her and she added, "I don't need to go to the bathroom. If you don't either, you shouldn't have to kill these innocent people." Michael gave her a light squeeze in response which confused her. What does that mean again? Did we ever make that an answer? "I... I don't know what that means." He gave her three squeezes which meant "okay".
If I am going to ask him things, I really need to remember to make the questions yes or no. "Are we here because you need to use the restroom?" Two squeezes. "Collect food?" Two squeezes. (First Name) tried to think of more answers, but he drew an X symbol which made her wrack through her memories to remember their codes as she only remembered the three basic answers. I think... I think X is "stop". (First Name) furrowed her eyebrows when she realized he was telling her to stop guessing. "I need a review on the codes." She grumbled to herself but was slightly surprised when he answered her with three squeezes.
(First Name) impatiently waited inside the RV while Michael murdered everyone at the rest stop. She really didn't like the idea of him killing a bunch of innocent bystanders and she didn't understand why they stopped if neither of them needed to use the restroom or to receive snacks/drinks. If he wanted to get to the vending machine, he could have just waited for everyone to leave the area for him to sneak around. Her eyes widened when she heard someone banging on the door while crying out, "Is anyone in there?! Please help me!" (First Name) stayed in her spot as she debated if she should help them or not. Morally, she should help them because a person is in need of help, even though she knows who is after them. However, (First Name) was in survivor mode and she figured there would be a punishment if she did try to save the person from Michael. The thought of another broken toe didn't settle right with (First Name).
"Please, please, please! Hel-" (First Name) covered her ears as she didn't want to hear the person gargle on their blood as they died. She uncovered her ears when Michael entered the RV. She held her breath and covered her nose when the scent of iron hit her senses. He tilted his head and tried to reach for her, but she scooted away and quickly spat out an explanation, "You're covered in blood, please don't touch me." Michael obliged and didn't attempt to reach for her again. "Can you- Can you clean up the blood first before I go on your back?" She asked cautiously.
She could see the annoyance in his eyes, but much to his displeasure, he listened to her request and exited the RV to rinse off the blood. After he left, (First Name) was left with her thoughts. Despite her injury and the possible punishment she would receive, all she could think about was escaping. The (Hair Color) haired woman waited for what felt like a minute or two before she got up from the booth and carefully stepped down the steps to slowly open the door. She peeked her head out and didn't see anyone in sight, especially Michael. (First Name) looked down and with wide eyes, she swiftly shut the door back and stumbled back on the steps. She fell down on her butt on the top step with gritted teeth before she forced herself up to open the door again.
The young woman struggled to keep the door open and sighed in relief once she was able to get it to stay. She looked down at the body once more and gulped down the pain she felt in her foot and the bile that threatened to leave her lips before she began to loot. (First Name) didn't enjoy looting a fresh corpse, but she was desperate to find a cell phone. She nervously laughed out of excitement when she found the person's phone. Their phone case was their wallet so she was able to see the person's ID. Princess York. What a, uh, interesting name... I guess. Princess' ID card says she's a blonde, but her dark brown roots said otherwise, with dark blue eyes. In person, she had tan-orange skin. She was also wearing an iTan jacket, so (First Name) didn't question why her tan was the way it was. (Eye Color) eyes averted from the body to the phone. An iPhone 8 Plus. I'll need their fingerprints.
(First Name) grabbed Princess' hand and placed her thumb onto the home button. The phone unlocked much to (First Name)'s delight and she scattered back into the RV. She struggled to close the door, which was becoming a problem for her as she had no idea how much time she had left and she believed if he saw her outside, she would be done for. What is wrong with this door?! How does Michael open it and close it with ease?! (First Name) screamed in her thoughts as she didn't have enough traction on the ground for her to be able to use all her strength on the door. Her eyes widened when she saw a large hand grab the door and helped unstuck it. She whipped her head to see Michael staring down at her. (First Name) tried to hide the phone, but Michael grabbed it out of her hands and roughly pushed her down. She yelped when she tumbled back over the corpse and onto the ground. How many dead bodies am I going to trip over?!
Michael inspected the phone for a moment before he took the phone out of the case and slammed it on the ground. Her jaw dropped when she watched him crush it more with his shoe. There goes my chance at finding out where I am and finding help. She watched him go through the wallet and stole all the money that was in it along with some cards. She assumed one was a debit and the other was a credit card. Once he got what he wanted, he tossed the wallet to the side and opened the passenger door to place the money and cards on the chair.
