《Mrs Levine 2》𝐸𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡


Me and Juliet walk hand in hand into the clinic. Juliet talks to the woman at the front desk.

"Please go wait in the waiting room, you will be called soon." The woman smiles and we nod and thank her and walk to the waiting room. We walk in and I see Jenna from the store and her wife I'm guessing.

"Oh hello." She smiles.

"Hi Jenna." I smile and me and Juliet go over sit beside her and Juliet's hand goes around me. Juliet's jealousy is funny, she gets very jealous sometimes some people hate having jealous partners but I find it funny because she knows I'd never touch off another person.

"It's lovely to see you again, this is my wife Avery." Jenna says and I hold out my hand to Avery.

"It's nice to meet you Avery, I'm Spencer and this is my wife Juliet." I say and she smiles.

"It's good to meet you two." She says and I smile.

"First scan?" Jenna asks me and I nod.

"Yeah." I smile.

"Spencer Levine." A woman looks in the waiting room and me and Juliet stand up.

"It was nice seeing you two again." I smile and Jenna does too and waves.

We walk into a room with the woman and she closes the door.

"If you would just lay down there on your back, you can lift your shirt just above your stomach and we can get started then." She smiles and walks around and sits beside a screen. Juliet stands beside me and I sit back onto the bed like chair. I lift my shirt above my stomach.

"Alright before we start I'd like to go over a few things, your doctor is Linda Ryan right?" She says and I nod.


"Alright, we'll your due date is September thirtieth, Doctor Ryan will talk more about that with the two of you." She says and I nod.

"Yeah okay thank you." I say and she nods and then she puts some gel on my stomach and I jump at the coldness. She rubs it in and picks up the ultrasound probe, she puts it on my stomach and focuses on the screen moving the probe around my stomach. I look at the screen and she stops moving the probe.

"See right there, there's the head and you can see the arms a bit. It almost looks like a hamster doesn't it." The woman smiles Juliet leans over to the screen and smiles.

"Yeah it looks like a hamster." Juliet says and I laugh.

"I'll get the photos now here's a paper towel for the gel." The woman says taking the probe off and handing me a paper towel.

"Thank you."I smile and wipe the gel off of my stomach. I put down my shirt and smile at Juliet.

"We are gonna have a Autumn baby." I say and she laughs. I put the paper towel in the bin and the woman hands is photos of the scan.

"Thank you so much." I say and she nods.

"It's not a problem, congratulations." She smiles and I wave and we walk out.

I stare at the photos and Juliet puts her hands on my shoulders helping me walk.

"We need to post this on instagram." I tell her and she laughs.

"I'm serious, some people still don't know. Everyone will know then." I say and she nods.

"Alright love, you can post it when we show your mom and my parents." She says and I nod.



Me and Juliet get home after going to my moms and her parents, we stopped at the store and bought some things to make an instagram and Facebook post.

We take the photo and post it tagging each other caption being: 💗

We both post it then sit down on the couch, and I put my phone down and put my legs across Juliet's lap. She runs her hand up and down my leg, she puts down her phone and leans over and kisses me.

"How are you feeling?" She asks me and pulls back so she can look at me.

"Fine, I haven't gotten sick yet today. Ugh I don't want to go to work tomorrow." I groan and roll my eyes.

"I thought you liked your job." She says and I put my arm around the back of her neck and look at her.

"I do, I just don't have the energy for work." I say and scoot over closer to her.

"Let's go to bed early tonight then." She says and kisses my nose and leans back still looking at me.

"I don't like going to bed early." I groan and drop my head back.

"But you won't be so tired in the morning my love and you won't be grumpy." She says and I lift my head and look at her.

"Grumpy? What do you mean grumpy?"

"You get mad some mornings because you get up, you throw a literal tantrum spence." She laughs and I take my hands off her.

"You throw tantrums too."

"When have I ever thrown a tantrum?" She laughs and asks and I move my legs off of her and roll my eyes and stand up to walk away and she grabs my arm.

"Are you actually mad?" She asks and I huff.

"You're being a bitch." I say and she laughs and pulls me down on to her lap and I cross my arms and don't look at her.

"Looks like the mood swings are coming." She says and I still don't look at her, she grips my chin and turn my face toward her. I finally look at her.

"Stop being grumpy." She says and threads her finger through mine and lifts my arms up.

"I'm tired." I say and lean my head against her and she drops my arms and wraps hers around me.

"Come on, I'll lift you up to bed." She says and I smile as she lifts me up by my waist, I grab my phone and wrap my legs and arms around her as she lifts me up to our bedroom. She puts me down on the bed.

"Do you want me to change you too?" She asks sarcastically and I nod.

"If you insist." I say and she shakes her head laughing and walks over to the closet and gets me a shirt and shorts.

"Its fine, it's to hot and I'm just gonna end up sleeping naked either way." I say and throw my clothes off and Juliet laughs at me as I crawl under the blanket.

I lift her side of the blanket for her to get in and she shakes her head.

"I'm not tired yet love, you sleep." She says and I frown.

"Can you lay with me until I fall asleep?" I ask and she smiles and crawls into the bed. I smile and move over and rest my arm on her stomach and she wraps her arm around my shoulder.

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