《Mrs Levine 2》𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒


Spencer was handling olive crying so I went after Maria. I know Maria won't go far, she will go off in a huff and come back sooner or later.

I walk outside and her car was still there but she wasn't, I start walking down the street and say her sitting on the path playing with a few rocks. I walk over and sit down beside her. She was crying. I don't say anything but sit back leaning on my palms.

"What do you want Juliet?" She asks and rests her chin on her knees.

"You to tell me what's wrong." I say and sit up turning to face her.

"You know I don't like change, I know you two are so happy about having a baby or whatever but you two are gonna forget me eventually. I am so happy for you two, I really am and I shouldn't have said some of the things I said but I miss the way we used to always go out. I know she just had the baby but it's been like this since the start of the pregnancy, it's all you two talk about. You two are gonna stop contacting me, it's always me to text first or go to your place anyway. You will forget everything about our friendship, you two are my best friends Tatum too but you two are my family and I know it's weird to say especially after...you know what but I love you two so much." She sniffles and I sit closer to her and wrap my hands around her.

"Of course this are going to change and it's scary, but me and Spencer won't ever forget you. Maria you are our best friend too, I'm sorry it's always you to text first. I promise you we will do something for Halloween, Spencer will be iffy about it but I'll get her on board. Olive was just born, we are both being careful. Everything is so new for us and I'm honestly terrified but I don't show my fear to Spencer so she doesn't panic, most of the time she sees through me anyway but a child is a big responsibility and Spencer does want to do anything wrong, you know the way she is. The way she wants to win at everything and she wants to be right and wants to do everything perfect most of the time." I say and she laughs.


"Promise me you won't leave and forget me." She holds up her pinky and I smile.

"I promise you." I say and hold my pinky up.

"Do you want to go back and talk to Spencer?" I ask her and she shrugs.

"She's scary sometimes, especially when she gets mad. What if she bites my head off?" Maria says and I laugh.

"Trust me, I know now come on." I stand up and help her up and we walk back to the house.

Maria walks in first and I walk in behind her and Spencer looks over and looks away.

"Sorry." Maria mumbles and Spencer looks at her and looks away and then faces her and start playing with the end of her shirt awkwardly. Oh my god their like eight year olds apologising after fighting over something like a toy. I wanted to laugh but I keep it together.

"Hm?" Spencer says and scratches her head and looks at Maria who's drops her hand to her side.

"I said I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that and I'm really happy for you." She mutters again and Spencer shrugs.

"I'm sorry too-" Spencer gets caught off by Maria wrapping her in a hug.

"Sorry, I hate arguing and this felt needed." Maria says and Spencer smiles.


Maria leaves and I go to the kitchen and make a curry, Spencer's favourite. I mix the curry around on the pan and then stir the rice to make sure it doesn't stick to the pot.

"How about I finish here and you change olives dirty diaper?" Spencer comes over and goes between me and the frying pan, she looks up at me and pouts and I roll my eyes and smile.

"Fine." I say and she smiles and turns around and I slap her ass and she jumps and I laugh. I walk to the living room and walk over to olives crib and pick her up.

"You're lucky you're cute, you stink little one." I say and walk up to the nursery. I put olive down on the changing table and unbutton her onesie and take off her diaper.


I clean her and change her diaper then kiss her cheek.

"All clean." I say and pick her up and walk back down stairs with her. I sit down on the couch with her and puts her down on my lap and she puts her legs up in the air and I laugh. I stick my tongue out at her and cross my eyes and she looks at me.

I rub her cheek gently, her skin is so soft. Her eyes start closing and I smile even more. She's so adorable it makes me want to cry.

I look up and Spencer was leaning back against the wall smiling.

"Have you just been standing there stalking us?" I smile and she rolls her eyes and leans off the wall and comes over sitting next to me.

"I came to tell you dinner was ready but the smile on your face made me speechless." She says and fixes the sleeves of olives onesie.

"How are you feeling after giving birth and coming home and stuff?" I ask her.

"I'm great, I feel normal. Nothings hurting or anything I can walk fine I guess my legs still feel a bit weird but down there feels normal." She says.

"Down there? That's what you call it." I laugh.

"Shut up." She stands up. I lift olive up into my arms and put her back in the crib. I walk to the kitchen and Spencer was sat at the island on her phone.

I walk over and sit next to her and start eating my dinner and take out my own phone scrolling on instagram.

"Who's that?" Spencer takes my phone, it's a photo of a few of my friends from high school in bikinis, wife's not gonna be happy about this one.

"My friends." I say and lean my elbow on the island and watch her amused and then lean over to see what she's doing and she clicked into her profile and clicked into our messages.

"You sent her hearts?"

"She congratulated us Spencer, did you want me to send sculls?" I ask and she huffs and I watch as she starts looking at other photos I liked and I smile and bite my lip holding back a laugh.

"You like all girls bikini pics." She says.

"That's my feed, it's all people in friends with or else celebrities." I say and she looks at me.

"I'm buying bikinis." She stands up and grabs her legs and I grab her arm.

"Love why?" I ask her and she shrugs.

"You seem to love other girls bikinis I'll go buy some." She says and I shake my head and pull her closer to me.

"You don't need bikinis for me to love you, they are people I'm friends with I don't have any attraction towards them. Your body is the only body I want." I say and she looks at me.

"But they are all pretty, I can be pretty in a bikini too."

"You're not pretty you're beautiful and that is still such a understatement, you are perfect. Spencer you always say bad things about yourself but if you even got a glimpse of yourself through my eyes you would never even have a negative thought about yourself, and what's even better is you're even more beautiful on the inside." I say and she kisses me.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I say and play with her hair.

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