(First Name) flinched at the sound of the passenger door slamming and cautiously opened her eyes to see a scowling Michael. "I wasn't going to call for help if that's what you think. I only took the phone to find out where we are," She partially lied and then sadly looked at the ground. "Not like they would help me anyway. At the diner, the operator refused to send any help because you killed his sister and he blamed me for it." His eyes relaxed and tilted his head at her before turning around to bend down for her to get on his back. She opened her mouth to reject the idea of heading to the bathrooms, but she decided to bite her tongue as she didn't want to irritate him anymore.
Before she got onto his back, she saw a gas canister on the ground along with a long tube. Oh. That's why we're here. With (First Name) on his back, he picked up the gas canister with the tube and forced (First Name) to hold it. The only way for her to hold it was for her to loop her arms around his neck, which bothered her because she wasn't happy with being so close to him. Once she was holding the items, he stood up and walked towards a minivan. Her eyebrow twitched when an intrusive thought entered her mind, What if there were kids in that van and he slaughtered them? She exhaled through her nose with her eyes shut and her eyebrows furrowed, Let's not think about that. (Eye Color) eyes opened to see they were now standing by the minivan.
Michael let her carefully get off his back and was prepared to walk away from her, but (First Name) grabbed his sleeve. "Uh, what are you doing?" She questioned, her tone coming out a lot snottier than she intended it to be. Michael planned on giving her no response and yanked his sleeve out of her grasp to continue to head towards the bathrooms and vending machines. "Fucking seriously?" (First Name) quietly cursed at him as she stared at the gas canister and tube. Obviously, he wants me to get the gas out, but why me? Why can't he do it?
Some time had passed and she was able to figure out how to get the gas into the container. Michael eventually came into sight with an armful of snacks. From the minivan, she watched him go back and forth with snacks and drinks. At one point, she saw him carry toilet paper. I don't think I've seen him carry any feminine products and I didn't see any inside the RV. She glanced up from the gas canister to see Michael staring at her. Her heart nearly threw itself out of her chest from the scare and accidentally knocked the gas canister over. "Fuck!" She hissed and quickly picked it up with a heavy sigh.
Michael bent down to her level and continued to stare at her. "You scared the shit out of me." She grumbled unhappily as she stared at the gas that covered her fingers. He grabbed her arm and brought her up. He reached down to grab the canister and the tube. Michael walked up to a Ford Escape that was parked three spaces away from them and placed the items where the gas tank was. He walked back to her side to carry her to the car and immediately set her back down. He planned on leaving her side again, but she grabbed his arm and asked him, "Did you grab any feminine products?" His empty stare was the only answer she received. "Y-You do know what feminine products are, right?" She questioned. He grabbed her forearm and squeezed twice.
She rubbed her lips together before she sighed. "Okay, I'm gonna go quick so pay attention, alright?" No response. "Okay, so, once a month, a woman experiences a menstrual cycle and bleeds for 3-7 days. Some of them have multiple periods in one month or their period lasts for multiple months. Fortunately, I have a normal period cycle. During this time, women wear feminine products; pads, tampons, diva cup, period underwear, and I think there are some who just use a cloth." She explained.
The silent male blinked and looked in the distance, lost in thought as she explained what a pad and tampon looked like. Once she was done talking, he looked back at her. He squeezed her forearm three times before he walked away from her. ...I hope he actually understands.
Ugh, another rundown rest stop restroom. She thought bitterly as she saw a rat chilling on the window sill. (First Name) and Michael had finished draining all the cars that were parked in the parking lot. Only two more cars pulled up and Michael dealt with both of them before bringing her to the bathroom to wash her hands.
(First Name) tried her best to ignore the rat while she washed her hands. She huffed in annoyance when all of the soap dispensers didn't have soap. "Michael? Can you hear me?" (First Name) shouted. From the mirror, she saw the said silent killer enter the bathroom. "There is no soap in here. Is there soap in the men's bathroom?" He lightly nodded his head and picked her up from behind. (Eye Color) eyes widened as she thought she was going to climb onto his back, not be held up with his arms around her waist. This is uncomfortable.
Michael carried her to the men's bathroom and placed her in front of the sink. After he dropped her off, he exited the bathroom without letting her speak to him again. (First Name) pumped the soap dispenser and scrubbed her hands before she rinsed them off. She limped to the air dryer and dried her hands. "I'm done." She shouted loudly enough for Michael to hear. He entered the bathroom and pointed to the stalls. "I told you, I don't need to go to the bathroom." He continued to stay frozen by the door and made it nearly impossible to pass him if she tried to attempt to limp past him. "Ugh, fine!"
