《Mrs Levine 2》𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟


The next morning after we filled everything out, Juliet helped me change into different clothes. My stomach already started going back to normal which surprised me.

Juliet holds my hands and I try to stand up and my legs feel weak. Doctor Ryan said I should get back to normal with my walking soon if I keep taking little walks.

"Are you able to walk?" She asks and I nod and bend my knees a little and straighten them again.

"I think so." I say and Juliet nods and she lifts olive out of the crib and carefully puts her into the baby car seat and picks it up and holds her hand out and I take it and we start walking out of the hospital.


We get in home and I smile. I have never been happier to be in my own house.

"Is she still sleeping?" I ask Juliet and she nods. Juliet helps me walk up the stairs and we go to the nursery. Juliet puts the baby car seat in the couch chair in the nursery.

She unbuckles olive and picks her up and walks over to olives crib and puts her down. We both stand there smiling.

"We're moms." I say trying to believe it. I look to Juliet and she smiles at me and I lean over and kiss her.

"I love you." I say and she looks me in my eyes.

"I love you too." She says.


Later that night I couldn't help but go to the nursery and sit down on the couch in there holding olive. I never want to put her down.

"What are you doing here? I woke up and you were gone." Juliet whispers and rubs her eyes.

"I came in to make sure she's okay." I say and Juliet laughs.

"Come back to bed soon." She says and I nod.

I rub olives cheek gently, her eyes flutter and open but she doesn't cry. She looks up at me.

"Hello princess." I whisper. I lean down and kiss her head. Her eyes close slowly again and my smile widens. I loved her from the moment I saw her, even if she was covered in blood she looked so small and delicate but so adorable. Of course I'm excited to start my own family, but I'm also scared. I'm scared I'll do something wrong and hurt my baby, I'm scared I'll say something wrong when she's older and she'll feel that she can't rely on me. I'm scared something could happen to her.


Olive starts crying and I snap out of my day dreaming.

"Oh no. What's wrong baby." I whisper and rub her cheek and she doesn't stop crying and my hearts start racing, what do I do.

"Hey shush shush shush." I whisper and smile at her trying to calm her down but she doesn't calm down.

Juliet walks in and I look at her with a panicked looked.

"I don't know how to make her stop crying." I say and Juliet smiles rubbing her eyes and she comes over and bends down in front of me and picks olive up.

"I think she wants the boobs Spencer." Juliet smile and I roll my eyes and sit up my heart starting to slow down, I take off my shirt and bra and pick up olive out of Juliet's arms.

"Lucky baby." Juliet says and stands up and I look up at her.

"You are so weird." I say and she shrugs.

"You love it." She kisses my forehead and sits on the arm rest of the chair.

Olive starts falling asleep still drinking.

"She's falling asleep on my boob what do I do?" I ask Juliet and she laughs again.

"Relax." Juliet says and carefully picks up olive and olive cuddles into Juliet and Juliet kisses her forehead before putting her into her crib.

"I couldn't even stop her crying myself, I needed help." I sigh and put on my shirt and stand up.

"Spencer it's okay, we are both new to this. You only had her yesterday, we are both going to make mistakes through out this and you didn't even make a mistake you just froze. If it was me sitting there I would have froze and called you." She says and I nod and we walk out closing the door.

We walk to bed and get in and I snuggle up to Juliet and she wraps her arms around me and kisses my head.


The next day after my family leaves Juliet goes to the kitchen and I stay in the living room, we bought a foldable crib for the living room for olive. I put her in there and start folding the laundry. I put on some music not to loud but so I don't get distracted. I play my Spotify playlist, mostly Lana del Rey, fleetwood Mac and other singers and bands.


Video games comes on and I start humming along. I feel Juliet's hand go around my waist.

I turn my head and look at her.

"Are you listening to Lana without me?" She asks and I smile.

"Maybe." I say and she gasps.

"How could you?" She says and starts moving my waist side to side.

"I thought you were busy in the kitchen." I say and she hums and rests her chin on my shoulder rocking us side to side. I put my hands over hers and then turn in her arms. She leans back and looks at me and I lean up and kiss her.

I hear the door open and roll my eyes and huff. Juliet laughs and let's go of me. Maria walks in and Tatum walks in on her phone as usual. I was surprised to see Nadia behind them.

"Nice house." Nadia says.

"Thank you." I say.

"So you two are coming clubbing next weekend." Maria smiles.

"Eh...I don't think so Maria, I'm breastfeeding and I'm not sure if I can drink. Plus I don't want to leave olive alone for a night, especially since she's so young." I say and she groans and falls back on the couch.

"So you're just going to become a boring mom who doesn't loosen up. You haven't went out in nine months." She says.

"Yeah well I'm a mom now, it's my job to take care of my child." I say and she rolls her eyes and Tatum and Nadia sit down.

"You have her for the rest of your lives, just go out for one night. What about Halloween this year?" She asks and I shrug.

"I'm not going out for it." I say and she leans forward sitting down.

"What? Halloween is our thing Spencer, we go out every year." She says.

"Maria. I am a mom now, me and Juliet are parents. We can't go around acting like kids like always, we can wait till olive grows up a little bit she was just born." I say and she rolls her eyes again.

"I know that you are a mom for god sake, you've been going on about it for the last few months it's become so annoying. I want things back to the way they used to be." Maria stands and I cross my arms.

"Oh I'm sorry, did you want me to just forget and not talk about the fact I was having a child. I don't know why you're acting like a child right now. Things will never be the way they used to be, me and Juliet have a human being to take care of. It's a full time job Maria."

"So you won't ever go out again, will we ever even go to the movies and get kicked out again? What about shopping or will you have to bring your human along too?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I don't want to do any of those things again with the way you're acting." I say.

"It's not like you were going to do them anyway, to busy with your little baby."

"Why are you acting like this? You said you were happy for us and you were being so supportive of it."

"Because! You just had your child and you are already changing more and I don't like it! I want the Spencer I know back." She says.

"Well she's not coming back, I can't run around having fun anymore like always and I don't hate that, I am so happy me and Juliet decided to have a child and I'd do it all again if I had to give up clubbing for what? A year or so. Why can't you just wait?"

"Because I'm done waiting, I'm sorry but I can't do it anymore. Everything is changing and I don't like it." She says and walks out.

"What just happened?" Nadia asks.

"I don't know but she can go fuck herself." I huff and olive starts crying.

"Baby's crying, I'm out." Tatum says and her and Nadia get up and leave. I pick up olive and hold her against me.

"Will I go talk to Maria?" Juliet asks and I shrug.

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