《Mrs Levine 2》𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒


After the shower the doctor helps me back into the hospital bed. Another doctor brings in olives little hospital crib.

"Can I hold her again?" I ask doctor Ryan and she nods.

"Of course she's your baby, you'll have to feed her in the next hour or so. You can do the birth certificate when you're ready. She was born at four forty four am." Doctor says and I smile as she hands me olive carefully.

"Where's Juliet?" Doctor Ryan asks me.

"She's gone to talk to her parents, my mom had to go home for something I'm not sure what."

"So they all left you alone with the baby, joys of being a mother." She says and I laugh and hold olive and rub her cheek gently with my thumb.

"The best part is seeing the mothers hold the baby for the first time, their smiles always make my day so much better." She says and I nod.

"I can't believe she's real, that i have a child." I say and Doctor Ryan smiles.

"Wait for the three am crying and then you'll believe you have a child." We both laugh.

"Olive is a beautiful name, what's her full name?" She asks.

"Olive rose Levine, she will go by olive Levine tho." I say and she nods.

Juliet walks back in with a teddy and flowers and Maria and Tatum run in like kids.

"That's not a baby." Tatum point to Doctor Ryan and Doctor Ryan laughs and stands up and smiles and nods at me before walking out.

"Oh my god!" Maria shouts.

"Maria be quiet." Juliet says and I laugh.

"I'm going to rob her." Tatum says and I roll my eyes smiling.

"How much did it hurt out of ten?" Maria asks.


"Eleven." I say and her eyes widen.

"I'm never having kids." Maria says.

"I think we should give them alone time with the baby." Tatum says and pulls Maria away and I laugh watching them go and they close the door.

"We have a baby." I smile up at Juliet and she smiles and sits down besides my legs.

"Yes we do. Spencer I'm so proud of you, you were so strong throughout all of this. You are incredible my love sometimes it's hard to believe you're real." She says and I smile and sit up and kiss her.

"She's so adorable, I can't believe she's ours." I say and she smiles and rubs olives head gently.

"I can't believe it either, I can't believe she's even real." Juliet says.

"You need to get some sleep soon." Juliet says and puts my hair behind my ear.

"I know, I've got to feed her first tho. What if she bites of my nipple eventually, I saw that. Someone's nipple got bit off by their baby." I say and she shakes her head laughing.

"Idiot." She says and i rolls my eyes.

The door opens and I nearly have a heart attack when I see Camila and Gabriel walk in, I thought Gabriel was in rehab.

"Spencer look who came." My mom says and pushes them further in the room.

"Woah, look at you. Spencer rose having a baby." Gabriel laughs, he looks a lot different he's got a beard and he's got bigger, by bigger I mean muscles wise. Camila looks the same as from high school.

"Oh my god she's adorable." Camila says and walks over.

"I'm surprised you two are here." I say.

"I don't think he should be here with the way he is, he smells like straight up weed." Camila laughs awkwardly. I look to Juliet and Juliet stands up.


"Come on buddy, come back when you're not so high." She pats Gabriel on the back and he slaps her hand.

"Hey!" I say.

"He's lucky I can't get out of this bed." I scoff and olive starts crying and Gabriel walks out.

"Oh no, I'm sorry princess." I say and hold her close to me.

"It's good seeing you, if I knew you had no idea I was coming I wouldn't of came. You look great Spencer, I'm happy for you." She smiles and waves.

"Camila thank you. For everything back in high school, I didn't thank you and Gabriel enough for everything you done for me. I hope you the best." I smile and she nods and walks out.

"Ready for the attack of our families?" She says and I nod.

"God I can't wait to go home." I say and Juliet laughs and comes over and kisses my head and then leans down and kisses olives head.

"We will go home as soon as we can." She says and Juliet's parents and her siblings and their children come in and some other aunts and uncles.

"Oh my, she is beautiful." Amy says.

"Can I hold her?" Amy asks and I nod, I honestly wanted everyone to go away except Juliet and olive. I need sleep.

She takes olive and all of them gather around her looking at her and taking photos like she was famous. I rub my eye to wake myself up a bit and Juliet comes over and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry about this, you just gave birth and everyone is coming in and out to look at her. I'll get to go soon." She whispers and kisses my head.

"It's fine, I need to feed her soon tho." I say and Juliet nods.


A while later Juliet's family leaves and Juliet holds olive, my mom called my family and told them to come tomorrow instead because I'm tired.

"Did you feed baby olive yet?" Doctor Ryan comes in and I shake my head.

"I can feed her now, do I just take off my gown and let her do her thing?" I laugh and she nods.

"Yes, I'll leave you two alone to do it. Get some rest and we will bring you something to eat soon." Doctor Ryan smiles and walks out.

Juliet helps me to take off my gown and I sit on the bed holding olive and she starts to do her thing.

Juliet sits beside me and puts her chin on my shoulder and I smile and look at her before kissing her nose.

"Does it hurt?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No it just feels weird, it just feels like she's pulling." I say and she nods.

"I can't wait to go home, when can we go home?" I ask her.

"Soon my love, we still have to do some paperwork like her birth certificate." She says and I nod and when I blink my eyes feel heavy because I'm so tired. Olive looks up at me and I smile at her and she pulls back and I rub her cheek with the back of my finger gently.

"I love her." I say smiling and Juliet laughs.

"Of course you do, I do too. I'll put her back in her crib and you get some sleep, you've been awake all night and all today." Juliet says and I nod and lay down.

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