《Deleterious (Michael Myers x Reader)》Chapter 12


(Eye Color) eyes tiredly opened to the sight of a white mask in front of her face. She yelped and tried to back away from the mask, but groaned in pain from trying to move too quickly. Michael rolled his eyes and removed her sheets to slide her out of bed. He set her onto the couch and stood straight as he pointed to her ankle. She arched an eyebrow as she looked down at her ankle. She attempted to add pressure by placing her foot down and flinched when she felt a bit of pain. (First Name) pushed herself up and slightly wobbled, but Michael caught her.

"T-Thanks." She mumbled and continued to hold his arms as her legs felt like static. He tilted his head and tried to move his arms away, but she continued to hold onto his arms. "My legs are numb. It's difficult to stand when my legs are asleep." He lightly pushed her down onto the couch and turned around, he crouched onto the ground and grabbed both of her legs. Her eyes widened at the idea of receiving a piggyback ride from a serial killer, but she'd rather not take the chance of pissing him off. (First Name) leaned forward to grab his shoulders and felt him lift her onto his back.

Michael carried her out of the RV and she closed her eyes when she felt the cold wind brush against her skin. Fresh air feels great. She opened her eyes and saw it was nearly pitch black except for the few street lights, though they barely worked as they flickered and the light was dull. What a rundown rest stop. (First Name) thought as Michael walked towards the bathrooms. She strained to look over her shoulder and saw that there were a few cars in the parking lot. "There are people here, you know." She mumbled. He ignored her comment and continued to walk towards the bathrooms. "Does it not unnerve you at the idea of someone seeing you?"

Her eyes widened when she felt Michael squeeze her uninjured leg twice. He remembers. "D-Did you kill them?" (First Name) frowned when she felt him squeeze her leg once. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. He probably killed anyone who was around so he could bring me over here. "Are we swapping cars again?" She asked. Two squeezes. The windows are tinted so he most likely would prefer to try to keep the RV.


When Michael made it to the woman's bathroom, he bent down to let (First Name) down. Her legs no longer felt the annoying static sensation and she looked at the bathroom. "You're not going to follow me in there, r-right?" Michael stared at her with half-lidded eyes instead of giving her a response. She hesitantly lifted up her arm to him, his eyes averted to her arm then back at her. He was frozen for a moment before he grabbed her forearm and squeezed it twice. He released her when she sighed in relief. She entered the woman's bathroom and froze when she saw a homeless junkie pissing in the sink. "Get the hell outta here you stupid cunt!" The woman shrieked at (First Name).

Michael immediately entered the bathroom after hearing the junkie yelling and she turned her anger to him. "You mot-" Before she could finish her sentence, Michael smashed her face against the mirror. (First Name) covered her mouth and stumbled back from shock as she watched him repeatedly bash the woman's face into the shattered mirror. The homeless woman groaned in pain when Michael threw her onto the ground. He grabbed one of the broken shards and hovered over her to grab her by the throat. Right when (First Name) saw him lifting up his arm, she immediately left the bathroom as she knew what Michael was going to do.

She stumbled outside and sat down on one of the benches that were outside. She covered her ears to hide from the shrill screams of the homeless woman as Michael tortured her. She uncovered her ears once she officially heard the screaming die out. She shakily stood up and looked around to see if anyone was rushing over here, but there was no one. (First Name) thinned her lips when she saw Michael's bloody appearance when he exited the bathroom. "Y-You didn't even bother washing off the blood?" He looked down at his hands and walked straight ahead to the men's bathroom.

Michael stopped at the entrance and stared at (First Name). (First Name) furrowed her eyebrows when it seemed like Michael made no plans on moving from his spot. Does he want me to follow him? She limped towards him and she watched him enter the men's bathroom. I guess he does. She could hear Michael washing his hands when she entered the bathroom and stayed by the exit. Michael looked up at the mirror to look at (First Name) and tilted his head when he noticed she didn't plan on entering the stalls.


He dried his hands and turned around to face (First Name). He pointed to the stalls and noticed her flushed expression. She heard him sigh and watched him exit the bathroom, but before he left, he pointed to the stalls again. "Thanks." She mumbled and walked towards the stalls. She used her foot to push open each stall. She nearly retched at the sight and smell of one of the stalls. The last choice was the stall for disabled people, which fortunately was the cleanest out of the rest of the stalls. She placed two toilet seat covers, toilet paper, and then another layer of toilet seat covers before she sat down to use the toilet.

There were loud banging noises outside that made it a tad difficult for (First Name) to comfortably use the bathroom, but she eventually was able to finish her business and scrubbed her hands and cleaned under her nails. She splashed water onto her face and grabbed some paper towels to wipe her face. Ugh, I hate these types of paper towels. They're so rough and don't even dry your hands that well. She thought as tapped her face gently with the paper towel then grabbed more to dry her hands.

(First Name) exited the bathroom and nearly ran into Michael's chest as he was waiting by the entrance. In one hand, there was a water bottle and in the other was a bag of (Chips Brand). He held them out for her and she was startled by the offer. "Um, thanks." She took the items and opened the water first to drink some of it. He pointed to her ankle and (First Name) answered, "I can walk, but I'll be slow." Michael turned around and bent down for her to get on his back. Should have figured that he would be as impatient as he was as a kid.

The young woman hopped into his back and was carried back to the RV. He opened the door and instead of laying her back onto the bed, he set her on the chair to let her eat at the table. Much to her shock, Michael sat on the opposite end of the table as watched her snack. (First Name) felt extremely uncomfortable from being watched so closely and sighed heavily before she placed the bag down and glared at him, "What the hell do you want, Michael? Do you want a chip or something?"

She blinked when she felt Michael grab her leg with the injured ankle and placed it by his side. Something doesn't seem right. Right above her injury, he squeezed twice. It was a tad uncomfortable, but not enough for him to get a reaction out of her. "Is the notebook still in here?" (First Name) asked with a slight attitude. One squeeze. "Then go get it because I demand answers." Two squeezes. The two scowled at each other before (First Name) growled out, "Go. Get. It." Two squeezes again, but he added a painful amount of pressure with each squeeze.

(First Name) slammed her fist against the table as she shouted, "Fuck you, Michael!" She pointed at him accusingly and screamed at him, "Do you expect me to just act like everything is fine and be 'best friends' again after you murdered all my loved ones and kidnapped me?!" The silent killer scowled at her, gave her no response. With his silence, she scoffed at him in disbelief. She believed that Michael did think their friendship would be the same when they were locked up together. "You gotta be fucking kidding me." She mumbled to herself and rubbed her face out of frustration while he removed her shoe and sock.

"You're delusional if you think I am going to treat you the same as when we were kids. I was naive and blinded by your manipulation when I was young, but my uncle helped push me into the right path, and as an adult-" Her eyes widened when she felt her pinky toe snap from Michael breaking it. He was tired of her dumb rant and he didn't like what she was saying. He already knew that their relationship was not the same when they were younger, but that wasn't going to make him kill her off because, in reality, they both know that is what she would want and he doesn't want to give her the satisfaction. Michael kidnapped her for a reason and he planned on keeping her whether she hated him or not.

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