Once he confirmed she was inside the stall, he exited the bathroom to give her privacy. After she was done with her business and washed her hands again, Michael re-entered the bathroom to see a scowling (First Name). He smacked her head roughly and she cried out in pain as she tumbled into the wall. He reached for her face to pinch and stretch her cheeks. His nails dug into her cheeks as he stretched her cheeks while she clawed at his wrists. Michael released her left cheek and with a tight grip on her right cheek, he harshly threw her onto the ground.
(First Name) sobbed as she tried to scoot away from him, but he grabbed her injured ankle and dragged her back to him. She tried to protect herself by lifting up her arms in a defensive manner and cried out, "Why are you doing this?!" He grabbed her arms and pulled her up from the ground. She looked up at him in fear as she expected him to do something to hurt her again, but he lifted her up onto his shoulder and carried her out of the bathroom. As he carried her to the "gift shop" side of the rest stop, he listened to her quietly weep and the sound of nature.
Her crying settled down once he arrived in front of a large vending machine. He carefully set her down and spun her around to face the machine. She whimpered in pain from the sudden movement on her foot. (First Name) wiped her tears before she looked at what was available. Earbuds, toothbrush, candy, allergy medicine, pain medicine, but no pads or tampons. She looked over her shoulder and mumbled, "Should've gone to the women's bathroom first to check because there is nothing here." Michael heavily exhaled through his nose before he picked her up to toss her onto his shoulder.
He carried her back to the women's bathroom and fortunately for them, no one had driven up to the rest stop. They entered the bathroom and (First Name) pointed to the dispenser when he set her down. He broke it open and there was nothing in it. She heavily sighed and told him her last idea, "We can try looting the cars. If none of them have what we need, then I'm completely out of ideas." Michael tried to reach for her but she stumbled backward while she looked up at him nervously. "Can you please stop carrying me that way?" She asked politely.
Michael stared at her as he debated if he should let her get her way or not. In the end, he decided to ignore her request and continued to carry her on his shoulder. "This is extremely uncomfortable and you're slightly hurting me." (First Name) complained. He rolled his eyes and continued to head towards the parking lot.
The killer set her by the minivan he first placed her at and tried to open the car, but it refused to open. He lifted up his elbow and smashed it against the window, it shattered from the impaction and caused the alarms to go off. "So annoying." She grumbled as she watched him unlock the van. He opened the driver's door and searched around to see if there was anything of importance before moving to the passenger seat.
(First Name) slid open the backseat door and crawled inside. The floor wasn't that dirty as the minivan was either a rental or it was new, (First Name) wasn't really sure and didn't really care to think about it too much. She crawled onto the seat and looked over the seat to see if there were any bags. When she turned on the light above her; she saw a purse, a black bag, and a cooler.
She reached for the purse first and went through it. She found a wallet and opened it, "Michael, come over here." (First Name) turned around so she could properly sit on the seat. To her left, Michael appeared and she handed him $2000. If I give him anything that looks useful, he might be, hopefully, semi-less of an asshole. Though I can't be too hopeful, this dickwad is too unpredictable. "This person doesn't believe in banks or something because there are no debit or credit cards." (First Name) told him as she continued to go through the wallet. When she didn't find anything of use, she handed it to him for him to go through it.
(First Name) continued to go through the purse and sighed out of frustration when she didn't find a pad or a tampon. All she found was makeup, makeup wipes, toilet wipes, and a taser. She tossed the purse to the side and looked through the black bag. (Eye Color) eyes widened when she saw that it was a game bag. She saw a Switch case, a PS Vita, a 3DS, and a normal Nintendo DS. There were also multiple game cases. She opened the first case and saw it was filled with normal DS games mixed with 3DS games and a few Gameboy games. The next one had PS Vita games, but it didn't have as many games as the other case and the Switch game case was the same as the Vita case.
Michael could see the excitement in her face and he snatched the bag from her hands. Her face faltered when she began to have negative thoughts. "Pl-Please let me keep this bag. I can't get into contact with anyone through any of these systems... except through the internet, but I doubt any of the rest stops are going to have internet so you wouldn't have to worry about that," Her unnecessary comment about the internet made Michael uneasy and tighten his grip on the bag. (First Name) noticed that and quickly added, "Uh, I-I could even teach you how to play games, depending on what the game is at least."
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